
The United States deployed 100 nuclear weapons in five countries, and the NATO Secretary General threatened China not to aid Russia, and Putin expressed his position

author:Yaoyin is thousands of miles

Recently, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made harsh remarks during his visit to the United States, saying that "if China continues to support Russia's military action, it will have to pay an economic price." ”

How to pay the "economic price"? Stoltenberg further explained that NATO will hold a summit of NATO leaders with Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and other countries to strengthen cooperation among "Indo-Pacific" allies and discuss big plans together!

Over the years, the United States and the West have formed factions at every turn, convened summits, and discussed bullying policies.

The United States and the West are red-eyed, and everything related to Russia wants to be wiped out, especially when China has risen to become a world power.

When did the United States and the West start hyping up the topic of "China is Russia's strongest backup"? If you think about it, you will find that it is the time when Ukraine is losing ground on the battlefield. In the final analysis, the United States and the West cannot afford to lose.

Ukraine is destined to lose this battle unwinnable, but NATO also does not want to lose too ugly. Blaming China, on the one hand, is to make excuses for its own incompetence, and on the other hand, it is really taking the opportunity to suppress China and Russia.

The United States deployed 100 nuclear weapons in five countries, and the NATO Secretary General threatened China not to aid Russia, and Putin expressed his position

In Stoltenberg's view, China has secretly provided Russia with many important technologies, such as semiconductors and other dual-use project support. This has allowed Russia to have an unimaginable speed in the manufacture of weapons.

Not long ago, Biden said that although China does not directly provide weapons to Russia, it is also helping Russia by providing technology.

However, more than half of NATO's member states continue to provide weapons to Ukraine and support Ukraine in dropping missiles into Russian territory.

Isn't it NATO that deliberately arches the fire and constantly expands the war situation?

As for Stoltenberg's claim that "China is fueling the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II", it is even more nonsense. Who started this war? Who expanded the scale of the war? Who keeps cutting leeks around the world by selling weapons?

Now China has just stood up and called for peace and campaigned for an early end to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and has become the target of the United States and the West.

According to Stoltenberg, NATO is now discussing the imposition of sanctions against China. If China wants to maintain relations with Europe, it must not deal with Russia.

The United States deployed 100 nuclear weapons in five countries, and the NATO Secretary General threatened China not to aid Russia, and Putin expressed his position

Stoltenberg must first understand one thing, it is not China that needs Europe, but Europe needs China, and China's strong market is an economic ally that European countries cannot miss. If Stoltenberg wants to sanction China by economic means, European countries may be the first to disagree.

On June 18, Chinese spokesman Lin Jian gave a very brief but rigorous response to Stoltenberg's remarks: "What NATO should do is self-reflection, not arbitrary smear attacks on China!"

As for other warnings, China has said them many times. The Chinese side has also stressed on many occasions that it is China's freedom to associate with whomever it interacts, and the United States and the West have no right to interfere. If it thinks that simply using sanctions and smearing China will work, why should the United States keep stirring up contradictions among other countries?

On the one hand, Stoltenberg has issued a warning to China, and on the other hand, the United States has already taken another shot at Russia.

It is reported that the United States has once again launched secondary sanctions against more than 300 individuals and entities inside and outside Russia, including many Chinese companies, covering software, information technology, military enterprises, etc. The United States has also been planning this sanctions plan for a long time.

The United States has made it clear that this time it is to restrict the "Russian military-industrial base" and cut off all possible ways for Russia to acquire foreign technology.

The United States deployed 100 nuclear weapons in five countries, and the NATO Secretary General threatened China not to aid Russia, and Putin expressed his position

But if large-scale sanctions are imposed on China and Russia, the international economy is bound to be volatile.

Should the United States really calm down and think about it, are sanctions useful?

The United States has launched sanctions for so long, but it has never hurt Russia's vital point, the Russian army still has a steady stream of weapons sent to the front line, and the Russian front line now has 700,000 troops participating in military operations. Compared with Putin, the United States is far behind.

Of course, NATO can also continue to supply weapons to Ukraine, and in fact, NATO has done the same. While Stoltenberg has slammed China, he has also made it public that NATO is discussing the deployment of more nuclear weapons.

The United States and the West are like this, if they can't beat it, they use nuclear weapons to scare people. At present, 100 B61 nuclear bombs of the United States have been deployed in Italy, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

And Putin also issued a warning with confidence: It is not yet time to discuss a nuclear strike directly. At a critical moment, Russia will use nuclear weapons to make the adversary suffer fatal consequences!

As we all know, Putin is a man of action, and it is useless to simply warn the United States and the West, only real deterrence is useful. In the past few days, the Russian naval fleet has already been in Cuba, and the "Kazan" nuclear submarine alone has caused great confusion in the United States.

The United States deployed 100 nuclear weapons in five countries, and the NATO Secretary General threatened China not to aid Russia, and Putin expressed his position

Today, the United States is still putting pressure on Ukraine, claiming that only by defeating Russia can it join NATO.

But for Zelensky, it is even more difficult than climbing to the sky.

At the Ukraine peace summit a few days ago, Zelensky was disappointed and begged in every possible way, Biden did not attend, and the leaders of many countries also left the scene in a hurry, which already shows that the future of Ukraine is uncertain.

As soon as the summit ended, Zelensky turned on his face again and called on China for help.

But if you ask China for help, you have to show some attitude, right? China can contribute to the peace between Russia and Ukraine, but China will not do anything wrong.

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