
Peking University genius Wei Shen was ridiculed: he is 32 years old and has no house or car, and he understands why after careful understanding


Analyze the phenomenon of "Wei Shen".

"Genius is always lonely", this sentence seems to have become some kind of law, pushing those with extraordinary wisdom into a situation of isolation, they may be dominant in a certain field, but they are often labeled as "weird" and "nerd", as if the light of wisdom is destined to be incompatible with the world, recently, Peking University professor Wei Dongyi, known as "Wei Shen" mathematical genius, because of its simple lifestyle and raunchy image has aroused widespread attention and discussion, and even attracted some criticism, So how should we understand the phenomenon of "Wei Shen"? What is the inner world of a genius?

Peking University genius Wei Shen was ridiculed: he is 32 years old and has no house or car, and he understands why after careful understanding

Decode the growth path of "Wei Shen".

Wei Dongyi's road to "becoming a god" began with his amazing talent in mathematics, born in a Kochi family, his father is a university mathematics professor, Wei Dongyi has been immersed in a rich academic atmosphere since he was a child, his sensitivity to numbers, obsession with mathematical problems, seems to be innate, in elementary school, he began to find fun in the world of mathematics, and showed a talent far beyond his peers

Peking University genius Wei Shen was ridiculed: he is 32 years old and has no house or car, and he understands why after careful understanding

After entering junior high school, Wei Dongyi's mathematical talent was further demonstrated, he joined the Olympiad training team of the High School Affiliated to Shandong Normal University in advance, trained with a group of high school students, and quickly emerged, in high school, he was successfully selected for the Mathematical Olympiad National Training Team, and won the gold medal in the International Olympiad with a perfect score, which established his status in the mathematics world in one fell swoop

Peking University genius Wei Shen was ridiculed: he is 32 years old and has no house or car, and he understands why after careful understanding

After entering Peking University, Wei Dongyi continued to cultivate the field of mathematics, and obtained his doctorate degree in only four years, his academic achievements and unique personality charm made him a "legend" in the eyes of students and peers, and the title of "Wei Shen" has become a symbol of his outstanding mathematical talent

Explore the spiritual world of "Wei Shen".

Wei Dongyi's popularity stems from an interview video, in which he carries steamed buns, mineral water bottles in his armpits, his hair is unkempt, and his clothes are plain, which forms a strong contrast with the image of a "university professor" in the public's mind, some people question his lifestyle, some ridicule his raunchyness, and some even associate him with labels such as "nerd" and "weirdo".

Peking University genius Wei Shen was ridiculed: he is 32 years old and has no house or car, and he understands why after careful understanding

These doubts and ridicules just reflect our misunderstanding and prejudice about genius, we are accustomed to judging a person from a secular perspective, but ignoring that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life, Wei Dongyi is obsessed with mathematical research, devotes all his energy to the academic field, and is naturally indifferent to the pursuit of material life, his simplicity and purity, just embodies a spiritual realm that focuses on academics and has no distractions

Peking University genius Wei Shen was ridiculed: he is 32 years old and has no house or car, and he understands why after careful understanding

In fact, in the academic world, it is not uncommon for scholars like Wei Dongyi to devote themselves to academic research without pursuing material comforts, they regard academics as their lives, devote all their enthusiasm to the exploration of knowledge, and material conditions are only external to them

What should we think of "genius"?

The phenomenon of "Wei Shen" has triggered us to rethink the myth that geniuses are not perfect, they are also ordinary people, and they also have their own lifestyles and values, we should respect their choices, understand their purity, and not judge them by secular standards

Peking University genius Wei Shen was ridiculed: he is 32 years old and has no house or car, and he understands why after careful understanding

More importantly, we should draw spiritual strength from "Wei Shen", in today's society, materialistic desires are rampant, impetuous wind prevails, Wei Dongyi's focus and purity in academia is particularly precious, his story reminds us to stick to our original intention, pursue our dreams, not be disturbed by the hustle and bustle of the outside world, and shine in our own field

Peking University genius Wei Shen was ridiculed: he is 32 years old and has no house or car, and he understands why after careful understanding

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