
Doubts are getting louder! Fang Zhouzi picked up Jiang Ping's math score of 53, and Professor Fudan joined in questioning


A reflection on questioning and growth

Overnight, the name Jiang Ping became the center of public opinion, and unlike most people who became famous overnight, she was greeted not by flowers and applause, but by a flood of doubts, all of which stemmed from a report card that was made public

Doubts are getting louder! Fang Zhouzi picked up Jiang Ping's math score of 53, and Professor Fudan joined in questioning

A storm sparked by a transcript

Fang Zhouzi, a well-known anti-counterfeiter, posted a report card purportedly belonging to Jiang Ping on social media, and pointed out that there were serious problems in it, showing that Jiang Ping only scored 83 points in the high school entrance examination mathematics test, which is far from the full score of 150 points, and Fang Zhouzi used this as a basis to question Jiang Ping's excellent results in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, believing that she could not have achieved such an achievement with a weak mathematical foundation, and implied that she had cheated

Doubts are getting louder! Fang Zhouzi picked up Jiang Ping's math score of 53, and Professor Fudan joined in questioning

Fang Zhouzi's questioning quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens, some of whom agreed with Fang Zhouzi's views, believing that Jiang Ping's achievements were doubtful and needed to give a reasonable explanation, while others expressed support for Jiang Ping, believing that it was too arbitrary to deny a person's efforts and talent based on just one report card

The underlying reasons behind the questioning

This storm of public opinion around Jiang Ping actually reflects a common mentality in society: the questioning and distrust of "genius", in people's traditional cognition, "genius" is often innate, they should show extraordinary ability in all aspects, once "genius" shows "ordinary" or even "bad" in some aspects, it will cause people's doubts and denial

Doubts are getting louder! Fang Zhouzi picked up Jiang Ping's math score of 53, and Professor Fudan joined in questioning

Behind this mentality, there is a desire for fairness and a rejection of "shortcuts", people want to see a level playing field, and hope that success is earned through hard work and sweat, rather than relying on talent and luck

The road to growth has not been easy

In real life, everyone's growth trajectory is different, some people may be talented in some areas, but that doesn't mean they are equally good in others, some people may be mediocre when they are young, but over time, they gradually find their way and achieve remarkable achievements in their passions

Doubts are getting louder! Fang Zhouzi picked up Jiang Ping's math score of 53, and Professor Fudan joined in questioning

Jiang Ping's story just confirms this, maybe she did not achieve the desired results in the high school entrance examination for various reasons, but this does not mean that she does not have the talent and potential to learn mathematics

I believe that the power of time gives room for growth

In the face of doubts, what Jiang Ping needs to do is to prove herself with strength and respond to doubts with actions, and we, as bystanders, should look at the problem rationally, not easily deny the efforts of others, and give them full trust and support

Doubts are getting louder! Fang Zhouzi picked up Jiang Ping's math score of 53, and Professor Fudan joined in questioning

I believe that time will give the final answer, and I also believe that Jiang Ping will go further and further on the road in the future

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