
Happy! What happened to the Houthis who sank 22 Filipino crew members on a cargo ship?

author:Reliable noodle r9M

What a happy thing it is, with 22 Filipino crew members in the cargo ship sunk by the Houthis a few days ago?

Happy! What happened to the Houthis who sank 22 Filipino crew members on a cargo ship?

On June 20, local time, Houthis released a video of the sinking of the Greek cargo ship TUTOR not long ago. As we can see from the picture, after the ship was hit, smoke billowed and then flames erupted, and the scene was spectacular.

And it is worth noting that the Houthi drones that carried out this mission also deliberately took these pictures and transmitted them back, which shows that their influence on the Red Sea has once again increased. Not only that, but this also shows that Houthi's intelligence work is still very adequate. If we look closely at the information, we will find that although the cargo ship is of Greek nationality, it is the British side that made the announcement.

Happy! What happened to the Houthis who sank 22 Filipino crew members on a cargo ship?

This should not be a coincidence, if it has nothing to do with the British side, the British side should not be nosy. Moreover, when it released the message, it said that it had "sunk about 66 nautical miles southwest of Hodeidah". If they have nothing to do with each other, how can the British side be so interested that even the location is so clearly stated?

In this way, the Houthis also received information that the cargo ship was from the British background, so it is very likely that the British side deliberately found a foreign ship to do what it wanted to do in order to prevent an attack.

Happy! What happened to the Houthis who sank 22 Filipino crew members on a cargo ship?

Moreover, the British side and the Philippines have always been "sympathetic to each other", and the Philippine side has flattered the British side more than once, so a large part of the crew members this time are also Philippine personnel.

According to relevant media explanations, there were 22 Philippine crew members on it at that time, and after the incident, one person lost contact. Of course, since the ship did not sink right away, but continued to sail some distance. Therefore, the remaining 21 Filipino personnel should have fled in a small boat.

And the one who lost contact should have been directly hit or fell into the sea at the time of the incident, and the possibility of surviving anyway is relatively small.

Happy! What happened to the Houthis who sank 22 Filipino crew members on a cargo ship?

However, when I saw such news, I did not feel any pity, and it was not only because the Philippine side is not doing well with us now. And think about it, what good things can they do with a so-called cargo ship with a British background, is it really just to transport goods? It is also worth mentioning that if it is indeed goods, then what are these "goods"?

If we think about it, we can see that there was a lot of smoke at that time, and it was probably not just caused by the Houthi equipment, right? Is it possible that the cargo ship itself was carrying some explosives, and that the Houthi operation began to cause them to explode together?

Happy! What happened to the Houthis who sank 22 Filipino crew members on a cargo ship?

At the end of the story, in fact, if these 22 crew members were not from the Philippine side, then this matter may not have aroused our great concern, because we seem to be relieved.

To be honest, we are all ordinary people, we can't do big things, and we don't have such a big pattern, we should be happy to see such a thing happen to Philippine personnel, don't care about this or that rhetoric, are you right?

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