
The "old lai" on Ren'ai Jiao: This group of Philippine officers and soldiers live like rats

author:Cocoa with headlines

The "old lai" on Ren'ai Jiao: the survival of Philippine officers and soldiers and the waves in the South China Sea

In the vast expanse of the South China Sea, there is a group of reefs called Ren'ai Jiao, which is not only a treasure trove of marine ecology, but also an inseparable part of China's territory. However, in recent years, a group of uninvited guests have appeared on Ren'ai Jiao - Filipino officers and soldiers. They have occupied this reef for a long time, living like rats, and have been nicknamed "old men" by the international community. This article will delve into the living conditions of this group of officers and soldiers, the political motivations behind them, and their impact on China's sovereignty in the South China Sea, and then explore the deeper issues behind this incident.

1. The "rat life" on a dilapidated warship

The living conditions of the Filipino officers and men on Ren'ai Jiao are unimaginably harsh. They lived on a dilapidated warship called "Sierra Madre". This warship was originally a tank landing ship of the US Navy, and it has been old for more than half a century. Under the long-term exposure to wind and sun and the erosion of seawater, the hull of the warship has been seriously corroded, and holes have appeared in many places, and seawater can easily penetrate into the cabin. Most of the facilities on the warships were also damaged, and the officers and men could only live in extremely poor conditions.

The "old lai" on Ren'ai Jiao: This group of Philippine officers and soldiers live like rats

According to some journalists who have visited Second Thomas Shoal, even the best rooms on the warship are several centimeters of water and smelly of mold. At night, the officers and soldiers also share space with a dozen rats and countless giant cockroaches. In addition, mosquitoes endemic to the South China Sea also visit at any time, posing a threat to the health of officers and soldiers. In such an environment, officers and men not only have to endure physical discomfort, but also face psychological pressure. They often feel lonely and helpless, living in fear and uncertainty.

To make matters worse, their living conditions are also extremely difficult. They often face shortages of food and fresh water due to supply difficulties. In order to survive, the officers and soldiers had to learn from fishermen and drive their own boats to fish. These fish are dried and become their main food source. However, such a source of food was not stable, and the officers and soldiers were often hungry. In addition, the heat on the warship also made them suffer. Under the sun, the temperature in the cabin can reach more than 40 degrees Celsius. The officers and men are working and living in such an environment, and their health is worrisome. Skin diseases, joint diseases, and other diseases are very common among officers and men.

The "old lai" on Ren'ai Jiao: This group of Philippine officers and soldiers live like rats

Second, the political game and interest entanglement behind it

The behavior of Philippine officers and soldiers on Second Thomas Shoal is not a simple matter of survival, but a complex political motive and entanglement of interests behind it. First, the Philippine government tried to assert its sovereignty over the area by sending troops to occupy Second Thomas Shoal. However, from the perspective of history and international law, Ren'ai Jiao is China's inherent territory, and this action of the Philippine government is untenable. They are trying to expand their sphere of influence in the South China Sea by occupying Second Thomas Shoal, and then compete with China for resources in the South China Sea.

Second, the Philippine government has been trying to rely on the support of external forces such as the United States in dealing with the South China Sea issue. By sending officers and soldiers to occupy Chinese territory such as Second Thomas Shoal, the Philippine government is trying to show allies such as the United States that it is "tough" on the South China Sea issue in order to gain more support and assistance. This strategy of "using the United States to contain China" has a certain market in the Philippines, but it has also put the Philippines in an isolated and helpless situation in the international community.

In addition, the Philippine government is also trying to deflect domestic contradictions through the South China Sea issue. In recent years, the Philippines has faced serious economic and social problems at home, and the government has been unable to effectively address them, so it has tried to divert the attention of the domestic population by creating tensions in the South China Sea. While this strategy may be effective in the short term, it will only plunge the Philippines deeper into crisis in the long run.

The "old lai" on Ren'ai Jiao: This group of Philippine officers and soldiers live like rats

3. Impacts and challenges to China's sovereignty in the South China Sea

The actions of Philippine officers and soldiers on Ren'ai Jiao pose a serious threat and challenge to China's sovereignty in the South China Sea. First, their actions undermine peace and stability in the South China Sea. The South China Sea is an important passage connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as an important energy and trade route for neighboring countries. Any act that undermines peace and stability in the South China Sea threatens the security and prosperity of the entire region.

Second, the actions of Philippine officers and soldiers have seriously violated China's territorial sovereignty. Ren'ai Jiao is China's inherent territory, and the Chinese Government has always resolutely upheld national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Chinese government will take necessary measures to counter any violation of China's sovereignty. The actions of Philippine officers and soldiers on Ren'ai Jiao are not only a provocation to China's sovereignty, but also a violation of international law and order.

Finally, the actions of Filipino officers and soldiers have also damaged the international image of the Philippines. They have been nicknamed "old men" by the international community, and this negative label will have a long-term impact on the Philippines' international reputation. The Philippine government should recognize this, stop taking drastic actions on the South China Sea issue, and resolve differences and disputes through dialogue and consultation.

The "old lai" on Ren'ai Jiao: This group of Philippine officers and soldiers live like rats

4. Reflection and prospects

The behavior of Philippine officers and soldiers on Second Thomas Shoal has triggered us to think deeply about the South China Sea issue. The South China Sea issue is a complex geopolitical issue that involves the interests and concerns of many countries. In resolving the South China Sea issue, we should adhere to the principles of peace, stability and cooperation, and find a way to resolve the issue through dialogue and consultation. At the same time, we should also strengthen international cooperation to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

For their part, the Philippine government should recognize the negative impact of its misdeeds in the South China Sea. They should stop taking drastic actions on the South China Sea issue, respect history and facts, and resolve differences and disputes through dialogue and consultation. Only in this way can we create a favorable environment and conditions for the future development of the Philippines.

As far as the Chinese government is concerned, we should continue to uphold the principle of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity and take necessary measures to safeguard the South China Sea

The "old lai" on Ren'ai Jiao: This group of Philippine officers and soldiers live like rats

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