
Unbelievable! In the sixties and seventies, it was difficult for China to have food and clothing, so how could it be that the road was not left behind and the door was not closed at night?


"Cang Liao knows etiquette and knows honor and disgrace when he has enough food and clothing." This old saying is particularly apt when looking back at China in the sixties and seventies. It was an era of extreme material scarcity and people's lives were hard, and the beautiful vision of "no road left behind, no door closed at night" seemed pale and distant in the face of reality.

Unbelievable! In the sixties and seventies, it was difficult for China to have food and clothing, so how could it be that the road was not left behind and the door was not closed at night?

In the sixties and seventies, China was struggling on the road of economic recovery and development. New China, which has just been founded, has a weak foundation. After a long period of war trauma and the double blow of the "Great Leap Forward" and natural disasters, the national economy has fallen into serious difficulties.

In the countryside, in the vast land, farmers work hard, but it is still difficult to harvest enough food. In many families, there are often only coarse grains and wild vegetables on the table, and sweet potatoes have become the main food to satisfy hunger. The children are looking forward to the Chinese New Year, because only then may they be able to eat a slightly hearty meal. Due to the shortage of food, the shadow of hunger looms over every village, and people have to look for food everywhere in order to survive.

Unbelievable! In the sixties and seventies, it was difficult for China to have food and clothing, so how could it be that the road was not left behind and the door was not closed at night?

The situation in the cities is not encouraging. Production at the plant was limited and supplies were tight. People need to rely on various tickets to buy daily necessities, such as food stamps, cloth stamps, and oil stamps...... Each ticket carries the family's expectations and frustrations. Even with a ticket in hand, it can sometimes be difficult to get the items you need. A family of several people is crammed into a small room, with cramped living space and poor conditions.

In such a difficult material environment, "the road is not left behind, and the night is not closed" is more like an unattainable dream. In order to fill their bellies, some people have to resort to extreme measures. Theft is a common occurrence, whether it is crops from rural farmland or public property in cities. In order to protect what little possessions they had, the family always kept their doors and windows closed at night, and even had to add a few locks. Neighbors are no longer as defenseless as they used to be, and they are a little more vigilant and defensive against each other.

Unbelievable! In the sixties and seventies, it was difficult for China to have food and clothing, so how could it be that the road was not left behind and the door was not closed at night?

I remember when I was a child, I lived in an old community. The uncle's family next door managed to save a little food and prepare for the next difficult days. One night, however, the food was gone. The uncle's family fell into despair, and searched everywhere to no avail. Since then, everyone has been extra careful every night, for fear that the same misfortune will befall their own family.

At that time, social security was also facing huge challenges. Although the police strive to maintain order, due to limited resources, it is difficult to completely eradicate illegal and criminal acts. In some remote areas, there have even been gang thefts, which have caused great panic among local residents.

Unbelievable! In the sixties and seventies, it was difficult for China to have food and clothing, so how could it be that the road was not left behind and the door was not closed at night?

In school, teachers often tell us about the importance of ethics and social order. But when the reality of hunger and poverty looms ahead, these teachings seem so powerless. Although children are innocent, they can also feel the hardships and helplessness of life.

However, we can't just see the dark side of that era. In the midst of difficulties, people have maintained the qualities of resilience and kindness. Neighbors will still help each other at critical moments and share precious food or daily necessities. Some people who can afford it will also take the initiative to help those families who are more difficult to get through the difficulties together.

Unbelievable! In the sixties and seventies, it was difficult for China to have food and clothing, so how could it be that the road was not left behind and the door was not closed at night?

The government is also making continuous efforts to improve people's livelihood and promote economic development. Although facing many difficulties, he never gave up the pursuit of a better life. After years of hard work, China has gradually come out of those difficult years, with the economy gradually recovering and the people's living standards gradually improving.

Today, we live in an era of material abundance and social stability. Looking back on the sixties and seventies, we should remember that period of history and cherish the happy life of the present. At the same time, we should also draw lessons from history and understand that only by continuously developing the economy and ensuring the people's basic living needs can we truly realize a beautiful society in which "no road is left unturned and no door is closed at night."

Unbelievable! In the sixties and seventies, it was difficult for China to have food and clothing, so how could it be that the road was not left behind and the door was not closed at night?

We must not forget the past, but also learn from history and work hard to create a more fair, just and harmonious society. Let everyone live in a safe and comfortable environment, and let the light of morality and civilization illuminate our way forward.

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