
Lai Qingde's fate has been decided! China is the strongest helper to come, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait does not need to be done by the mainland

author:Observer's Diary

According to Xinhua news agency, UN Secretary-General spokesman Diaric reiterated that Taiwan is a province of China.

Answering a question at a regular press briefing, Diaric said that the United Nations abides by the relevant resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1971. The position of the United Nations is that Taiwan is a province of China.

Lai Qingde's fate has been decided! China is the strongest helper to come, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait does not need to be done by the mainland

On 25 October 1971, the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758 by an overwhelming majority, deciding to restore all the rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations.

Recognition that the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China are the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations. According to a report by China's Taiwan Network, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council recently held a regular press conference, and Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, presided over the press conference.

A reporter from Shanghai Dragon TV asked a question about the joint sword 2024 military exercise, and the spokesman of the UN Secretary-General said in response to a question from the media a few days ago that according to UN Resolution 2758, Taiwan is a province of China.

Zhu Fenglian said: Taiwan is a province of China, and we highly appreciate the relevant statement made by the United Nations.

The one-China principle is a basic norm governing international relations and a universal consensus of the international community, which is fully reflected and solemnly affirmed by UN General Assembly resolution 2758.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, since Lai Qingde came to power one month ago, he has continuously intensified separatism and confrontation on the issues of internal reform and cross-strait relations, pushing Taiwan into a chaotic and dangerous situation.

Public opinion on the island has appraised his actions with aggressiveness, arrogance, and paranoia, believing that his first-month report card obviously failed.

According to a recent poll released by the pro-green organization Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, Lai Qingde's support has dropped by 9.8 percentage points compared with when he first took office, which is equivalent to losing nearly 2 million supporters in less than a month after taking office.

Lai Qingde's fate has been decided! China is the strongest helper to come, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait does not need to be done by the mainland

Recent news polls also show that less than half of them are satisfied with Lai Qingde's administration.

In the recent survey on the reform of Taiwan's legislature, which has been disturbing one after another, the majority of people still support the reform, and the overwhelming majority of people support the sub-items of the reform provisions.

In other words, the distorted rumors and rumors that the DPP instigated the street movement did not meet with the public opinion, which is also the reason why the DPP's Blue Bird Movement is losing momentum more and more.

If Lai Qingde is elected, after coming to power, instead of uniting the majority, he will take a radical stance and escalate confrontation both internally and externally.

Lai Qingde's fate has been decided! China is the strongest helper to come, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait does not need to be done by the mainland

The United Daily News commented that the Lai Ching-te authorities were in charge of making trouble, leading the confrontation between the government and the opposition in the Taiwan legislature, launching propaganda throughout Taiwan, and plotting for the opposition parties to use the so-called concept of mutual non-subordination to smuggle Taiwan independence, which led to the escalation of the cross-strait confrontation and the realization of which was highly expected by Taiwan's industrial and commercial circles.

The use of nuclear greenery has also been forced to regress by the DPP's anti-nuclear god card, and the Taiwanese people have a lot of insecurity.

How is it possible that Lai Qingde's public support is Gao Lan Yingmin's representative Wang Hongwei also criticized Aiqing's aggressive character on social media, and launched a confrontational struggle against the opposition party after taking office.

The army camp is even more frequent, and it has simply caused Taiwan internal and external troubles, and the people are not at peace, and they are really not qualified leaders of the Taiwan region.

At this juncture, according to Xinhua News Agency, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued an opinion on punishing Taiwan independence diehards for separatism and inciting separatism in accordance with the law, which will come into force on the date of promulgation.

Lai Qingde's fate has been decided! China is the strongest helper to come, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait does not need to be done by the mainland

The opinions are based on the Anti-Secession Law, the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and other legal provisions.

Specific provisions are made on the overall requirements, conviction and sentencing standards, and procedural norms for punishing Taiwan independence diehards, separatism, and inciting separatist crimes in accordance with the law, so as to provide clear guidance for severely punishing separatist acts such as those outside the law for Taiwan independence and seeking independence outside of the law.

As the opinions were put into effect, some people in the Taiwan authorities began to feel restless.

Based on the contents of that important opinion, we can clearly feel that the mainland side has decided not to breathe in any act that obstructs the process of peaceful reunification between the two sides of the strait, but will take resolute and forceful measures to deal with it.

This means that the mainland will no longer maintain a tolerant attitude toward those who try to undermine the peace and stability of cross-strait relations, but will take resolute action to safeguard cross-strait peace and stability.

In accordance with the spirit of the opinions, the mainland will conduct fair trials in accordance with the law against those elements who stubbornly obstruct national reunification and undermine cross-strait peace.

Lai Qingde's fate has been decided! China is the strongest helper to come, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait does not need to be done by the mainland

It is worth noting that there is a criterion for confirming the crimes committed by Taiwan independence elements in the opinions.

It refers to the attempt to promote the Taiwan region to join certain international organizations that are limited to the participation of sovereign states, or to encourage the Taiwan region to conduct various official exchanges with the outside world, and try to create two Chinas in this way, which can be recognized as a crime.

Not long ago, the DPP authorities tried on many occasions to push the Taiwan region to participate in the World Health Organization General Assembly in order to strengthen its presence in the international community and hype up Taiwan independence.

Even if the Taiwan authorities were willing to surrender their own truth and participate as observers, the WHO did not accede to their applications, and even refused to allow reporters sent by the Taiwan region to join the conference for interviews. In the face of the mainland's sudden actions, the United States began to sit still.

Taiwan media recently reported that representatives of the United States and Taiwan held a working meeting on international organizations in Taipei to discuss issues related to the United States' assistance to Taiwan's participation in the United Nations system and other international organizations.

Lai Qingde's fate has been decided! China is the strongest helper to come, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait does not need to be done by the mainland

According to people familiar with the matter, two US deputy assistant secretaries of state attended the meeting and had face-to-face exchanges with Lin Jialong, head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department.

In recent years, the US and Taiwan authorities have colluded on many occasions in an attempt to distort Resolution 2758, with two main purposes: First, it is to make the Taiwan issue false and hollow out the one-China principle, so as to internationalize the Taiwan issue, increase the cost of Chinese mainland, and realize reunification.

Last month, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) launched a large-scale military exercise around Taiwan, in which the navy, land, and air forces conducted joint operations to simulate strikes against targets on the island of Taiwan.

That is, this military exercise not only demonstrated the strong combat effectiveness of the PLA, but also showed that China is fully prepared to carry out a military attack on Taiwan independence forces.

During the exercise, the PLA's Yiyang warship formation approached 22 nautical miles of Pengjiayu in northern Taiwan, and the Navy and coast guard ships entered the waters of Dongying Island, which is only about three nautical miles away from the coastline of Dongying Island.

These actions are not only a warning to the Taiwan authorities, but also a demonstration to the international community of China's firm determination to defend national unity and territorial integrity.

Lai Qingde's fate has been decided! China is the strongest helper to come, and the reunification of the two sides of the strait does not need to be done by the mainland

This year's strategic readjustment of the Chinese armed forces is particularly evident in military deployments, especially in the Taiwan Strait and the waters of Kinmen, and its intensity and depth show that it is firmly pursuing the goal of national reunification.

The mainland has not only strengthened its military presence in the Taiwan Strait, but has also achieved effective control over the waters around Kinmen, clearly conveying its determination to the inalienability of territorial integrity.

In March, Chinese mainland carried out a series of regular enforcement actions around Kinmen's waters, including fisheries supervision and waterway maintenance.

These meticulous measures have been deeply integrated into the lives of local residents and have directly embodied the desire for peaceful reunification and practical actions. These actions are not only a defense of national sovereignty, but also a practical concern for the well-being of the people of Kinmen.

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