
Putin's gift of a car to Kim Jong-un, the friendship between North Korea and Russia has been sublimated, and the brotherhood of life and death behind the arms aid

author:Shell knee 2464
Putin's gift of a car to Kim Jong-un, the friendship between North Korea and Russia has been sublimated, and the brotherhood of life and death behind the arms aid

In this world, there are feelings that are unforgettable, and they transcend the boundaries of language and culture, and even between countries. This kind of affection often shows its most sincere side in the midst of adversity, as we say "adversity sees the truth". On the big stage of international politics, such feelings also exist, and it is not only a diplomatic rhetoric, but also a kind of mutual support and trust that goes deep into the bone marrow.

Putin's gift of a car to Kim Jong-un, the friendship between North Korea and Russia has been sublimated, and the brotherhood of life and death behind the arms aid

The picture comes from the Internet

At 3 a.m. local time on the 19th, when Putin's special plane slowly landed at Pyongyang's Sunan Airport. On this quiet night, Putin's arrival was not an ordinary visit, but a "reunion of comrades-in-arms" full of deep meaning. At the airport, Putin was warmly greeted by Kim Jong-un, and the meeting between the two leaders was like two old friends reunited after a long absence.

Putin's gift of a car to Kim Jong-un, the friendship between North Korea and Russia has been sublimated, and the brotherhood of life and death behind the arms aid

The picture comes from the Internet

After a simple greeting and offering flowers, there was a little "episode" when the two boarded the car: Putin invited Kim Jong-un to share the car with him, and both of them humbly conceded to each other the "main seat" behind the right side of the driver's seat. In the end, Putin accepted Kim Jong-un's repeated invitations, sat on the main seat, and the two arrived at the Jinxiushan State Guest House together. Although this scene was only a simple ceremonial interaction, it revealed the mutual respect and friendship between the leaders of the DPRK and Russia.

Putin's gift of a car to Kim Jong-un, the friendship between North Korea and Russia has been sublimated, and the brotherhood of life and death behind the arms aid

The picture comes from the Internet

The Russian-made Arus limousine also appeared during Kim Jong-un's visit to Russia in September last year. At that time, Putin showed Kim Jong-un his special car, and Kim Jong-un sat on it and tried it, giving it high praise. Then, in February, Kim Jong-un became the first foreign leader to receive a special car for Arus. Russian presidential aide Ushakov disclosed that on June 19, Putin presented Kim Jong-un with a second Arus sedan. This is not only a gift of a luxury car, but also a sublimation of the DPRK-Russia friendship and an important milestone in the relations between the two countries.

Putin's gift of a car to Kim Jong-un, the friendship between North Korea and Russia has been sublimated, and the brotherhood of life and death behind the arms aid

The picture comes from the Internet

Behind this is the close cooperation between the DPRK and Russia in the military field. As an important part of the cooperation between the two countries, arms aid not only strengthens the military strength of both sides, but is also a form of political support and trust. In this world, there are not many countries that can be called "brothers in life and death," and the relations between the DPRK and Russia are precisely such a profound friendship that can stand the test.

Putin's gift of a car to Kim Jong-un, the friendship between North Korea and Russia has been sublimated, and the brotherhood of life and death behind the arms aid

The picture comes from the Internet

We have felt the mutual respect and friendly interaction between the leaders of the DPRK and Russia, and we have also seen the close cooperation between the two countries in the military field. All this is not just a diplomatic means, but also a sincere emotion that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In this world full of uncertainties, the friendship between the DPRK and Russia is like a bright lamp illuminating the future of bilateral relations. In this complex world, such friendships are particularly precious. #头条创作挑战赛##国际合作##朝俄友谊全面开花会带来哪些影响##国际友谊至上##战略合作#

Putin's gift of a car to Kim Jong-un, the friendship between North Korea and Russia has been sublimated, and the brotherhood of life and death behind the arms aid