
Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

author:Shell knee 2464
Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

Do you think you can eat those bright and dazzling "plums" in neighborhoods, parks, and roads? Beware of expert warnings: although the red leaf plum fruit is beautiful, it is not a good food!

Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

In many corners of the city, the rows of brightly colored "fruit trees" have become a beautiful scenery every season. Their leaves are in full swing and their fruits are abundant, as if they are a delicacy given by nature. However, you know what? It is a beautiful ornamental tree, but it may be potentially risky when it comes to eating.

Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

Prunus redifolia, also known as Prunus purple, belongs to the genus Prunus in the Rosaceae family and is known for its purple leaves. It is native to southwestern Asia and the Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang, China, and is now widely cultivated in many cities in China. Purple-leaved plum is light-loving, hardy, adaptable, and has relatively loose soil requirements, but is more suitable for growing in fertile, well-drained soil. In addition to its gorgeous appearance, the purple leaf plum also has a certain resistance to air pollution. In urban greening, red leaf plum is often used to decorate the environment and enhance the appearance of urban greening because of the unique beauty of its perennial purple-red leaves. Especially in March and April every year, the red leaves and plum flowers are in full bloom, like brilliant clouds, adding a bit of poetry to the city's spring.

Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

In early June, the fruits of the red leaves begin to ripen. The fruit is about the size of a pigeon's egg, with a smooth and round surface and an attractive red color. At first glance, does this fruit look like the plums we usually eat? Indeed, from the point of view of plant attributes, the fruit of the red leaf plum is not much different from the plum in our usual concept.

Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

It is important to remind everyone that although the red leaf plum fruits planted in residential areas, parks, and roadsides look bright on the outside, they are actually not suitable for direct consumption. Since they are not bred specifically for consumption, their taste and nutritional value cannot be compared to edible plums on the market. In addition, the soil and air in these places are often polluted, resulting in the fruit of the red leaf plum fruit may contain substances that are harmful to the human body. If you accidentally eat the red leaf plum fruit in these places, it may cause diarrhea, vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms, especially when it is not ripe, the red leaf plum fruit contains a lot of tannin and organic acids, and people with a weak spleen and stomach will hurt the spleen and stomach after eating. In severe cases, it can even cause harm to health.

Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

During the ripening process, the fruit of the red leaf plum may attract a variety of insects and small animals, and these organisms may leave pathogens or parasites on the fruit, which can pose a health threat if these untreated fruits are accidentally consumed.

Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

So, what if you really like the appearance of the red leaf plum fruit and want to appreciate its beauty, but don't want to risk eating it? Don't worry, here's a tip for everyone. When the plum fruit is ripe, you can choose a green space or orchard away from the source of pollution, and enjoy the fun of picking. This not only satisfies the visual enjoyment, but also ensures food safety and health.

Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!

As an ornamental plant, the red leaf plum plays an important role in urban greening, but we also remind everyone to recognize and distinguish between different kinds of fruits, especially those that grow in polluted areas. Don't neglect your health because of your cravings! #头条创作挑战赛##绿化植物##美食陷阱##如何避免食用被污染的食物?#

Note! There are a lot of them on the street, don't pick them, don't eat them, be careful of poisoning!