
The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

author:Delicious World Rld207

Is the problem of dry mouth in the kitchen?

53-year-old Sister Liu is an experienced chef, in her eyes, a plate of delicious dishes, umami is indispensable, therefore, chicken essence has become an indispensable condiment in her kitchen, in the past three years, Sister Liu often feels dry mouth, and even occasionally dizzy, under the wife of her wife, she came to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

The "culprit" turned out to be a frequent guest in the kitchen

After a series of examinations, the doctor inquired about Sister Liu's daily eating habits, and when she learned that she preferred to use chicken essence when cooking, the doctor found the root cause of the problem, it turned out that long-term excessive intake of ingredients such as sodium glutamate in chicken essence is likely to cause Sister Liu to have these uncomfortable symptoms

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

Essence of chicken, as a common freshness enhancer, its main ingredients include sodium glutamate, sodium inosinate, sodium guanylate, etc., these ingredients can work synergistically to significantly enhance the umami of food, so it is favored by chefs and families, everything has two sides, and essence of chicken is no exception

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

Excessive intake of monosodium glutamate may cause "monosodium glutamate syndrome", with headaches, palpitations, nausea and other symptoms, in order to improve the taste and prolong the shelf life, a large amount of salt is often added to chicken essence, which undoubtedly increases the risk of high salt intake

The health hazards behind umami

In addition to the risk of "monosodium glutamate syndrome" and high salt intake, long-term consumption of large amounts of chicken bouillon may also bring other health risks

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

Monosodium glutamate in chicken bouillon can overstimulate appetite and lead to excessive calorie intake, thereby increasing the risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

Some auxiliary ingredients in chicken bouillon, such as starch, sugars and spices, also need to be noted, starch and sugar can affect blood sugar levels, for diabetics need to be used with caution, while spices may trigger allergic reactions, for people with spice allergies, you need to read the ingredient list carefully when using chicken bouillon

Embrace health and explore a new world of deliciousness

The pursuit of deliciousness and the pursuit of health are not incompatible, and in daily cooking, we can try to enhance the umami of dishes in a healthier way and reduce the dependence on chicken bouillon

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

Nature is rich in natural umami ingredients, such as seafood, mushrooms, soy products, etc., which are rich in umami substances themselves, which can cook delicious dishes without too much seasoning, and can also make clever use of natural spices and herbs, such as ginger, garlic, green onions, coriander, basil, etc., which not only add flavor to dishes but also have a variety of health benefits

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

When choosing condiments, it is advisable to choose low-salt or no-salt products, control your sugar intake, and also try natural sweetening alternatives such as honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, etc

Vinegar is also a healthy condiment, different types of vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar, red wine vinegar, rice vinegar, etc., can play a role in enhancing the taste, removing the smell, and preserving, enriching the taste and nutritional value of the dish


Essence of chicken, as a condiment, is not wrong in itself, the key lies in how we use it, and we should also pay attention to health while enjoying delicious food, and choose a healthier lifestyle in order to truly have a good life

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

What are your thoughts on the use of essence of chicken? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and experiences!

The 53-year-old eldest sister loves to put chicken essence when cooking, and when she went for a physical examination after 3 years, the doctor wondered: how do you usually eat it?

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