
Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate

author:Clever white

In the scorching summer heat, air conditioning, audio-visual equipment and sweet watermelon are the treasures of the world, all of which have the effect of cooling and relieving the heat. However, it is not easy to choose a watermelon with a great taste. Here's a detailed look at how to make the most of your taste buds and enjoy your summer days!

Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate
Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate
Watermelons with a well-proportioned shape are sweeter
Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate

When choosing a good variety of watermelon, we must pay attention to the symmetry of its appearance. If the shape of the melon is abnormal or distorted, it may indicate that the melon has been affected by external factors during the growth process, which will cause the internal quality and taste to be out of balance. Therefore, choosing a watermelon with a beautiful shape is especially important to select the best quality fruit.

Texture is an important indicator of maturity

First of all, it is important to pay attention to the texture of the watermelon skin, which is a key indicator of fruit ripeness. The sparse texture means that melons and fruits get comprehensive nutrition and an ideal environment during the growth process, and the taste is sweeter; If the lines are dense, the results can vary greatly. Therefore, if you choose a clear texture and a wide one, you can easily identify high-quality melons and fruits.

Watermelons with smooth skin are fresher
Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate
Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate

After examining the skin of the watermelon, if it is smooth to the touch and has no spots, it can be inferred that it is still in a fresh state; On the other hand, if there are heterogeneous spots or blemishes on the surface, it is very likely that the quality will be damaged due to the invasion of pests and diseases. Therefore, it is important to choose products with smooth and flawless skin during the purchase process. This is a key element in identifying high-quality fruits.

The secret of the melon navel and the guati

Preference is given to melons with smooth skin, clear texture, significant depressions and deeper depths than other parts, which can obtain sufficient nutrients during the cultivation process, making them more mature, resulting in more tempting and delicious dishes. In contrast, melon seeds with a slightly raised and smooth surface may not be fully ripe and have a slightly inferior taste. In addition, if you find that the melon is dry or even yellow or black, you can judge that the melon has been left for too long, which may lead to a decrease in moisture and freshness, affecting the eating experience. Therefore, it is easy to obtain high-quality melons and fruits by choosing varieties with a slender and deep navel and a melon that maintains vitality.

Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate
The mystery of the sound of percussion

The key to identifying a good watermelon is to listen carefully to its timbre. Tap the skin of the watermelon, if you can hear a deep and rhythmic "bang" sound, it means that the melon is ripe; On the contrary, if the sound is clear as the beating "dangdang", it means that the melon is not fully ripe, the flesh is firm, and the sweetness is slightly lower. In addition, if there is a low "pop" sound, it may indicate that the melon is overripe, and the inside may have deteriorated, and the taste will be greatly reduced. Therefore, skillful use of this method can help you choose the best quality watermelon.

Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate
Weight is also key
Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate

When evaluating the quality of watermelon, the weight factor should be emphasized. Generally speaking, melons with high ripeness are more weighty, not only because of the abundance of fruit, but also because of the abundance of moisture. Watermelons that are of poor quality or have lost too much water may have a poor taste. Therefore, choosing the right weight of watermelon is an effective way to identify its quality.

Learn about the varieties of watermelon
Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate

When buying cantaloupe, you should not only focus on the surface, but also have an in-depth understanding of its origin and variety. The unique cantaloupe varieties in various regions are commendable in terms of quality and taste. For example, the "Black Beauty" cantaloupe has strong growth, stable yield, excellent stress resistance, and is not prone to fruit cracking. The fruit of this cantaloupe is oblong in shape and has a dark black skin with hidden lines. It takes only about 60 days from planting to fruiting, and it has a fresh taste and significant benefits. Secondly, "Zaojia 8424" cantaloupe is an early-maturing variety, which takes about 28 to 45 days from pollination to maturity, with moderate growth and high fruit setting rate. The fruit is round, with narrow dark green stripes on the green skin, which is beautiful and delicious, and the red flesh is crisp and tender, with a sweetness of up to 11-12 degrees. Finally, the "pure sweet king" cantaloupe is also quite popular and belongs to the unicorn melon category. The authentic sweet king is short oval, crisp and sweet in taste, the central sugar content is about 14 degrees, the weight of a single melon is about 8-12 kg, the skin is thin and easy to crack, which is easy to store and transport.

Save the tips for cutting watermelon

After cutting, it is tightly wrapped with plastic wrap to effectively isolate the outside air, delay water loss, and ensure that the sweet taste of watermelon lasts for a long time. When you taste it, you will be greeted by a fresh and delicious taste.

Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate
Is watermelon sweet or not? Look at this to know that the method of fruit farmers is super effective, and one pick is accurate

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