
"Singer" ranking shuffle: Tan Weiwei No. 1! Naying is third, Huang Xuan is at the bottom, and Lucia is in the first round

author:Snow Snow Watching Ball
"Singer" ranking shuffle: Tan Weiwei No. 1! Naying is third, Huang Xuan is at the bottom, and Lucia is in the first round

"Singer 2024", as a music competition program that has been hotly discussed on social media, has become a hot topic in the current variety show industry with its full-open microphone real singing mode and international guest lineup.

"Singer 2024" has attracted the attention of a large number of audiences because of its new open-mic real singing mode. The phenomenon of swiping charts began to appear on social media, and the audience spread the word, making the show quickly popular. Traditional music competition shows often make people feel a bit stereotypical, but "Singer 2024" is popular for its way of truly showing the strength of singers, standing out in the highly competitive variety show market.

Netizens have been discussing the new model of this show on social platforms. Someone said: "Finally, there is a show that does not rely on post-production to pull scores, the real strength competition is the meaning of watching the show." Others are worried: "The open mic mode can easily lead to singers making mistakes, after all, not everyone can afford the pressure on stage." ”

The international lineup of guests on the show has also become a hot topic. Netizens are looking forward to the joining of international stars such as Chantimo and Fanxia, believing that this will not only add to the international style of the show, but also bring about the collision of global music. One fan excitedly commented, "Seeing these international superstars come and see us go on the international stage!" However, there are also some viewers who are worried about the cultural integration of the show: "I hope that the excellence of local singers will not be ignored because of internationalization." ”

"Singer" ranking shuffle: Tan Weiwei No. 1! Naying is third, Huang Xuan is at the bottom, and Lucia is in the first round

However, the format design of "Singer 2024" has caused a lot of controversy. The phenomenon of posting and rushing to the list frequently appeared, which made the fairness of the competition questioned by netizens. Some netizens sighed: "Looking at the situation of rushing to the charts, I'm really afraid that the final result is not determined by musical strength." And some viewers expressed dissatisfaction with the show's scripted competition system: "The ranking of each issue is too obvious, and there is no suspense at all, which makes people lose the motivation to watch it." ”

The reaction of the program production team also became a topic. Some people wondered how they responded to the negative comments: "Will the production team take the suggestions of netizens and improve the way the game is played?" Some people also speculated with concern: "It may be for the sake of ratings that these seemingly unreasonable designs will be there." ”

In the 8th episode of "Singer 2024", the ultimate list competition system was introduced, and the competitive gameplay of fill-in singers and top-ranking singers was innovatively established, bringing new highlights and expectations to the audience. In this episode of the program, the performance of singers such as Sun Nan and Lucia is particularly prominent, and their challenges and performances have not only attracted widespread attention, but also aroused heated discussions and expectations from the audience.

Huang Xuan's performances such as "Close To You" and Na Ying's "Night of a Star" showed a wonderful personal charm in the 8th program, presenting a high-level music feast for the audience. These performances not only made the audience feel the deep affection and power of music, but also made them look forward to more similar performances in the next shows.

"Singer" ranking shuffle: Tan Weiwei No. 1! Naying is third, Huang Xuan is at the bottom, and Lucia is in the first round

However, Lucia's performance in this episode of the show became an important turning point. Although her appearance was highly anticipated, she suffered a failure on stage, which deeply affected the audience's expectations and evaluation of the future development of the show. An audience member said on social media: "Lucia's previous strength was expected, but this performance was a little disappointing." This response reflects the audience's high expectations and strict judgment on the quality of each episode of the show.

Tan Weiwei's performance in this episode of the show has also attracted much attention and praise. With her wonderful performance of the original song "Orchid Flowers", she demonstrated her diverse musical style and talented strength, and became a highlight and topic focus in the show. An audience member wrote in the comments: "Tan Weiwei's performance this time is really shocking, and her music creation talent is admirable. ”

Overall, the 8th episode of "Singer 2024" has successfully attracted the audience's attention and enthusiastic participation through the ultimate list competition system and diversified singer performances. Whether it is the stable performance of veteran singers such as Huang Xuan and Na Ying, or the challenges and attempts of emerging forces such as Lucia, they all show the courage and innovative spirit of the show in exploration and experimentation. However, Lucia's mistake also reminded the program team of the importance of contestant preparation and stage arrangement, and hopes to see more singers show their true strength and charm on this stage in the future.

Some netizens have various opinions and discussions on the performances and contestant evaluations in the show. Some people think: "This is actually too much value for Vancia, her performance is really good, but whether she is the first depends on the follow-up performance." Others paid attention to the similarity of Tan Weiwei's songs: "After listening to Tan Weiwei's song, it does feel quite similar to one of her previous songs, will this affect the judges' scores?" Some netizens expressed concern about the situation of Yuan Yawei and Huang Xuan: "Their performance in this round may not be outstanding enough, but the elimination is a little too early for them." ”

"Singer" ranking shuffle: Tan Weiwei No. 1! Naying is third, Huang Xuan is at the bottom, and Lucia is in the first round

On social media, there has been a lot of buzz about Fancia being number one. One fan said: "Fancia's strength really can't be underestimated, her performance this time is very her own style, and she may win the first place." However, there are also reservations: "Although she is doing well, it may depend on the overall situation to say that she is the first. ”

Regarding the similarity of Tan Weiwei's songs, some viewers discussed in the comments: "This song is indeed somewhat similar to one of her previous songs, I don't know what the jury will say." Others believed: "If the song is not innovative, it may affect her overall score." ”

Regarding the evaluation of Yuan Yawei and Huang Xuan, the discussion on social platforms is also very active. A fan expressed his opinion: "Yuan Yawei and Huang Xuan's performance this time may not have impressed the judges, but their strength and potential cannot be ignored, and I hope the program team can treat them fairly." And some viewers questioned the elimination mechanism of the show: "Is it so easy to eliminate?" I hope the judges can be more objective and fair. ”

Synthesizing the singers' competition and performance on stage, the show not only sparked a wide discussion about musical talent and fair competition, but also occupied an important position in public opinion. For the future development of "Singer 2024", the audience also has more expectations and suggestions, especially in terms of how to improve the competition system and enhance the fairness of the program, there are still many things to explore and improve.

"Singer" ranking shuffle: Tan Weiwei No. 1! Naying is third, Huang Xuan is at the bottom, and Lucia is in the first round

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