
Latest! The holiday time is announced

author:Isis emotion

It's already halfway through June, will the summer vacation be far away?

Latest! The holiday time is announced
Latest! The holiday time is announced
Latest! The holiday time is announced

According to the Wuhan Municipal Teaching School calendar

In 2024, the city's primary and junior high schools

Summer vacation starts on Friday, July 5th

And this year, major universities in Wuhan

It will also be from July 6

Summer vacation mode is being opened one after another

It is more than 50 days long

The short ones are more than 20 days

Some colleges and universities in Wuhan in 2024

Summer vacation schedule

Latest! The holiday time is announced

(The source of the information is the academic calendar of each university, and the specific holiday time is subject to the notice arrangement of the school)

When is your school out for the summer? How many days does it last?