
Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

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Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

Text: Boom International Monster

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What is the mystery behind von der Leyen's re-election after the EU change of coach? Will this "Iron Lady" be able to lead the EU through the current multiple crises? Russia-Ukraine conflict, recession, internal divisions...... The challenges facing the EU are unprecedented.

Does von der Leyen's re-election mean a continuation or change in EU policy? What will be the impact on EU-China relations? This article will provide you with an in-depth analysis of the games and considerations behind this European political drama, and discuss the future development direction of the European Union, as well as the far-reaching impact on the international landscape.

Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

The EU's re-election of the "Iron Lady" is the political game behind von der Leyen's re-election

The EU is going to change the boss again! As soon as the news came out, it sparked heated discussions internationally. EU leaders have agreed to nominate von der Leyen for a second term as president of the European Commission, according to the German news agency dpa. What does this decision mean? Why von der Leyen? Will she be able to lead the EU through this?

Von der Leyen's re-election was not accidental. At the helm of the EU's executive apparatus, she has demonstrated considerable political skill over the past five years. From dealing with the coronavirus pandemic to dealing with Brexit to coordinating EU sanctions against Russia, von der Leyen's performance has been recognized by most member states.

However, the "Iron Lady's" road to re-election was not all smooth sailing. The results of the European Parliament elections, the eyesight of other contenders, and divisions within the EU have added a lot of uncertainty to her re-election. So, what kind of political game is behind von der Leyen's final victory?

Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

With the road to re-election difficult, how can von der Leyen stand out from the encirclement?

Why does von der Leyen stand out from the crowd? What will be the impact of her re-election on the EU? Behind these problems, the complex political ecology within the EU is reflected.

Von der Leyen's re-election is not a foregone conclusion. The approval of the European Parliament is still unknown. Some of the controversial policies of her last term, such as the Green New Deal and digital transformation, have sparked considerable divisions within the EU. At the same time, the challenges facing the EU are greater than ever. So, what exactly did von der Leyen rely on to win the trust of EU leaders?

Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

Von der Leyen's re-election in front of and behind the scenes

Behind von der Leyen's re-election is a complex political game. First of all, the results of the European Parliament elections had an important impact on this. While far-right parties have risen, mainstream center-right and center-left parties remain dominant. This provided favorable conditions for von der Leyen's re-election.

Secondly, the strength of other potential competitors should not be underestimated. According to European media reports, former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa was once seen as the strongest contender. In addition, Estonian Prime Minister Kaya Kallas is also considered to have a chance to run for the post of head of EU diplomacy. In the end, however, none of these contenders were able to shake von der Leyen's position.

Von der Leyen's victory reflects a certain balance within the EU. As a German, she represents the interests of the largest economy in the European Union. At the same time, her ability to coordinate in dealing with difficult issues had won the support of the majority of Member States.

It is worth noting that von der Leyen's re-election still needs to be approved by the European Parliament. > A spokesman for the European Commission said: "The European Parliament will approve or reject the candidate by an absolute majority (50% plus one vote)." This means that von der Leyen still has to face a test from Parliament.

Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

Challenges and opportunities for the EU: How will von der Leyen's new term respond?

Von der Leyen will face many challenges if she is re-elected. First and foremost is the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. As one of the main promoters of EU sanctions against Russia, von der Leyen will be a big test of how to find a balance between safeguarding EU interests and seeking a peaceful solution.

Second, the EU's economic recovery and internal solidarity are also issues that need to be addressed urgently.

According to Eurostat, Eurozone GDP growth in 2023 will be only 0.5%, much lower than expected.

How to boost the economy and ease the differences among member states will be an important task for von der Leyen's new term.

In addition, the development of China-EU relations is also worthy of attention. Von der Leyen has described China as a "systemic competitor," but has also stressed the importance of cooperation. How she balances competition and cooperation in her new term will have an important impact on the direction of China-EU relations.

Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

The future of the EU: optimism and pessimism

Looking ahead, the EU's path is full of uncertainties. On the optimistic side, von der Leyen's re-election could mean policy continuity and help the EU maintain stability in the midst of the crisis. Her leadership in the face of the pandemic and her determination to promote the Green Deal have set the course for the EU's long-term development.

However, the pessimistic predictions are not without reason. Divisions within the EU, difficulties in economic recovery, and geopolitical uncertainty can all be stumbling blocks. Whether von der Leyen can resolve these contradictions in the new term will have a direct impact on the future direction of the EU.

Responses vary from actor to actor. For EU member states, strengthening internal solidarity and pushing for reforms is a top priority. For the EU's partners, including China, it is necessary to seek cooperation in the midst of competition and find common ground in differences.

Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

Netizens are hotly discussed: Von der Leyen's re-election has sparked widespread discussion

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and the opinions can be described as varied. Some netizens believed: "Von der Leyen's re-election is a good thing, at least it ensures the continuity of the policy." In these turbulent times, the EU needs an experienced leader. "

Some netizens also have a different view: "Some of von der Leyen's policies are too radical, such as the 'Green New Deal', which may affect Europe's economic recovery." Hopefully, she will be more pragmatic in her new term. "

Some netizens analyzed from a geopolitical perspective: "Von der Leyen's re-election may mean that the EU's policy towards Russia will not change significantly." This may not be good for alleviating the energy crisis in Europe. "

Some netizens paid attention to China-EU relations: "I hope von der Leyen can objectively look at China's development and promote the healthy development of China-EU relations." After all, EU-China cooperation is beneficial to both sides. "

Some netizens showed a sense of humor: "Von der Leyen was re-elected, it seems that the EU intends to continue 'von'." I don't know if this 'Feng' word can help the EU Feng get through the difficulties?"

In any case, von der Leyen's re-election will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the EU and the global landscape. We will continue to monitor developments.

Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community

Conclusion: The future of the EU deserves our continued attention

Von der Leyen's re-election is a microcosm of the EU's political ecology. It reflects the EU's choice in the face of internal and external challenges, and also reflects a certain consensus of the EU on the future development path. Whether it's dealing with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, promoting economic recovery, or managing relations with China, von der Leyen will face a severe test.

However, there are challenges and opportunities. Von der Leyen's re-election guarantees the continuity of EU policy and creates conditions for the EU to play a greater role in the international arena. Whether the EU can find its own position in the complex and ever-changing international situation will directly affect the evolution of the global pattern.

Finally, it is worth pondering: how should the EU balance its own interests and international responsibilities in today's increasingly fierce great power game? Can von der Leyen lead the EU out of its predicament and reshape Europe's international influence? The answers to these questions will be revealed over the next five years. Let's wait and see!

Media: EU leaders agreed to appoint von der Leyen as president of the European Community