
As the old saying goes, "May 22 is taboo", today is May 22, what is taboo? Listen to what the old man said

author:Lemon tea

Reading guide: As the old saying goes, "May is not 22", today is May 22, what is taboo?

People of the older generation often tell us about folk traditions and customs, including certain behaviors or things to avoid on certain dates. On this particular May 22nd, there is usually a saying that it seems that there are some taboos to be aware of on this day. So, is there a scientific basis for these old sayings?

As the old saying goes, "May 22 is taboo", today is May 22, what is taboo? Listen to what the old man said


Although these claims often stem from ancient traditions and cultures, they are not unfounded. In the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, it is summer, the weather is hot, and all kinds of diseases are easy to breed. And the 22nd, which coincides with the middle of the month, can be even harsher in some places, so people may feel that special attention needs to be paid on this day.

As the old saying goes, "May 22 is taboo", today is May 22, what is taboo? Listen to what the old man said


1. Avoid going out: Due to the hot weather, people may feel the need to stay home and avoid heat stroke or other illnesses.

2. Avoid strenuous exercise: Strenuous exercise can be uncomfortable due to the hot weather.

3. Avoid arguing with people: In hot weather, people may be emotionally unstable and prone to tantrums. Therefore, it is also a good option to avoid arguing with people.

4. Dietary taboos: Due to the hot weather, people need to drink plenty of water and avoid foods that are too greasy or spicy.

As the old saying goes, "May 22 is taboo", today is May 22, what is taboo? Listen to what the old man said

Although these taboos may seem superstitious, they also remind us of the need to take care of our physical health in hot weather. We can make corresponding adjustments according to our actual situation, such as trying to go out at a cool time, choosing an exercise method that suits us, and maintaining a good attitude. It is important that we take care to maintain good lifestyle habits and a healthy lifestyle so that we can better cope with the hot summer months.

As the old saying goes, "May 22 is taboo", today is May 22, what is taboo? Listen to what the old man said

Overall, although there is some superstitious element in these traditions and practices, we should also recognize the health messages they convey. In the face of the hot summer, we need to pay attention to our physical health, maintain good living habits and a healthy lifestyle.