
Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

author:Xunya medical science

"Of course, but the key is three things." Doctor Sun looked at Gao Jianguo, who was sitting opposite, and said. Gao Jianguo is a retired engineer, 65 years old this year, and usually likes to write some children's fiction novels, but lately he has been a little worried.

"Dr. Sun, my wife and I have been feeling different lately.

She said that I was not as energetic as before, and I also felt that she was not as enthusiastic as before. Gao Jianguo was a little embarrassed, but he still said it hard.

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

Dr. Sun smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Jianguo, don't worry about it first, listen to me slowly." He took out a thick book of medical notes,

"It's true that the intimate life of middle-aged and elderly people is different from when they were younger, but that doesn't mean it can't be there. The key lies in three aspects: physical health, mental state and lifestyle habits. ”

Gao Jianguo nodded while listening, "Then can you elaborate on what these three aspects refer to?" ”

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

"First of all, physical health," Dr. Sun said, pointing to his notebook, "as we age, we do decline in all aspects of our body, including the cardiovascular system, the immune system, and so on." ”

He paused and glanced at Gao Jianguo, "However, these problems are not unsolvable. Many studies have shown that proper exercise and diet can significantly improve the physical condition of middle-aged and elderly people.

For example, more than half an hour of aerobic exercise every day, such as brisk walking, swimming, etc., can effectively enhance cardiopulmonary function.

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

In addition to this, it is also very important to get a good night's sleep. Many middle-aged and elderly people have a decrease in sleep quality due to various reasons, which is very detrimental to the recovery of the body.

Research data shows that 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep per night can significantly improve the overall health of the body, thereby indirectly improving the quality of intimate life. ”

"Understood, what is the state of mind?" Gao Jianguo continued to ask.

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

"The state of mind, in simple terms, is the state of mind." Dr. Sun smiled, "Many middle-aged and elderly people feel that they are old and no longer suitable for intimate life, which is completely wrong.

Psychological research has shown that a positive mindset can significantly improve an individual's standard of living, including intimate life. Husbands and wives should maintain communication, understanding and support each other.

For example, some couples feel that they are not as good as before because of changes in their physical condition, so they reduce their intimate contact, which is actually unnecessary.

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

Instead, communicating about each other's feelings and needs can help both parties find new ways to get along. Gao Jianguo thought thoughtfully, "It seems that mentality is really important, but what about living habits?" ”

"Lifestyle habits are the foundation of physical health and mental well-being," says Dr. Sun, "and good lifestyle habits can significantly improve your overall health, which indirectly improves the quality of your intimate life."

For example, it is very important to maintain a regular work and rest schedule, avoid staying up late, and reduce the intake of tobacco and alcohol. ”

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

He flipped through his notebook, pointed to a piece of data, and said: "According to a study, people who insist on going to bed early and waking up early every day have a 20% lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than people who often stay up late.

In addition, people who quit smoking and limit alcohol have a much better overall physical condition than people who do not control themselves, which is directly related to the quality of intimate life. ”

"Dr. Sun, I have memorized what you said, so are there any specific cases you can talk about?" Gao Jianguo asked curiously.

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

"Of course," Dr. Sun laughed, "For example, I have a patient named Lao Liu, who is seventy years old this year and was a driver before he retired.

He used to smoke and drink every day, and his living habits were very poor, which led to the deterioration of his physical condition, and his intimate life was naturally affected.

Later, he listened to my advice, began to quit smoking and limit alcohol, insisted on going to bed early and waking up early every day, and went square dancing with his wife. After a few months, the physical condition has improved significantly, and the relationship between the husband and wife has become more harmonious than before. ”

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

Gao Jianguo listened with relish, "It seems that we really have to start with living habits." ”

"Yes, Jianguo," Dr. Sun said with a smile, "physical health, mental state and lifestyle habits are inextricably linked. As long as you can work more on these three aspects, your intimate life will naturally improve. ”

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[1] Shi Wenhui. Practice a healthy lifestyle and maintain cardiovascular health[J].Health Care Medical Garden,2024,(05):32-33.)

Can middle-aged and elderly people still have an "intimate" life? The doctor said bluntly: Of course, but the key is in 3 points

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