
Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

author:A global kaleidoscope
Mistakenly went into the desert to plant wheat fields, but unexpectedly harvested a lot? This Chinese experiment has stunned the whole world!
Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

In the context of climate change, global agricultural production is facing unprecedented challenges. The reduction in summer grain production in the mainland in 2023 is not only a wake-up call, but also a turning point. Now the question arises: can we find a new gem at a time when everyone is in a hurry? The good news is that our scientific team has set their sights on the mysterious, vast Taklamakan Desert in Makati County.

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

After all, there is no endless road. This seemingly desolate place, although it has "wheat" in its name, is actually a real "barren land". More than 600,000 acres of saline-alkali land, even a decent rainfall is rare. Growing wheat? Under these conditions, the average person may say that you are crazy. But for those who dare to challenge, this is the stage for them to show their talents.

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

Are these crazy researchers really just "dreaming"? A set of cultivation programs designed specifically for the desert was proposed – bulldozing the sand, fertilizing the soil, and fertilizing water, just a seemingly ordinary operation that blossomed in this impossible place. When it came harvest time, those voices that had been skeptical were shattered. Because the data is there, the average yield per mu has reached an astonishing 294 kilograms, and the quality is so good that it meets the first-class wheat standard.

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

As the saying goes, "planting beans in the south of the mountain, the grass and trees are thriving", now we not only plant beans, but also grow hope in the desert!

Our story takes place on the edge of the Taklamakan where a team of scientists is not covered, and they use a hybrid wheat called Jingmai 183 to carry out a seemingly crazy experiment. You know what? This is not a simple planting experiment, this is a battle against the desert! Over the course of four or five years, these scientific maniacs not only "locked" the sand, but also turned it into fertile land.

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

Do you think the harvested straw will disappear so silently? Where! The stalks rot in the land and add nutrients to the sand. It's like a big transformation in the desert, turning those dry sand into a treasure land that can produce gold. This is not only an agricultural miracle, it is simply a model of the Green Revolution!

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

At this point, you may ask, what's the point of all this? Don't worry, the story isn't over yet. The success of this experiment not only means that we can grow crops in the desert, but more importantly, if this method is widely promoted, it can turn abandoned, barren land around the world into granaries. Imagine the original desolate desert turning into green wheat fields, this picture is too beautiful to see!

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

To carry out such large-scale geomorphological transformation, enthusiasm alone is not enough, but also strong technical and financial support. The efforts of the scientific research team are important, but they also need the cooperation of policies and the recognition of society. Every step may encounter obstacles, but as the old saying goes, "if you don't enter the tiger's den, you will get the tiger", how do you know if you can succeed if you don't try?

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

In addition, such success stories also give us a lot of inspiration. In the face of the challenge of global climate change, we cannot just sit idly by. We need to be like these researchers, who are not afraid to try new methods and find new solutions.

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

But then again, can this success be sustained? Although our technology is high, nature always has its unpredictable side. While we applaud the vitality of the desert with technology, we cannot ignore the importance of natural ecological balance. Being able to continue growing in the desert without destroying the natural ecology is a major challenge for us in the future.

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

Turning the desert into fertile land sounds like a joke, but the joke now seems a little more real. This makes us wonder how far the power of technology can be extended. Can we rely on technology to reshape our planet? Is growing wheat fields out of the desert a miracle of technology, or is Pandora's box about to be opened?

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity

Of course, success along the way is inseparable from everyone who has been silently supported by them. From the laboratory to the desert, from theory to practice, every step confirms the efforts of a team and the dream of a country. Our story continues, and the green waves of the wheat field are still expanding.

Oolong incident in China's engineering industry! I wanted to grow wheat in the desert to ensure yield, but I could fix sand and control salinity
I would like to ask all readers a question: Will the desert of the future become the new granary? Are there areas where we haven't realized the full potential of technology?

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