
Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

author:A global kaleidoscope
On a summer field, where the temperature is high enough to fry eggs, can you imagine that there are still people hanging out in this weather?
Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

It's no joke! On this hot summer day, there is a group of people known as "environmental watchmen", who work hard to spread environmental knowledge in the fields. Their goal is to stop farmers from burning straw and protect that blue sky. Although the sun seemed to have an enmity against them, raining down the scorching sun mercilessly, the enthusiasm of the watchmen was undiminished, even hotter than the summer sun.

Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

Let's talk about the environmental watchmen who dry like roast ducks in the fields every day, they have indeed suffered a lot, but they have not been criticized. Some people just don't buy it, saying that these people are all showmanship, and they are doing a lot of work on the surface, but the real problem is to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. This is not unreasonable, and it does make people wonder if our environmental protection actions are just at the level of waving and handing out leaflets.

Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

Look, in this hot day, we can't blame those farmer brothers for not being interested in environmental protection. After all, people are busy all year round, and burning some straw doesn't seem to be a big deal, it's simple and direct. But the watchmen don't think so, they say that burning straw is fast, but it is harmful, and we have to think long-term. The problem is that they usually just tell farmers "don't do this", but rarely have a specific plan for "what to do".

Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

In reality, if we want to make environmental protection actions truly implemented, we have to put in some effort, not just talk and not practice. For example, provide some practical environmental protection technology or recycling equipment, so that farmers have more choices when dealing with straw, rather than only choosing to burn. This is the fundamental way to solve the problem, not just words.

Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

And if this is to be done, it is not enough to rely on the watchmen. Environmental protection is a big issue, which requires the intervention of the government and the participation of enterprises. The government can introduce more incentives, such as subsidies or incentives for farmers who do not burn straw, so that everyone can have tangible economic benefits. At the same time, companies can also get involved in developing technologies that can turn straw into treasure, such as biomass energy or other reusable products.

Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

Let's talk about the watchmen, who are a bit like city people who go to the countryside to "preach," and sometimes the methods are really unacceptable. If they could understand more about the actual needs of farmers and promote environmental protection in a way that is closer to life, they may be able to achieve better results.

Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

As for us ordinary people, we can actually add strength. For example, we can share some successful environmental protection cases through social media, or participate in some environmental protection projects, so that more people realize that environmental protection is not only the business of governments and environmental protection organizations, but everyone can participate in it and can play a role. Make environmental protection a way of life, not just a responsibility or obligation.

Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?

In short, environmental protection is not something that can be seen overnight, nor can it be explained clearly in a few words. It requires everyone's understanding and participation, concrete action and long-term commitment. Each of us is a part of this planet, and by protecting it, we are contributing to ourselves and future generations.

Absurd formalism! The environmental protection show at a high temperature of 35 degrees, who will the hard work of the field be guarded?
What do you think of the "Green Watchmen"? What are some simple and practical environmental behaviors that can be easily achieved in daily life?

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