
Authoritative Vision: Dora|髹 (xiu) 髹福|The application of S.PC polymer technology in decoration

author:Rolling Finance

With the rapid development of the international high-end decoration market, it has experienced a leap in technological innovation, and now it has begun to enter the era of coating technology with polycarbonate polyurethane (PC) as the core. With its scientific basis, wide recognition and unique advantages of authoritative certification, PC technology has become the new favorite of the international high-end decoration market. With the continuous innovation of PC technology and the expansion of its application range, it will continue to lead the high-end home improvement industry towards a healthier, environmentally friendly and practical future. Dora Hair (xiu) Fu is directly in the market to promote the top technology of PC technology - S.PC polymer technology coating.

Authoritative Vision: Dora|髹 (xiu) 髹福|The application of S.PC polymer technology in decoration

S.PC polymer technology, as a cutting-edge representative of PC technology, not only has the scientific basis of authoritative certification, but also has been widely recognized in market practice. Its unique advantage is that it can significantly improve the durability and aesthetics of the wall, extending the rejuvenation effect of traditional wall paint from 3-6 months to more than 3999 days, achieving a qualitative leap in performance, appearance and practicality.

In addition to its excellent durability, Dora's S.PC polymer technology also gives the wall a wealth of functions. Through high-tech formulas, the walls are multi-functional and liven up the home. For example, the ability to write freely and wipe freely allows children to freely scribble on the wall and express their creativity and imagination. At the same time, the magnetic function of the wall makes it easy for family members to decorate and transform their own space, whether it is a child's idol wall or a family culture wall, it can make the home full of personality and warmth.

Authoritative Vision: Dora|髹 (xiu) 髹福|The application of S.PC polymer technology in decoration

In addition, DALEK S.PC polymer technology also pays attention to the safety and hygiene of the family. The anti-collision function effectively reduces the friction between the furniture and the wall, protects the wall from damage, and also increases the sense of technology in the family. The anti-fouling function keeps the wall clean and can be wiped clean at any time, which greatly saves the family's cleaning time and energy. At the same time, the texture effect and antibacterial and anti-mildew function also provide a strong guarantee for the health of the family.

Authoritative Vision: Dora|髹 (xiu) 髹福|The application of S.PC polymer technology in decoration

In special areas such as kitchens and toilets, DALEK's S.PC polymer technology has exerted its unique advantages, 0 formaldehyde has been the most basic standard in the PC era, it has completely subverted the image of traditional decoration materials, making the kitchen and toilet more warm and romantic, many consumers say that with Dora, the bathroom has become a warm private space. At the same time, the antimicrobial and anti-mold function also ensures the hygiene and health of these areas.

DALEK's S.PC polymer technology is not only a high-tech technology, but also a manifestation of a life attitude. It perfectly combines technology and art to create a healthy, environmentally friendly and practical living environment for families. As experts say, DALEK's S.PC polymer technology is known as the highest family beautician given by God to mankind, which makes the home more beautiful, warm, active, and makes the home dance.

Authoritative Vision: Dora|髹 (xiu) 髹福|The application of S.PC polymer technology in decoration

In the future, we sincerely hope that DALEK will continue to explore and innovate and continuously promote the improvement of family happiness index. We believe that under the guidance of DALEK, more families will enjoy the convenience and happiness brought by technology, and welcome a better future together.