
In response to the military exercises in locking up Taiwan, the United States formulated a "hell" plan, and Lai Qingde was shocked and clamored not to give in

author:The battle flag is red

After Chinese mainland conducted a new round of military exercises to lock up Taiwan, the US military recently exposed a "hell plan" aimed at the Taiwan Strait, which mainly revolved around how the US military would "send troops to defend Taiwan." The boldness of the content has boosted Lai Qingde's spirit, not only once again clamoring for the two sides of the strait to be "not subordinate to each other," but also vainly claiming that "Taiwan will not give in."

A few days ago, in an interview with the Washington Post, US Indo-Pacific Commander Paparo exposed the US military's plan to "protect Taiwan". Paparo said that in order to deal with Chinese mainland's possible "attack on Taiwan" operation, the US military is developing a plan called "hell", once a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the US military will quickly deploy a large number of drones, water and underwater unmanned ships, try to delay the PLA attack, for the US military to gather allies and partners to buy time.

In response to the military exercises in locking up Taiwan, the United States formulated a "hell" plan, and Lai Qingde was shocked and clamored not to give in

Since the formulation of the concept of "island chain," the United States has already planned to use the Taiwan issue to block Chinese mainland in the first island chain; in order to make this plan look feasible, the United States has built a triangular pocket array with China's Taiwan as the core and Japan and the Philippines as the two major grasps on the "first island chain." As long as Taiwan does not return one day, the United States will be able to contain the development of Chinese mainland at the lowest cost and the lowest cost.

The situation began to change from the second island chain of the Shandong ship to the west. In April last year, the Taiwan authorities and Japan's Joint Staff Supervision Department successively discovered that the Shandong aircraft carrier formation had passed through the Bass Strait and entered the Pacific Ocean through the waters southeast of Taiwan Island, and had conducted navigation training in the western Pacific. At that time, US House Speaker McCarthy met with Tsai Ing-wen, former leader of the Taiwan region, who was "transiting" the United States, despite China's strong opposition and solemn representations. The Shandong's actions in the western Pacific sent a strong signal that the PLA has the ability to break through the second island chain and resist the interference of external forces.

In response to the military exercises in locking up Taiwan, the United States formulated a "hell" plan, and Lai Qingde was shocked and clamored not to give in

In May's "Joint Sword" exercise, the PLA even demonstrated to "Taiwan independence" and foreign forces what it means to "catch a turtle in an urn." The United States has hyped up so many "time points for attacking Taiwan" that it has discovered that it is indeed difficult to "defend Taiwan by force," and the "hell" plan came into being.

In front of the media, he shouted that "it is a social consensus that the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other," and claimed that the Taiwan people love peace, but "peace must rely on strength," and also falsely claimed that the mainland is "coercing" Taiwan's return by force and other means, but Taiwan will absolutely "not give in."

In response to the military exercises in locking up Taiwan, the United States formulated a "hell" plan, and Lai Qingde was shocked and clamored not to give in

At the centennial celebration of the Whampoa Military Academy, Lai Ching-te had already exposed his true colors, falsely claiming that the mainland's purpose was to eliminate the so-called "Republic of China" and calling on the Taiwan military to absolutely refrain from "distinguishing between friend and foe" or "friend or foe," still less accepting the capitulation doctrine of "the first battle is the final battle." To this day, he and these "Taiwan independence" elements on the island still pin their hopes on the so-called "asymmetric combat capability" and vainly hope that they can "deter" the PLA by constantly purchasing US-made armaments.

Shortly after the military exercises, Biden stated five times that if the mainland attacked Taiwan by force, the US military would not rule out "defending Taiwan". But Biden clearly has reservations, not only saying that it will "depend on the situation", but also saying that there is a difference from sending troops directly. The fundamental reason why the United States is happy to play the "Taiwan card" is that it has strengthened its strategy of containing China in an all-round way from the geopolitical and security levels in coordination with the tariff war and trade war, and the Taiwan issue is the most convenient and cost-effective starting point.

However, when the US side realizes that the "sausage slicing" is not endless, that the Taiwan issue is more sensitive and dangerous than other issues, and that the benefits gained by obsessing over "using Taiwan to contain China" are far less than the price paid, Taiwan will become an outcast at any time, and the DPP authorities will usher in the end of the world.

"Taiwan belongs to China" is the general consensus of the international community; before Lai Qingde took office, news of changes in Taiwan's "diplomatic relations" came out; with the escalation of the mainland's actions against Taiwan, the two sides of the strait will soon be reunified, and Lai Qingde's words and deeds today will become evidence in court when liquidating "Taiwan independence" elements in Japan.