
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten

author:Today it is called Minhang

He was praised by Comrade Mao Zedong as "the banner of overseas Chinese and the glory of the nation", and he made selfless contributions to the Xinhai Revolution, national education, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the construction of New China throughout his life.

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Tan Kah Kee. In order to inherit and carry forward the "Jiageng Spirit" in the new era, on June 19, Minhang District held the theme activity of "Jiayin Recalls and Continuing a Hundred Years" - Minhang District and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Overseas Chinese Inheritance and Carry Forward the "Jiageng Spirit". This event is an important practice for Minhang District and Shanghai Jiao Tong University to deepen the "district-school linkage", jointly tell the story of the overseas Chinese community, unite the strength of the overseas Chinese community, and cultivate patriotic feelings among overseas Chinese in universities and communities.

The story of Qian Xuesen and Xiangyu in conjunction with the district school appeared on the stage

For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten

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The original drama "Qian Xuesen" brought by the Student Drama Troupe of Shanghai Jiao Tong University vividly reproduces the touching experience of Qian Xuesen, an alumnus of Jiao Tong University, who overcame resistance, resolutely returned to China, and served the country through scientific research, showing the innovative soul, truth-seeking ambition and patriotic heart of countless overseas Chinese ancestors.

Taking the patriotic story of the overseas Chinese leader Ning Xiangyu as the starting point, the original short drama "Home and Overseas Chinese" in Minhang District appeared on the stage again. Since its first performance in March, the play has received deep resonance and enthusiastic responses from the overseas Chinese community. The short drama uses the story of Mr. Ning and the family of patriotic overseas Chinese Gu Hongfa to connect the touching stories of overseas Chinese at home and abroad during the period of New China's founding and construction, fighting for national salvation, striving for self-improvement, and repaying Sangzi, showing the deep feelings and firm beliefs of overseas Chinese and Chinese people in the motherland.

For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten

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Ning Xiaolin, vice chairman of the Federation of Overseas Chinese in Zhuanqiao Town and grandson of the prototype of the story, said: "As one of the important figures of overseas Chinese, Mr. Chen Jiageng's spirit has influenced several generations, and I, as an overseas Chinese living in Minhang, will actively practice the 'Jiageng spirit', always care about the motherland, and make efforts for the prosperity of the motherland." ”

Time goes back, and a 71-year-old meeting notice slowly unfolds

For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten

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Through a dusty 71-year-old meeting notice, Dai Juanjuan, chairman of the Wujing Town Federation of Overseas Chinese, led the audience to slowly approach the legendary life of Ningxiangyu, the ancestor of the Minhang overseas Chinese community. It is reported that this meeting notice is the meeting notice of the fourth meeting of the National Enlarged Conference on Overseas Chinese Affairs in 1953, which witnessed the history of countless overseas Chinese people in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China for the cause of overseas Chinese affairs and the construction of the motherland, and the story of Mr. Ning Xiangyu is not only his personal legend, but also the epitome of the patriotic spirit of overseas Chinese and Chinese in modern times.

For 150 years, he has never been forgotten

In addition, five representatives of the overseas Chinese community were also invited to talk about their understanding of the spirit of Jiageng based on their own experiences, and jointly discuss how to better inherit and carry forward this spiritual treasure in the new era.

For 150 years, he has never been forgotten

"I burst into tears!" Many audience members praised the event, saying that the event was professional, touching and rewarding, which deeply touched their hearts. Everyone said that this performance gave them a deeper understanding of the spirit of Jiageng. At the same time, it also made the overseas Chinese people present and the students of Jiao Tong University who are about to study abroad feel the responsibility and mission on their shoulders.

For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten

"Qiaokeli" takes the homonym of chocolate, implying the spiritual connotation of the overseas Chinese community of "Qiaoxin, Qiaoli, Qiaozhi, Lovely, Respectable and Reliable, Huili Helping to Work Together" (swipe left and right to see more)

The reporter noticed that some cultural and creative products were also displayed at the scene. It is reported that in March this year, the Minhang District Overseas Chinese Affairs Department released the "Qiao Keli" cultural and creative IP at the launching ceremony of the first Minhang District Overseas Chinese Cultural Festival.

Quan Sheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Wu Jihua, Member of the Standing Committee of the Minhang District Party Committee, Minister of the United Front Work Department, and President of the Shanghai Minhang Overseas Friendship Association, and Wang Houji, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Director of the United Front Work Department of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and President of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Overseas Friendship Association, attended the event.

For 150 years, he has never been forgotten

Reporter: Liu Chengrong Contribution: District Federation of Overseas Chinese Yuan Xiaohe preliminary review: Fang Jialu review: Shi Sijia final review: Xu Leibing

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Minhang today

For 150 years, he has never been forgotten
For 150 years, he has never been forgotten