
How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

author:Paint warp

On June 19, the Shaoguan Fine Chemical Industry Digital Transformation Policy Publicity and Implementation Conference was successfully held in Shaoguan, with the theme of "Strengthening Digital Technology Innovation and Application and Accelerating the Formation of New Quality Productivity". Xu Jianping, Deputy Director of Shaoguan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Lv Shuilie, Secretariat of Guangdong Coating and Ink Industry Association, Li Changhuan, Chairman of Guangdong Coating Industry Digital Industry Alliance, Xiao Zunhuang, General Manager of Guangdong Industrial Soft of iSoftStone Information Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., member companies in Shaoguan and related fine chemical enterprises attended the meeting.

The publicity and implementation meeting will focus on the publicity and implementation of the digital transformation policy of Shaoguan fine chemical industry, the experience sharing of enterprise digital industry transformation, the experience sharing of the intelligent safety risk management and control platform of hazardous chemical enterprises, and the automation transformation of old factories, so as to help the fine chemical industry accelerate the formation of new quality productivity.

At the beginning of the meeting, Xu Jianping, deputy director of Shaoguan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, delivered a speech. Xu Jianping mentioned that in November 2023, Shaoguan was officially selected as a provincial-level pilot city for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and five sub-industries such as fine chemicals, mining machinery, auto parts, environmental protection building materials, and food and beverage were identified as key support objects. Taking this as an opportunity, the Shaoguan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology will focus on exploring the methods, paths, market mechanisms and typical models for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, creating a number of samples of digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, developing a number of digital products and solutions, and excavating a number of regional leaders and industry models of model innovation, so as to guide the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises to accelerate the pace of digital transformation. He said that "the digital transformation of enterprises is not only facing a window period that cannot be missed, but also will be a protracted battle", and hoped that the entrepreneurs and friends present here can deeply learn the core concept of digital transformation through this publicity and implementation activity, seize the opportunity, take advantage of the momentum, strive to be the benchmark of digital transformation, and become a digital transformation enterprise with core competitiveness.

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Xu Jianping, deputy director of Shaoguan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

According to Shaoguan Daily, a few days ago, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance issued 774 million yuan of funds for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, focusing on supporting 14 provincial-level pilot cities for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises such as Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shantou and Shaoguan. Among them, Shaoguan received 50 million yuan of financial support. In recent years, Shaoguan City has conscientiously implemented the national and provincial requirements for accelerating the deployment of new industrialization, promoted industrial reform and innovation with digital empowerment, and actively guided small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in digital transformation by accelerating the application of information technology in industrial enterprises, intelligent transformation and upgrading of industrial enterprises, and supporting enterprises to go to the cloud and platform, and achieved phased results.

It is understood that last year, more than 40 manufacturing enterprises in Shaoguan implemented the construction of industrial Internet projects, leveraging the investment of more than 150 million yuan in enterprise informatization. Up to now, 260 manufacturing enterprises have completed digital transformation, 15 enterprises have been included in the list of pilot enterprises for the implementation of the national and provincial "integration of industrialization and industrialization" management system, and 12 enterprise projects have been selected as pilot demonstration projects of intelligent manufacturing in Guangdong Province, accelerating the process of new industrialization in our city.

The relevant person in charge of the Shaoguan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology said that the next step will be to continue to promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of the city's manufacturing industry, coordinate the optimization of the supply of various resources, reduce the cost of digital transformation, and select the above five subdivided industries with clustering and chain characteristics as pilots, and strive to promote the digital transformation of more than 200 small and medium-sized enterprises by the end of 2025.

Lv Shuilie, secretary general of Guangdong Paint and Ink Industry Association, said in his speech that the association has been very close to Shaoguan to help the industry settle in Shaoguan's business, after more than 10 years of development, Shaoguan City's fine chemicals, especially the paint industry has become a cluster industry, according to incomplete statistics, there are about 300 enterprises from various places in the Pearl River Delta to Shaoguan. Lv Shuilie said, "Now the industry is very serious, so we need to make a window period, and we need the government to help us quickly enter a new stage of transformation." He emphasized, "Digital construction is a thing that must be thought out clearly, and enterprises should think about the actual situation of the enterprise when they conceive and establish digital goals." "If you want to get rid of the involution of the industry, the first application of good policies for enterprises, and the second should understand the urgent needs of the market, and the Guangdong Coating and Ink Industry Association will also actively cooperate with Shaoguan City in the pilot work of digital transformation and upgrading," I hope that the member companies in Shaoguan can actively move and seriously deploy the digital transformation project of the enterprise. ”

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Lv Shuilie, Secretary General of Guangdong Paint and Ink Industry Association

Li Changhuan, chairman of the Guangdong Coating Industry Digital Industry Alliance, believes that "we have talked about the topic of digital transformation for many years, and now is the time to act. As a reliable partner of enterprise digital transformation and one of the organizers of this event, iSoftStone Information Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., Xiao Zunhuang, general manager of the company's Guangdong Industrial Soft, gave a brief introduction to his company and said that it can help enterprises in three aspects: digital consulting services, digital technology services and digital solutions.

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Li Changhuan, chairman of the Guangdong Coating Industry Digital Industry Alliance

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

iSoftStone Information Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., General Manager of Guangdong Industrial Software, Xiao Zunhuang

Liu Haoliang, CEO of Qiye (Foshan) Software Co., Ltd., shared his experience in the digital transformation of HUAWEI CLOUD's fine chemical industry, "With digitalization, many business models may change, and the production capacity under construction can be brought into play. He also said that enterprises can start from the transformation of production management mode and R&D management mode to achieve digital transformation. Guo Wei, Manager of the Intelligent Safety Engineering Division of Guangdong Zhenghe Engineering Co., Ltd., Sun Xiaoguang, Deputy General Manager of Shaoguan Hezhong Chemical Co., Ltd., Ji Zhining, General Manager of Guangdong Shunde Ridong Automation Co., Ltd., and Zhao Junming, an expert from the Industrial Research Institute of Telecom Group of Shaoguan Branch of China Telecom Co., Ltd., respectively gave the participants the experience of the intelligent safety risk management and control platform for hazardous chemicals enterprises, and the construction of digital and intelligent factories of Hezhong Group. The experience of automation transformation of old factories of fine chemical enterprises and the experience of network transformation and information security of digital factories were shared, so that the participants could have a better understanding of digital transformation.

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Liu Haoliang, CEO of Qiye (Foshan) Software Co., Ltd

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Guo Wei, manager of the smart safety engineering division of Guangdong Zhenghe Engineering Co., Ltd

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Sun Xiaoguang, deputy general manager of Shaoguan Hezhong Chemical Co., Ltd

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Ji Zhining, general manager of Guangdong Shunde Ridong Automation Co., Ltd

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Zhao Junming, an expert from the Industrial Research Institute of China Telecom Group of Shaoguan Branch

According to the work requirements of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology on the implementation of chain transformation, in April this year, the Shaoguan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology selected 8 digital traction units, among which iSoftStone Information Technology Group Co., Ltd., as the digital traction unit of Shaoguan fine chemical industry, will join hands with Guangdong Coating and Ink Industry Association, Guangdong Zhenghe Engineering Co., Ltd., Qiye (Foshan) Software Co., Ltd., Guangdong Shunde Ridong Automation Co., Ltd., Guangdong Saifu Intelligent IoT Technology Co., Ltd., China Telecom Shaoguan Branch and other relevant units carry out diagnosis and services related to the digital industrial transformation of the fine chemical industry in Shaoguan. In addition, through the relevant research and mapping of the fine chemical industry, a number of enterprises including Shaoguan Kede New Materials Co., Ltd., Guangdong Jinhongtai Chemical Materials Co., Ltd., Guangdong Bang Solidification Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., Shaoguan Hezhong Chemical Co., Ltd., etc., were born, and the intention to sign the digital transformation service enterprises of Shaoguan Fine Chemical Industry was carried out.

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer


How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Shaoguan Fine Chemical Digital Transformation Service Enterprise Intent Signing (First Batch)

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Shaoguan Fine Chemical Digital Transformation Service Enterprise Intent to Sign (Second Batch)

With the joint efforts of Shaoguan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Guangdong Coating and Ink Industry Association and enterprises, it is believed that the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Shaoguan will accelerate the formation of new quality productivity and accelerate the realization of the goal of promoting more than 200 small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve digital transformation by the end of 2025.

How to achieve digital transformation in the fine chemical industry? This policy announcement will tell you the answer

Group photo of the conference