
It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

author:Zhang Xiaotu OvO

Bailu Fan Chengcheng rushed to the hot search! The public said that the public was reasonable, the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was reasonable, the fans on both sides insisted on their own words, and Bailu and Fan Chengcheng sued the black together!

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

The reason was that netizens sent out the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng in "Let's Run". It looks too intimate and has no sense of proportion, there are hugging, touching, touching, touching, fans on both sides think that the other party has no sense of boundary of the opposite sex, and then the fans quarreled directly in the comment area.

On the one hand, Fan Chengcheng fans said that Bailu posted upside down, took the initiative to stick to Fan Chengcheng, and sent a picture of Bailu holding Fan Chengcheng in his arms.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

And sent out that Bailu and other male artists also interacted like this, with big nerves, and they also had no sense of proportion.

Pinch Xu Kai's ass.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

The things I have eaten and the things I have given are directly eaten by other male artists, and I also ask for chopsticks, and my behavior is incomprehensible

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

And Fan Chengcheng's fans understand "yin and yang".

"It's not that Bailu is wearing cold, it's time for Cheng Cheng to give clothes."

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

Bailu's fans are not to be outdone.

said that Bailu obviously wanted to high-five, but was suddenly hugged into his arms by Fan Chengcheng, no big or small.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

Bailu wanted to sit on the stool, but Fan Chengcheng went to take the stool away.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

Holding the white deer and smearing paint on the face.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

There is also a revenge for the "revenge" in the quagmire before.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

And Bailu's fans also found a lot of "evidence" that Fan Chengcheng did to other female artists.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

Sticking to Zhang Jingyi.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

Hug Ouyang Nana.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

Touch Liu Yuxin's ears.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

Therefore, Fan Chengcheng and Bailu issued statements before and after.

It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements
It's a big game, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng's interaction has sparked heated discussions, and now both sides have issued anti-black statements

Can't there be friends in the entertainment industry? Or the relationship between men and women is destined to be impure.

In fact, as an audience, I am still very happy to watch these episodes of Running Man. When I watched it, I just thought that the relationship between the two of them was quite good. Sacrifice it for the effect of the show, play it relatively big, I can't see the slightest sense of cp.

To be honest, if it weren't for their "love and killing", the running man would have lost a big highlight.

There was a kind of rhythm when I was in school, playing and fighting with my tablemates, and I was in a hurry and wanted to sue the teacher.


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