
The Chinese women's basketball team defeated Serbia! Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu continued to be in the doldrums, and Han Xu was unable to support himself

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated Serbia! Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu continued to be in the doldrums, and Han Xu was unable to support himself

On June 30, the Chinese women's basketball team once again experienced a painful defeat, this time against a strong Serbian team. Following the loss to Belgium in the last game, the performance of the Chinese women's basketball team has not only not improved, but has become worse. Throughout the game, the offense was lackluster, the defense was lax, and the players on the field were like headless flies, out of order. Especially on the defensive end, the pace is slow, and the opponent is often easily penetrated, which makes people unbearable to look at directly.

The jury is still out on whether the Chinese women's basketball team has been sluggish due to a tiring journey or lack of tactical preparation. But what is certain is that this is not because of the underestimation of the enemy. At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team was suppressed by Serbia, with repeated misses on the offensive end and holes on the defensive end. In the first quarter of the game, the Chinese women's basketball team fell behind by 15 points and dug a huge hole. This kind of performance made it difficult for the fans to accept, and the mood fell to the bottom.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated Serbia! Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu continued to be in the doldrums, and Han Xu was unable to support himself

In the second quarter, the Chinese women's basketball team began to try to catch up with the score through Han Xu's interior attack, although there was some improvement, but the effect was not significant. However, after the halftime break, the Chinese team was once again beaten by Serbia and was powerless, and the offensive and defensive ends collapsed. Despite his best efforts in the fourth quarter, he ended up losing miserably due to the huge margin of points dug up in the first quarter.

Han Xu's performance was relatively stable, and she worked hard to maintain the score with her inside attack. However, the continuous campaign made her look exhausted, and she struggled to support herself under the basket almost single-handedly. Sun Mengran's performance on the offensive end was still not strong enough to provide enough support to Han Xu. When Han Xu faced Serbia's tight defensive pack, his skills were difficult to use, and his physical strength was quickly exhausted. Despite this, Han Xu still tried his best, but he was unable to return to heaven after all.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated Serbia! Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu continued to be in the doldrums, and Han Xu was unable to support himself

At present, the Chinese women's basketball team mainly relies on the play of Han Xu and Wang Siyu on the offensive end. Wang Siyu was relatively calm on the court and was able to effectively connect his teammates and revitalize the whole team. However, after tearing apart the opponent's defense, she could only rely on Han Xu as a stable scoring point. The outside offense is cold to the touch and has little to no contribution. Despite this, Wang Siyu still tried her best on the defensive end, and her efforts deserve recognition.

What is worrying is that Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu, who did not perform well in the last game, are still sluggish in this game. Wu Tongtong almost didn't dare to make a move, and he was frequently blocked when he broke through. Since the injury, she has become cautious in her movements, unable to let go of her hands and feet, and even made mistakes in dribbling. Once she is trapped, she is prone to missteps. Yang Shuyu was even more invisible on the offensive end, unable to find a suitable shot, missed many shots, performed inaccurately, and lost his former glory.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated Serbia! Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu continued to be in the doldrums, and Han Xu was unable to support himself

The Chinese women's basketball team lacked the two main forces of Li Yueru and Li Meng this time, resulting in a decline in overall strength, and it seemed powerless in the face of European powerhouses. Han Xu struggled to support on the inner line, but it was difficult to scream alone. Although Wang Siyu's organization and Huang Sijing's defense made a certain contribution, they still could not make up for the lack of overall strength of the whole team. The cold touch on the outside has undoubtedly exacerbated the team's predicament.

This European training match exposed many problems of the Chinese women's basketball team at both offensive and defensive ends. The team needs to make tactical adjustments, strengthen physical training, and improve the team's ability to work together. Especially in the face of strong teams, we can no longer rely on the individual players to fight alone, but need the joint efforts and tacit cooperation of the whole team.

In addition to tactical adjustments, the psychological adjustment of players is also crucial. The back-to-back defeats have dealt a serious blow to the team's morale. The coaching staff needs to help the players regain their confidence and get out of the slump through psychological counselling. In particular, Wu Tongtong and Yang Shuyu need to adjust their mentality as soon as possible and get back to their game form.

Although the results of the European training tournament were not satisfactory, it also sounded the alarm for the Chinese women's basketball team. By playing against strong teams, the team saw its own shortcomings and clarified the direction of improvement in the future. It is believed that with the joint efforts of the coaching staff and all players, the Chinese women's basketball team can gradually improve its strength and show stronger competitiveness in future games.

For the fiasco of this competition, there is a lot of discussion in the outside world. There is a view that this is due to the improper tactical arrangement of the coaching staff; Some people also think that the players are not in good shape and their psychological quality is not strong. Whatever the reason, the team needs to learn from the lessons as soon as possible to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. In the next game, it remains to be seen whether the Chinese women's basketball team can rebound.

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