
A new landmark for sightseeing! There will be new opportunities here in the waterfront

author:Look at Ben Shing
{"info":{"title":{"content":"旅游观光新地标!滨海这里将迎来新机遇","en":"A new landmark for sightseeing! There will be new opportunities here in the waterfront"},"description":{"content":"近日,区委街镇工委组织铭星冰雪(北京)科技有限公司、中国铁建投资集团、天津长芦汉沽盐场有限责任公司举行项目交流座谈会,三...","en":"Recently, the District Committee and Town Working Committee organized Mingxing Ice and Snow (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., China Railway Construction Investment Group, and Tianjin Changlu Hangu Salt Field Co., Ltd. to hold a project exchange symposium."}},"items":[]}