
I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?

author:Reading comprehension

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I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?

Editor|Teacher Shaoming

June 21, 2024

I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?

Get rid of the mistake of blindly brushing questions and master effective reading comprehension strategies

On the road to preparing for various exams, many students fall into the mistake of blindly brushing questions. They pursue the accumulation of questions, but ignore the understanding of the depth and breadth of the questions, and often get half the result.

I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?

Blind brushing is often accompanied by the problem of information overload. Students are struggling with a sea of questions, but they struggle to extract truly useful information from them.

This lack of sifting and digestion makes students' understanding of knowledge confusing and blurred. In addition, the single brushing mode also ignores the cultivation of problem-solving ideas and methods. Students fail to extract patterns from the questions, resulting in inability to bypass the analogy.

What's even more worrying is that it relies too much on brushing questions and ignores the in-depth exploration of the connotation of the article. Reading comprehension is not only a process of finding answers, but also an important way to cultivate reading literacy, improve comprehension and appreciation.

However, in the process of blindly brushing questions, students often only focus on the correctness of the answers, and ignore the charm and value of the essay itself.

I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?

In order to help students get out of the mistake of blindly brushing questions, we need to master effective reading comprehension strategies. These strategies include understanding the question system, mastering in-depth reading skills, and cultivating the thinking of answering questions.

Comprehension question type system is the foundation of effective reading comprehension. Students need to understand the "five core concepts" and "34 groups of professional terms", and clarify the classification of question types and the direction of problem solving. Through the framework of "8 question types" and "21 small question types", students can quickly locate the question types and point out the direction for solving the problems.

I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?

Mastering deep reading skills is the key to improving reading comprehension. The circle reading method can help students quickly locate the answer interval and improve the accuracy of problem solving. Multi-dimensional comprehension and grasp of the main idea can help students analyze the text from different perspectives and gain insight into the author's intention.

I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?

Question-answering thinking is the core of effective reading comprehension. Reviewing the questions first ensures that students understand every requirement of the question and clarify the scope and objectives of the answer. Accurate appreciation and summary can improve students' comprehension of sentences and articles as a whole. At the same time, connecting with reality is also an important way to deepen understanding and memory.

After mastering these strategies, students are also required to practice and reflect on them. Through systematic practice and analysis of mistakes, students can consolidate new knowledge, find out knowledge blind spots, and carry out targeted intensive training. Regular reviews can help students summarize their answering ideas and continuously optimize their strategies.

I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?

To more visually demonstrate the benefits of effective reading comprehension strategies, we can compare the case studies of Student A and Student B.

Although Student A has a large number of questions, his strategy is insufficient, resulting in mediocre grades.

Student B excelled in his strategy and in-depth understanding.

Taking segment appreciation and content summarization as examples, Student B can use the strategies he has learned to quickly locate the answer interval, accurately appreciate the segments, and comprehensively summarize the content of the article. This significant difference highlights the advantages of strategic problem solving.

Through comparison and analysis, we can draw the following conclusions: effective strategies are the key to improving reading comprehension; A deep understanding of the article and insight into the author's intentions is the only way to a high score; Continuous practice and reflection are important ways to promote self-leap.

Therefore, Mr. Shaoming calls on every student and parent to realize the importance of strategic learning and get rid of the misunderstanding of blindly brushing questions.

By mastering effective reading comprehension strategies, in-depth understanding of the meaning of texts, and continuous practice and reflection, we can improve our reading comprehension skills and achieve self-leaps. Let's work together to make every reading a joyful journey of knowledge and growth.

Over the years, we have focused on Chinese reading comprehension, and we have also made some achievements.

I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?
I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?
I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?
I'm tired of brushing questions like a dog, he doesn't brush questions all day long, why does he get a high score for reading comprehension?