
Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

author:Guangxi Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

The summer solstice is the tenth of the 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar and the starting point of midsummer. The so-called "summer solstice three Geng several head volts", refers to the beginning of the summer solstice, after three "Geng days", it will enter the hottest dog days of the year, at this time, the temperature is high, the humidity is high, thundershowers are frequent, attention should be paid to strengthen field management.

During the summer solstice, summer-sown crops and spring-sown crops ushered in an important period of growth and development, and at the same time, some areas also ushered in the joyful moment of summer grain harvest.

There are three phases of the summer solstice:

Wait for the antlers to be solved. The antlers of the deer are born towards the front, so they belong to the yang, and it is believed that on the summer solstice, the yin qi is born and the yang qi begins to decline, so the positive antlers begin to fall off.

Second, the cicadas began to sing. The male knows that after the summer solstice, he will drum his wings and sing because of the birth of yin energy.

Three and a half summers. Banxia is a yin-loving herb named after being born in a swamp or paddy field in midsummer, so it can be seen that in the hot midsummer, some yin-loving creatures begin to appear, while the masculine ones begin to decline.

Eating habits on the summer solstice

After the summer solstice, the weather is hot, people in the two regions will generally eat Qingbu cold soup, herbal tea, sour plum soup and other foods to escape the heat, and the northern region also has the habit of eating wheat dumplings and summer solstice cakes, and most of the most widespread is to eat summer solstice noodles.

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Summer solstice noodles, also known as Fufu noodles, is a dietary custom of the Han people. There is a folk saying that "after eating summer solstice noodles, the day is shorter", which means that after the "summer solstice", the days are getting shorter and shorter. When the summer solstice arrives, the new wheat appears, and people eat noodles on this day, which not only means that the summer solstice is the longest, but also has the meaning of celebrating the harvest and tasting the new wheat.

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching
Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

(Source: Xinhuanet)

In the south, there are many varieties of noodles, such as Yangchun noodles, dry soup noodles, shredded pork noodles, three fresh noodles, cross-bridge noodles and sesame oil cold noodles, while in the north, lo noodles and fried noodles are the main ones. Nowadays, with the gradual improvement of living standards, people continue to innovate dishes and flavors, and the variety of summer solstice noodles is becoming more and more abundant. After the summer, crayfish has become the "top stream" in many restaurants, and the "crayfish noodles" that meet the tastes of young people have also come into being and are highly sought after.

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

Crayfish noodles (Source: Xinhuanet reporter Pang Yuanyuan/photo)

Custom activities of the summer solstice

In ancient times, the summer solstice was known as the "Summer Solstice Festival", and as one of the folk "Four Seasons and Eight Festivals", people would hold a variety of customs and activities to celebrate. These activities vary in scale, from daily food customs to grand sacrifices and celebrations, all of which reflect the importance that people attach to this solar term.

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

In Guangxi Luocheng Gelao Autonomous County, there is a celebration ceremony exclusive to the "summer solstice" - the grass dragon dance. On the day of the summer solstice, people wear Gelao costumes, sing ancient songs, and wave grass dragons to show tourists the unique cultural charm of the Gelao people.

Before the ceremony begins, the Gelao people will perform a special "consecration" session - to put the finishing touches on the carefully tied straw dragons. After the completion of the consecration ceremony, the sound of gongs and drums sounded, and in the rhythmic drumming, the grass dragon fluttered and danced in the hands of the young people of the Gelao nationality to pray for good weather and abundant harvests, which is the wonder of Luocheng Gelao Autonomous County that has lasted for a hundred years.

At the end of the ceremony, there will be a grass dragon delivery session. The dancing grass dragon is burned, symbolizing the dragon being sent into the sea. At this point, the grass dragon dance ceremony came to a successful conclusion, and the summer solstice celebration of the Gelao people also came to a perfect end.

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

The people of the Gelao tribe are dancing the grass dragon. (Source: China News Network Liao Guangfu/photo)

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

The people of the Gelao tribe are dancing the grass dragon. (Source: China News Network Liao Guangfu/photo)

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

Grass dragon dance scene. (Source: China News Network Liao Guangfu/photo)

Farming guidance

During the summer solstice, the early rice south of the Huai River is in the critical stage of heading and flowering. At this time, field water management is particularly crucial, to ensure sufficient water heading, moist filling, not only to meet the water required for rice fruiting, but also conducive to breathable root raising, to ensure that the rice is ripe to old age, and to increase the weight of grains.

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

During the summer solstice, farmers seize the agricultural time to carry out field operations. (Source: Xinhua News Agency Fan Hui/photo)

As the saying goes, "summer planting is not allowed to take place", and the summer sowing work needs to be swept up quickly, and the management of the sown crops should be strengthened, and the whole seedling should be strived for. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to set seedlings in time and transplant to make up for the deficiency to ensure that the crops grow robustly.

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

Farmers seize the agricultural time to carry out summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management work (Source: Xinhua News Agency Huang Xiaohai/photo)

During the summer solstice, weeds in the fields grow rapidly, not only competing with crops for water, fertilizer and sunlight, but also as hosts for many germs and pests. There is a proverb in the past: "If you don't hoe the grass on the edge of the summer solstice, it's like raising a poisonous snake to bite." "Cultivating and hoeing the land and removing weeds is one of the most critical measures to increase production during the summer solstice.

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

On the farmland planting base, drones are applying pesticides accurately and orderly (Source: Xinhuanet)

The cicadas are singing in the forest, and the midsummer is coming

The scorching sun of midsummer is a beautiful beginning

Live up to the time, live up to the future

Twenty-four solar terms|Mountains and rivers know summer, and the year is scorching

Source: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs new media comprehensive collation