
Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

Big girl in the game

2024-06-22 12:44Posted in Fujian game creators

Recently, the topic of the e-sports circle is discussed by many netizens, I believe you have also seen a lot of news in this regard, during this time we saw that the Old Man's Cup has ended, and the major players and anchors have returned to the live broadcast room, I thought there was no rhythm, but I didn't expect Doinb to come out to make trouble again recently.

Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

Recently, Doinb broke the news that he was officially targeted during the live broadcast, and all the guests ran to the gesture live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold, in fact, everyone had seen this matter for a long time, after the card lottery broke out, doinb chose to stop broadcasting, and after the broadcast, the live broadcast content of his previous big B manor was taken by the gesture.

Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

gesture began to invite insiders in the live broadcast room, and because of their funny live broadcast style, this kind of live broadcast soon attracted the attention of a large number of netizens, and was called Dazi Manor by netizens, and after more than 4 months of hiatus, doinb also made a successful comeback, and restarted the big B manor model, but the popularity was not as good as before.

Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

On the contrary, the popularity of the posture side is rising, and doinb has slowly stopped this live broadcast mode, many netizens also complained, saying that doinb's popularity is not good, these insiders have gone to the posture live broadcast room, and they don't come to the doinb live broadcast room.

Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

He said that he is now being targeted by the live broadcast official, and he will be warned and fined for inviting anchors on other platforms, so he does not dare to invite insiders from other platforms now, and the insiders of the same platform are coming, in addition, he also said that he wants to participate in the Old Man's Cup and is also officially banned.

Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

This paragraph is a little different from the previous words, before doinb said that he took the initiative to refuse to participate in the old man's cup, but now he said that he was officially rejected, which made people a little confused for a while, I don't know what is going on with him, did he accidentally tell the truth? Did you say before that you refused to save face?

Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

In fact, about this matter, netizens think that it is because of doinb's previous card lottery incident, and now it is his biggest stain, because of this stain, the major platforms and LPL officials cannot accept him, and he also said before that he is ready to make a comeback with LWX next season, it is estimated that this possibility is very low, do you have anything to say about this?

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  • Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold
  • Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold
  • Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold
  • Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold
  • Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold
  • Doinb broke the news that he was targeted by the official, and all the guests ran to the live broadcast room, and the big B manor was going to be cold

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