
Euro 2024 is here! Watching the ball should be cool, and there is a way to prevent deception→

author:Ping'an Grand Ferry
Euro 2024 is here! Watching the ball should be cool, and there is a way to prevent deception→

With the opening match of the European Championship coming

In this craze

The criminals also quietly stretched out their black hands

Scams are perpetrated in various forms

Here, Shu Huang has sorted out the common scams during the European Championship

Please the majority of netizens and fans and friends

Take care of your property

Don't be "cool" this summer because of scams

Euro 2024 is here! Watching the ball should be cool, and there is a way to prevent deception→

1. Illegal phishing activities of fake European Cup websites

During the European Cup, some criminals deceive other people's account passwords by setting up fake European Cup-related websites, or obtain other passwords through viruses, and criminals will try their best to get your information and then commit crimes. Keep your eyes peeled and don't blindly open unknown websites. It is best to go to the search engine to search for the official URL and confirm that it is correct before choosing to open it.

2. Illegal activities of counterfeiting software

After all, there are few fans and friends who can go to the European Cup, so the best way to watch the game is through TV broadcast or live broadcast software, criminals will take the opportunity to develop some fake live broadcast software, most of these software have Trojan viruses to steal the personal information of the victim, or with plug-ins to induce illegal gambling to deceive the victim to participate in the investment of money. Be cautious about installing software from unknown sources, and it is best to go to an official software store to download the software.

3. Illegal Betting and Illegal Activities

Criminals use the Internet to set up online casinos, extract victims' identity information, and lure victims to recharge and place bets. Subsequently, the scammer either obtains the "price difference" by controlling the odds, or directly collects the money and runs away, so that the victim cannot obtain the principal and the so-called income. Investment is not speculation, and watching football is not gambling. At present, domestic sales of lottery tickets related to football, basketball results, only the state licensed to issue the "China Sports Lottery" is a legal lottery, the majority of fans and consumers should consciously stay away from illegal lottery, if you need to buy European Cup tickets, please buy through the Sichuan Sports Lottery physical store.

4. Illegal activities to predict the outcome of the game

Criminals advertise that they know the "inside information" of the European Cup, and trick the victims into buying their "services" on the pretext of sharing the "red list" recommendation and accepting the guidance of "experts", and they can also bet on their behalf. When you bet heavily on the outcome of their predictions, you may lose a single piece of the game. All self-proclaimed "insiders" and "prediction experts", the information that can predict the lottery results are scams laid by criminals, do not believe in the trap of "low investment, high return", and do not fall into the trap of fraud due to the temptation of small interests.

5. Illegal activities of winning the European Cup

During the European Cup, there were many cases of using winning text messages to defraud. Some notify you of your award through SMS, let you go to the corresponding website to claim the prize, and defraud the account password or money; When you receive such a message, be sure to deal with it calmly and don't let the prize paralyze your eyes.

Euro 2024 is here! Watching the ball should be cool, and there is a way to prevent deception→

It is forbidden to participate in "gambling" through online platforms and APPs, and do not accept any part-time agents to promote gambling websites, participating in online gambling and opening gambling websites are illegal and criminal acts, and the public security organs will severely crack down on them in accordance with the law. Please follow the principle of three noes: do not send money, do not be gullible, and do not click on unknown links. If you want to buy a Euro Cup lottery ticket, you should go to the physical store of the sports lottery, while enjoying the football feast, with wisdom and vigilance to protect your property security.