
Today's summer solstice

author:Western Times
Today's summer solstice

Yangliu Qingqing River level,

Hear the singing of Lang Jiang.

The sun rises in the east and rains in the west,

The Tao is sunny but sunny.

- "Bamboo Branches" Liu Yuxi

June 21, 4:51, summer solstice.

The summer solstice is one of the 24 solar terms, which originated from the observation of the ancients on the laws of the sun. The summer solstice occurs when the sun reaches the northernmost point of the year and the northern hemisphere has the longest daylight hours. The summer solstice marks the official start of a hot summer, after which temperatures continue to rise, although the direct point of the sun gradually shifts southward. Since ancient times, the summer solstice has not only been an important node in agricultural production, but also carries a rich cultural connotation, and people will hold various celebrations to pray for a good harvest and good luck.

Today's summer solstice

The "Three Waits" of the Summer Solstice

Wait for the "antler solution". During the summer solstice, the yang energy reaches the extreme and begins to decline, and the deer is a yang beast, and its horns begin to fall off, symbolizing the beginning of the transformation of yin and yang;

The second candidate is "the beginning of the song". At this time, the cicada song is loud, marking the enthusiasm and hustle and bustle of summer, and their call has also become a unique note in the summer solstice;

Three candidates for "half summer life". Banxia is a yin-loving herb named after being born in a swamp or paddy field in midsummer, and its growth marks the characteristics of yin and yang in summer, and its vigorous vitality.

Today's summer solstice

The customs of the summer solstice

Worship the gods and ancestors. The summer solstice coincides with the wheat harvest, and since ancient times, there has been a custom of celebrating the harvest and sacrificing to the ancestors, in order to pray for the good harvest and express the admiration and gratitude to the ancestors;

Escape the summer. On the summer solstice, women will give each other folding fan fat powder and other things to generate wind and disperse body heat to prevent prickly heat, reflecting people's desire to pursue a healthy and comfortable life;

Eat summer solstice noodles. Eating noodles on the summer solstice is a traditional custom in many regions, and noodles are nutritious and can satisfy the appetite and symbolize a long and smooth life.

Eat wheat dumplings and summer solstice cakes. In the Jiangnan area, there is a custom of eating wheat dumplings on the summer solstice, which are not only eaten by themselves, but also given as gifts to relatives and friends. At the same time, farmers will make summer solstice cakes, which can be eaten after worshipping ancestors or distributed to relatives and friends, implying reunion and sharing;

Eat summer solstice eggs. In some areas of southern Shonan, there is a custom of eating eggs on the summer solstice. People boil eggs and dye them red on children's chests, which not only means auspiciousness, but also reflects the parents' care for their children;

It is taboo to shave the head and cut the hair. During the Qing Dynasty, it was taboo to shave the head and cut the hair on the summer solstice, believing that it would damage the body, although this custom has gradually faded, it is still retained in some places, reflecting people's respect and inheritance of traditional culture.

During the summer solstice, the temperature gradually rises, and we must also pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling, and we also remind everyone to drink more water, eat more fruits, and try to avoid long-term activities under the scorching sun. At the same time, you can also try some traditional delicacies of the summer solstice, such as zongzi and cold noodles, which are both delicious and healthy.

Today's summer solstice

The summer solstice is a solar term full of vitality and vitality. Let's welcome this beautiful day together and enjoy the summer sunshine and enthusiasm!