
The child has "bubbles" in his throat, and the doctor reminds him that herpangina has entered the high season

The child has "bubbles" in his throat, and the doctor reminds him that herpangina has entered the high season

People's Daily Health Client

2024-06-22 12:30Published on the official account of Henan People's Daily Health Client

"The child began to have a fever a few days ago, and there were 'bubbles' in his throat, and he was diagnosed with herpangina after being examined in the hospital. "As the weather gradually warms up, many parents report that their children are infected with herpangina. The People's Daily health client learned from many hospitals in Beijing, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and Shenzhen, Guangdong, that the number of herpangina patients in hospitals has increased recently.

"The number of herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease in our department has more than doubled compared to last month." On June 21, Kuang Jianyu, deputy chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Longgang Central Hospital in Shenzhen, Guangdong, told the People's Daily health client that herpangina is an emergency infectious disease, and summer is the epidemic season, which is highly contagious, mainly transmitted through contact and respiratory tract, and is easy to cause epidemics in nurseries, kindergartens and other places where children are concentrated.

The child has "bubbles" in his throat, and the doctor reminds him that herpangina has entered the high season

Huang Lisu, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Children's Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, is consulting the children. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Huang Lisu, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, told the People's Daily health client that in the early stage of herpangina, the sore throat may not be obvious, and the patient may present with fever and loss of appetite. The initial stage of herpes may be red and swollen rather than typical herpes, and family members may not be aware of the herpes in the mouth, but they usually appear on the afternoon of the first or second day of fever.

According to Kwong Jianyu, many of the virus subtypes that cause herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease are similar, mainly because the rash is distributed in different locations, and the treatment methods are mainly symptomatic. Herpangina is mainly manifested as herpes and ulcers in the pharyngeal isthmus and oral mucosa; Hand, foot and mouth disease also often causes rashes on the hands, feet, buttocks, perianal area and even the skin of the limbs. ”

"Although the number of cases of herpangina infection increases in the summer, it usually resolves on its own within 1 week, so parents don't need to worry too much." Huang Lisu told the People's Daily health client that herpangina usually heals on its own in 7 days. A very small number of severe cases may cause infants and young children to have febrile convulsions, encephalitis, etc., and need to go to the hospital in time. In particularly severe cases, prompt use of antiviral drugs may be required to control the condition.

Huang Lisu suggested that since the causative agent of herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease is a virus, there is no need to use antibiotic treatment, and the main treatment is symptomatic. "Generally, the infectivity is strongest at the end of the incubation period and the early stage of the disease, and a small number of children have a course of about two weeks, and it is recommended that the child return to school or participate in group activities after the clinical symptoms disappear." Huang Lisu said.

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  • The child has "bubbles" in his throat, and the doctor reminds him that herpangina has entered the high season

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