
Tian San failed to whitewash the letters, and his testimony was not accepted and the letters were lost, but instead exposed the Tian family's position

author:Enjoy poetry and distance

Since the lawsuit between Xu Min and Alphabet was opened, it has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. This lawsuit is not only a simple civil dispute, but also involves the interweaving of family, affection, morality and law.

Tian San failed to whitewash the letters, and his testimony was not accepted and the letters were lost, but instead exposed the Tian family's position

Xu Min won the case in the first instance, but the letter was unwilling and insisted on appealing, which made the trend of this lawsuit even more confusing.

The second trial was held in Beijing, and Xu Min and Yao Shibing attended in person, their faces full of determination and determination. And the letter side also went all out, and even added seven new pieces of evidence to try to turn things around.

Among them, the most eye-catching is Guo Wei's daughter-in-law's sister-in-law, Tian San, who actually stood up to testify for the letters.

Tian San failed to whitewash the letters, and his testimony was not accepted and the letters were lost, but instead exposed the Tian family's position

Tian San's testimony undoubtedly added a bit of drama to this lawsuit. She claimed that Xu Min set off a cyberbullying, and the alphabet's swearing was just a counterattack. This kind of logic obviously does not hold up in court.

What's more, Tian San also revealed that Wei Jing had met Xu Min's requirements, bought a house in Jiujiang, and contributed money for the anti-cyber violence. This statement is undoubtedly implying that Xu Min should be content and not pursue it further.

However, the courtroom is a place where evidence and law are spoken. Although Tian San's testimony has a certain influence, it cannot change the essence of the case. Her testimony was not accepted by the court, and Alphabet ultimately lost the case.

Tian San failed to whitewash the letters, and his testimony was not accepted and the letters were lost, but instead exposed the Tian family's position

This result is undoubtedly a relief for Xu Min. But for Tian San, it was a kind of embarrassment and helplessness.

As a witness, Tian San tried to whitewash the letters from her own position and perspective, but her testimony did not achieve the desired effect.

On the contrary, her testimony also exposed the true position and attitude of the Tian family. This begs the question: Is the family defending the alphabet, or is it looking out for their own interests?

Tian San failed to whitewash the letters, and his testimony was not accepted and the letters were lost, but instead exposed the Tian family's position

In this lawsuit, we see the interweaving of family, affection, morality and law. The dispute between Xu Min and Alphabet is not only a simple civil case, but also a contest about human nature, morality and law.

In this contest, everyone has their own position and angle, and everyone is fighting for their own interests. The law is fair and just. It doesn't change its verdict because of your position and angle.

Tian San failed to whitewash the letters, and his testimony was not accepted and the letters were lost, but instead exposed the Tian family's position

In this lawsuit, the court finally rendered a fair judgment and upheld the dignity and authority of the law. At the same time, it also allows us to see the complex relationship between family, affection, morality and law.

For Xu Min, the victory in this lawsuit is not only a relief, but also a victory of justice. In this lawsuit, we see the complexity and diversity of human nature.

Tian San failed to whitewash the letters, and his testimony was not accepted and the letters were lost, but instead exposed the Tian family's position

Everyone has their own position and perspective, but we should all respect the law, respect the facts, and respect others.