
Born only 1.28 kilograms, "Early Angel" broke through layers of checkpoints in 71 days

Born only 1.28 kilograms, "Early Angel" broke through layers of checkpoints in 71 days

Changsha Evening News

2024-06-23 21:06Posted on the official account of Hunan Changsha Evening News

  Changsha Evening News, Changsha, June 23 (all-media reporter Yang Yunlong, correspondent Wu Xing, Mo Simin) Due to various reasons, some babies will "break out of the cocoon" in advance and become "early angels", Xiaobei (pseudonym) is such a baby who came to the world early, weighing only 1.28 kg at birth, and also has symptoms such as dyspnea, pulmonary hemorrhage, azotemia, and coagulation dysfunction. The reporter learned from the Fourth Hospital of Changsha City today that the neonatal department of the hospital and Xiaobei have been fighting together for 71 days and nights, all the way through the respiratory barrier, bleeding barrier, infection barrier, feeding barrier, anemia and other barriers. Finally, Xiaobei weighed 2.35 kilograms, and all examinations were generally normal, and he went home healthy.

Born only 1.28 kilograms, "Early Angel" broke through layers of checkpoints in 71 days

The baby was born only 1.28 kilograms and faced one difficulty after another

  It goes back more than 2 months. On April 9th, Xiaobei, who was only 30 weeks + 4 days in her mother's womb, couldn't wait to be born and became a member of the "early angels".

  When Xiaobei was born, she weighed only 1.28 kilograms, and she was born with breathing difficulties. Xiaobei's mother had severe preeclampsia and diabetes during pregnancy, which caused Xiaobei's lungs to be immature when she was in her mother's womb, coupled with many high-risk factors, Xiaobei's lung maturity was worse than that of children born at the same gestational age, and pulmonary hemorrhage was extremely serious.

  Respiration, infection, bleeding, jaundice, nutrition, anemia...... The little baby is born with one difficulty after another.

  After using cryoprecipitate, plasma and fibrinogen for many times, Xiaobei's severe pulmonary hemorrhage problem is still difficult to improve, and capillary leakage syndrome, general bruising, azotemia, and coagulation dysfunction appear...... Within 16 days of birth, the baby was fasted.

  Yang Zeyan, director of the Department of Neonatology and chief physician of Changsha Fourth Hospital, led the team to formulate an individualized treatment plan for Xiaobei, carefully checked the indicators of Xiaobei every day, closely monitored every subtle change of Xiaobei, and accurately calculated the weight and laboratory results of Xiaobei on the same day, and formulated the optimal fluid management, nutrient solution ratio and administration plan according to Xiaobei's weight and laboratory test results on the same day.

  Nursing operations are also carried out with care. The nursing team set up a developmental support nursing team, formulated a personalized nursing plan for Xiaobei, formulated a concentrated operation time, avoided overstimulation, and adopted pain management and bundle management to strictly prevent nosocomial infection.

  The intestinal function of premature babies is extremely immature, and Xiaobei has 16 days of fasting and cannot start milk (the baby drinks milk for the first time after birth). Sixteen days after Becky's birth, the nurses tried to feed her with 0.5 ml of breast milk each time.

  Xiaobei's abdominal condition is also the focus of everyone's attention, because the slightest negligence may lead to fatal consequences such as ischemia and necrosis of the intestinal wall. Every day, the nurses will accurately record the urine and urine of the shellfish.

  Every operation and every care of the nurses are meticulous, standardized and gentle, strictly disinfected and isolated, repeatedly checked, carefully observed, and specially made exclusive eye masks and bird's nests suitable for Xiaobei. During the hospitalization, Wu Xing, the head nurse, also taught Bao Ma to carry out kangaroo care.

Born only 1.28 kilograms, "Early Angel" broke through layers of checkpoints in 71 days
Born only 1.28 kilograms, "Early Angel" broke through layers of checkpoints in 71 days

More than 70 days and nights, medical staff helped the baby through layers of barriers

  Under the perseverance, meticulous treatment and careful care of the neonatology team of Changsha Fourth Hospital, from gastric tube nasal feeding to self-sucking and feeding, from 0.5 ml of milk each time to 40 ml of milk each time...... Xiaobei has overcome difficulties such as breathing, bleeding, infection, feeding, and anemia, and weighed 2.35 kilograms, and all examinations are generally normal. At 40 weeks' corrected gestational age, the NBNA score was 39.

  "The NBNA score is a clinical examination method specifically designed to assess the comprehensive behavioral nerves of term neonates, with the aim of determining whether there is minor brain injury in newborns, and to evaluate and predict the prognosis of brain injury at an early stage." Yang Zeyan said that this scoring method includes five aspects: behavioral ability, passive muscle tone, active muscle tone, primitive reflex and general assessment, with a total of 20 items and a full score of 40 points. The development of NBNA score can detect neonates with abnormal behavioral development in time, carry out early intervention and early treatment, and improve the quality of life of neonates, especially children with brain injury.

  Early in the morning of June 20, Xiaobei's parents came to the ward early, ready to take their baby home. "I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the medical staff of the Department of Neonatology of Changsha Fourth Hospital, it is your perseverance for more than 70 days and nights that the baby can be reborn; It is your firm dedication that gives us the confidence and courage to persevere; It is you who bring hope to our family, thank you! Xiaobei's mother said excitedly.

  Yang Zeyan said that the trust and full cooperation of parents were also the key to the successful rescue of the "early angels". The Department of Neonatology of Changsha Fourth Hospital will continue to improve the level of treatment and humanistic care, protect newborns with professionalism and love, strive for high-quality treatment of more critically ill newborns, and live up to the trust and trust of parents.

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  • Born only 1.28 kilograms, "Early Angel" broke through layers of checkpoints in 71 days
  • Born only 1.28 kilograms, "Early Angel" broke through layers of checkpoints in 71 days
  • Born only 1.28 kilograms, "Early Angel" broke through layers of checkpoints in 71 days

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