
The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

Intensive reading

2024-06-28 11:16

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

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During the graduation season, the graduation exhibitions of major art academies can be called "fairy fights", and many parents will also choose to take their children to enjoy the works in the exhibition and feel the edification of art.

It is a very good thing that the graduates' works can be appreciated by more people, and parents and children can also cultivate their sentiments and educate in fun, but some of the things that happened in the graduation exhibition made people helpless.

Wang Mengyu's graduation work at the China Academy of Art is an art set that simulates "home", in which there is a table of mahjong, all made of clay, nano-glue and other materials, and a piece of mahjong takes three or four hours, and she and her classmates spend several months hand-crafting it.

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

Pictured: @X

Once the work was exhibited, the audience was very curious, whether it was adults or children, there were people waiting for the opportunity to pinch it, although there were volunteers to maintain order, and the author was sometimes on the scene; Although there was a slogan "No Violent Destruction, Damage Fine" posted next to it, it could not be prevented.

In just six days, a table of mahjong was pinched by the audience.

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

Pictured: @X

Angry at the author, she finally had no choice but to accept the fact that the work could no longer be repaired, so she simply printed out the original appearance of the work and pasted it on the exhibition site, and renamed her work "Mahjong Education", which reads:

"A secondary work is completed by the author and a part of the audience."

Anyone who sees it will find it ironic.

In addition to this, there are many graduation works of various colleges and universities that have been destroyed.

The keyboard that the author glued with 502 glue was picked up by the audience;

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

Pictured: @马上好

A bicycle that looks interesting has the word "broken" on it, and the author has posted a reminder on the wall to scan the code to watch the video, because "it was really fun before it broke......

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

Figure: @guyi

Many of the works are labeled "badly damaged", and some authors can do their best to restore them, while others are simply so damaged that they can't be restored.

It was a pity that this was supposed to be an artistic exchange, but it ended up like this.


The destruction of mahjong reminds me of a time when the Shanghai Museum of Glass once encountered the destruction of its exhibits.

As early as 2013, an artwork titled "Angels Waiting", in the form of a pair of angel wings, was exhibited at the Shanghai Museum of Glass, which was also damaged by a small audience who broke into the area, directly causing a quarter of the wings to disappear completely.

Due to the special process, the local damage could not be repaired, and after several considerations, the museum decided to rename the artist's exhibit "Fold" to continue the exhibition.

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

Figure: @栗栗子会发光

Next to the exhibits, a screen is set up to broadcast the process of the destruction of the exhibits in the monitoring, and it is played in a loop.

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

In this way, the Shanghai Museum of Glass hopes to warn the audience to be vigilant as well, and to awaken the audience's sense of civilized visit and respect and love for works of art.

It is ridiculous that a work of art that needs to be carefully protected is destroyed by children's play.

We can understand that children are very curious, and it is inevitable that they do not know the importance of it.

However, art exhibitions are not playgrounds, and parents, as guardians, have the obligation to regulate their children's behavior in public.

However, some parents even "lead by example" and do some uncivilized behavior, many things tell us that behind the "bear children", there are probably really "bear parents".


The Guangdong Museum had received a letter of complaint.

The letter complained that the staff were too careful, not allowed to eat in the museum, and did not allow children to run.

"Don't let your child liberate his nature!! What's wrong with running, what's going on with jumping, what's wrong with touching dinosaurs!! Isn't it possible!! ”

He also asked justifiably: "Isn't the audience God?" Isn't that a child?! ”

The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

Parents think so, can they still expect him to regulate their children's behavior and instill a correct view of right and wrong?

Young children don't yet have the ability to tell right from wrong, and when they see their parents not following the rules and running around, they think it's okay to do so.

The child is a "mirror of the demon" of the parents.

The child's behavior can also see the quality of the parents.

Parents who are uncivilized themselves cannot educate civilized children; Parents with high moral character will also let their children become virtuous people under the influence of their ears and eyes.

As Professor Li Meijin once said, in mental health, what really affects people is personality.

Its source does not lie in the daily accumulation of cognitive activities, phenomena of consciousness, and emotional expression, but from early upbringing.

She proposes that when children are three years old, they should learn to say "no" to them:

Some parents once asked me what should I do if my children always want to make trouble with me and threaten to jump off the building? What can I do? This is a problem that parents have always been accustomed to.

When the child is young, let him know that if this thing doesn't work, it won't work. You can't solve problems by making trouble, you have to learn to compromise.

She gave an example:

If a child is crying, you carry him into the room, give him a small bench, close the door, and say to him, "If you want to cry, cry, but you are not right." ”

When the child finished crying, give him a hot towel to wipe his face and ask him, "Are you still crying?" I'm still crying and waiting for you. ”

That's when he knew that it was useless to make trouble.

Li Meijin said, don't underestimate the three-year-old and say no, making trouble is a very bad character problem, and it is related to self-cultivation.

All the excessive favoritism, unlimited concessions, and blind indulgence of parents are pushing their children into an abyss of mistakes, sinking deeper and deeper.


Countless examples tell us: behind well-educated children stand cultivated parents, and behind bear children often stand unqualified parents.

With good words and deeds, there will be no bear children.

In order to educate people, we must first educate ourselves, and let ourselves be a person with character, so that we can raise a child with character.

As a passage published by People's Daily Online once said:

"Beloved son, teach it righteousness." Parents who love their sons should be taught in the right way.

The most important thing in family education is moral education, how to be a human being, and parents should practice it in civilized education.

Virtue can cultivate people, and helping children buckle the button of virtue is the real "for the good of children".


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  • The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child
  • The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child
  • The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child
  • The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child
  • The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child
  • The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child
  • The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child
  • The incident of "Graduation Exhibition Works of the Academy of Fine Arts" on the hot search aroused public anger: it is enough to destroy a child

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