
Afraid! In just a few seconds, the 8-year-old boy was almost "blind"! Don't buy this kind of Internet celebrity toy for your child

Afraid! In just a few seconds, the 8-year-old boy was almost "blind"! Don't buy this kind of Internet celebrity toy for your child

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-06-22 08:27Published on the official account of Red Star News of Chengdu Business Daily, Sichuan

Recently, an 8-year-old boy was treated at Zhejiang Provincial Eye Hospital (Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University) in Hangzhou. The mother said that when the child was playing with other children with a soft bullet gun, he was accidentally hit by a "crystal bullet" in the left eyeball, and he felt that his eyes hurt and he couldn't see.

Mom showed me a photo of the "crystal bullet", in fact, it is the "water baby" that children love to play, put the beads into the water to soak, the beads will become bigger and softer after absorbing the water, I heard that many children now like to use this "crystal bullet" to play shooting games. This kind of "crystal bullet" is soft and soft, and it should be relatively safe in general, but this time the child has an accident, which may be related to the shooting distance being too close or the firing force of the toy gun is too large.

Afraid! In just a few seconds, the 8-year-old boy was almost "blind"! Don't buy this kind of Internet celebrity toy for your child

▲ The "crystal bullet" that hit the boy's eye

The local hospital found that the child had bleeding in the left anterior chamber and the intraocular pressure exceeded 50mmHg (normal is 10-21mmHg). After three days, the child's eyes changed from simple pain to swelling pain, and he still couldn't see, so he rushed to our hospital.

At that time, due to the effect of bleeding, we could not clearly observe the child's fundus, and the intraocular pressure was still high, 42mmHg. If the intraocular pressure is persistently high, it compresses the optic nerve and can easily cause permanent damage, so we give the child intravenous mannitol to lower intraocular pressure, and at the same time apply 3 kinds of topical eye drops to lower intraocular pressure. After a few days of medication, the child's intraocular pressure dropped to 27mmHg, which was still high.

At first, the child had active bleeding in his eye, which later clotted into a blood clot. Clinically, most children with similar conditions may return to their pre-injury vision of 1.0 in the future as long as the blood clot can be completely absorbed. However, there are also a small number of children who will have dilated pupils after trauma, bleeding caused by adhesions of iris and other tissues, and may have problems such as photophobia, and even more severe, irreparable visual damage caused by damage to the optic nerve and retina.

We did an ultrasound on the child, and we were able to confirm that there was no significant bleeding and retinal detachment in the back of his eye. However, B-ultrasound can only see large lesions, and B-ultrasound alone still cannot rule out the possibility of subtle lesions. Specifically, it is necessary to wait for anterior chamber hemorrhage and absorption, and then perform a comprehensive fundus examination to determine whether there is retinal or optic nerve damage.

Fortunately, a few days ago, the child came for a follow-up examination, and the anterior chamber bleeding had been completely absorbed, and the visual acuity had returned to 1.0.

In daily life, in addition to shooting toys, the most common things that cause eye damage are mainly laser pointers, pencils, food desiccants, etc. When buying toys, parents should carefully consider whether there are potential safety hazards, and sharp objects in the home must be kept out of the reach of children.

Source: Orange Persimmon Interactive

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  • Afraid! In just a few seconds, the 8-year-old boy was almost "blind"! Don't buy this kind of Internet celebrity toy for your child

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