
Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

author:Full of positive energy

#中管院被撤销: Soliciting "academicians and experts" #

is about to fill in the college entrance examination, but recently a big news suddenly broke out, that is, because of the abuse of subordinate institutions and other issues, the State Administration of Public Institutions has revoked the registration of the China Academy of Management Sciences! In other words, this unit will no longer be a state-recognized institution in the future, it is a pure private organization, whether it is to fill in the college entrance examination volunteers, or comrades who are trying to find a way to get employed, they must keep their eyes open, don't be deceived!

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams
Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

What are the reasons for the revocation?

According to the circular, it can be seen that the relevant state units are quite harsh about the actions of the Central Management Yuan, and the wording used includes indiscriminate establishment, wanton expansion, wanton solicitation, etc., which is relatively rare in similar circulars, and it can be seen that the state is very angry at the behavior of this institution.

Let's take a look at it specifically

Many of the behaviors of the Central Administration Institute are not registered, nor are they reported, relying on the prefix of the Chinese brand to sell certificates to the public, issuing various honorary certificates, holding forums, conferences and external publicity in violation of regulations, in general, it is all kinds of circumvention of the jurisdiction of the management body, and the purpose is to make profits by all means.

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

Some netizens said that their friends spent thousands of dollars to get the academician certificate of this research institute, which really makes people laugh to death, is China's academician only worth a few thousand yuan? But then again, it is precisely because there are a large number of people who want to take shortcuts and get something for nothing, and they have no corresponding knowledge, but they want to pick up a little money to get the corresponding honorary certificate, so they have given this Central Management Institute such a big market, and there is really no market without demand.

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

Swagger has been around for years

Searching on the Internet, it can be seen that in 2022 or even earlier, some netizens played fake on the online forum, saying that this is a scammer agency, relying on the name of the Chinese word to hold meetings everywhere, sell certificates, as long as you pay money, you can buy various titles, with these titles, you can go out to swindle, and even join the company, because there are relevant institutions registered, so even if you inquire, there will be no special suspicion.

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

The certificate is made to confuse the real thing

According to the photos provided by netizens, you can see that the design of this certificate is no different from the general certificate, and it is given the honorary title of visiting professor when it comes up, and it is written next to it that he was hired as a visiting professor because he has made outstanding contributions in related fields. It stands to reason that this certificate is actually very easy to identify, if they are already professor-level figures, then, if you search on the Internet, there will definitely be a lot of articles and papers written, and you can't just rely on an honorary certificate to determine your identity.

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams
Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

There are many good articles posted on the Internet to attract attention

There are even articles saying that the certificate issued by the Central Academy of Management has a high gold content, which is simply a naked advertisement! It's really talking nonsense with their eyes open, many people may still have concerns when they buy it, but when they search on the Internet, they see that there are many articles praising the high gold content of the certificate of the Central Management Institute, so they may also let go of their scruples and pay directly, and they don't want to think about it. Is a certificate with a high gold content something that can be done for a few thousand dollars? Then why don't you spend thousands of dollars and go directly to the university to become a professor.

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

Although it is said that the management agency of the state institution has cancelled this institution, there will still be many accounts in the search of the official account, and it can be seen that the logo designed by this institution is really fake and true, coupled with the signboard of the Chinese prefix, it is no wonder that many friends have been deceived.

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

Similar institutions can be like fish in water in the domestic market, mainly relying on the following points

The first is to use fake signboards and methods to make very authentic certificates, and publish relevant articles on the Internet to attract attention, which has led to a very large number of victims believing it to be true.

Second, a large number of personnel have related needs, and they are very eager to get an officially recognized certificate for themselves by taking advantage of a few thousand dollars, so as to further grab benefits for themselves.

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

The third is the absence of relevant regulatory agencies, as early as a few years ago, many people questioned the authenticity and reasonableness of this institution on the Internet, but there were no relevant personnel to supervise, but it is not until today that this lack has been made up, which is also very timely.

In short, in the time period when the college entrance examination is about to fill in the volunteers, the release of such anti-fake news is indeed a booster, not only to some fake and shoddy institutions on the market is a very ruthless deterrent, but also to the masses of people, we must keep our eyes open, identify the formal institutions, and do not want to take shortcuts for the sake of greed, and finally be defrauded of money and only get a piece of paper, which is really more than worth the loss.

What do you think?

Fight fakes! The Chinese Academy of Management Sciences was revoked as a public institution, and thousands of yuan were used to buy professors' appointment letters for scams

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