
49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

author:Tianfu Fusions
49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list
49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

Readers, friends

It's time for the weekly eyebrow inventory again

Recently there was a timely reading

What are the work updates and important information released by the new district?

Let's review it with the new eyebrows

What are the hot news this week~

First up is this week's reading list~


49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list


Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University released a recruitment plan

Become the top 1 in popularity

Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University

(Meishan Tianfu New Area People's Hospital)

Released the third round of reserve recruitment plan in 2024

It involves physician posts and technician posts

Pharmacist post, administrative logistics management post and other positions

49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

The recruitment was organized by the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University, and the recruitment was carried out on behalf of Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University (Meishan Tianfu New Area People's Hospital), and the new recruits signed an agreement with Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University (Meishan Tianfu New Area People's Hospital), which constituted a labor contract relationship. Before Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University (Meishan Tianfu New Area People's Hospital) is put into use, new recruits need to be trained in the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University (Luzhou) after signing the contract.

Meishan Tianfu New Area steps into the "Avenue of Stars"!

Gain the hot attention of netizens

June 14-15

"Academician Meishan Tour" activity

The 2nd Meishan Satellite Industry Development Conference was held

The conference was received

Xinhua News Agency,, Economic Daily, Sichuan TV, Sichuan Daily

Chengdu Daily, Chuanguan News, Cover News

and many other mainstream media have paid special attention

(The smell of this "star" in the new area is quite explosive!) )


Sichuan Daily, Meishan Daily

Successively with "asking the stars and walking, not only Meishan"

"Dongpo's hometown soars into the sky, and the 'hard core' enters the 'star' avenue"

for the topic

Full-page coverage of conference activities and

Development of satellite industry in Meishan Tianfu New Area

49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

The participating media had a dialogue with the academicians and experts on the spot

For those with a trillion-dollar market

The development of the satellite application industry and commercial aerospace

Academicians and experts are full of expectations

Let's hear what they have to say

(Super trillion market!) Global commercial space competition

has entered the "fast lane", academicians and experts discuss the future of satellite applications)

49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

▲Academicians and experts talk about the future of China's satellite application industry

At present, the Western China Satellite Industrial Park located in Shigao Street is stepping up construction, and is expected to be fully completed and put into use in September this year, which will focus on the subdivision of satellite applications, vigorously carry out capital investment and industrial investment, and build an industrial science and technology innovation park with full coverage of communication, navigation and remote sensing, and significant influence; At the same time, it will also take satellite application as the starting point, satellite operation as the support, satellite manufacturing as the expansion, and satellite launch as the exploration, attract the subdivision of the whole satellite industry chain and the landing of key link enterprises, and serve Meishan to build a satellite industry ecosystem and create a new highland for domestic commercial aerospace through the model of "one industry, one park, and one fund". (The first phase of the Western China Satellite Industrial Park project will be put into use in September!) )

Let's take a look at what other key news there are this week~



49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

The cast-in-situ beam of the first hole of the whole line of the Hongshi section of Chengmei S5 line (between Shigao Station and Hongbei Station) was successfully poured, marking that the construction has entered a new stage and laying the foundation for the subsequent continuous beam construction and bridge deck construction.

According to the person in charge, after the completion of the pouring, it will play a key role in the erection of the bridge in the red vision area. Next, after the strength reaches the design strength, the final tension will be carried out, and after the tensioning is completed, the grouting and anchor sealing work will be carried out on the beam body.

In less than half a year after it was put into operation, the import and export volume exceeded 300 million yuan!

49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

The Meishan Tianfu New Area Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park will be officially put into operation in early December 2023, with 7 functional areas, including import and export e-commerce product display, cross-border e-commerce training, cross-border live streaming, and maker space, which can provide a series of high-quality services such as registration, store construction, training and global quality distribution for settled enterprises, as well as "one-stop" services such as customs clearance, logistics, tax refund (exemption), etc., so that enterprises can truly "settle in".

Up to now, the park has introduced and cultivated more than 50 local enterprises including Tianfu Jiangdong Technology, Jingyu Agricultural Technology, Chuanwazi and other local enterprises, as well as Guizhou Chuhao Group, Yongfu Group and other foreign enterprises to carry out cross-electricity business in the park, and the cumulative import and export volume of cross-border e-commerce has exceeded 300 million yuan.

Zhou Ping, excellent in the province!

49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

△ Zhou Ping is checking the physical examination of the villagers


Zhou Ping, deputy director of Qingshui Community Health Service Center in Shigao Street

It was rated as an outstanding Communist Party member of Sichuan Province to be commended

The manuscript is written through Zhou Ping's story

tells about nearly 30 years of medical practice

As a grassroots Communist Party member, she is

Why is it among the best in the province?

What else is in the week's highlights

Let's take a look~

The four cities of Chengdu and Meizi plan to carry out the pilot project of credit repair for the first time that enterprises and farmer cooperatives have not reported their annual reports and make up their annual reports, so as to help enterprises "reduce the burden of plastic credit" with "credit repair". This "enjoy without application" will benefit more than 268,000 business entities in Meishan. Details >>

Zhao Gang, director of the Development and Reform Bureau, was awarded the 2023 Advanced Individual for the Promotion of Key Projects in Sichuan Province, and was the only advanced individual winner in the city. Details >>

The list of outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, and advanced grass-roots party organizations in Meishan City is publicized, and a total of 8 individuals and organizations in the new district are to be commended. Details >>

The first case of "one thing to open a restaurant" was efficiently completed in the Citizen Service Center, which improved the efficiency of work, optimized the handling process, reduced the processing time from the original 48 working days to 13 working days, and improved the convenience of market entities in the catering industry. Details >>

The China-Laos train of Meishan International Railway Port successfully imported 3,300 tons of Lao iron ore. It is reported that this batch of iron ore will be supplied to Pangang Group, which will effectively help the production and operation of the enterprise, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and promote the further development of the enterprise. Details >>

The above is an inventory of recent hot news

Xinmeier will continue to dig more lists

Better show the effectiveness of the work of the new district

We'll see you next week!

49 people! Tianfu Hospital Affiliated to Southwest Medical University Released Recruitment Plan | New eyebrows hot list

· Produced by Meishan Tianfu New Area Financial Media Center ·

Editor: Cai Gumei

Duty Editor: Ma Yifei

Editor in charge: Lin Jiahao