
The number of tourists in Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded the million mark

The number of tourists in Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded the million mark


2024-06-24 10:25Posted on the official account of Beijing Central Broadcasting Network

As of 10:00 a.m. on June 23, the annual tourist reception volume of Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded 1 million, and the total number of tourists increased by 8.14% year-on-year. This year, the tourist structure of Huanglong Scenic Area has changed, with individual tourists accounting for 19.4% of the total number received, an increase of 5.32% over 2023, of which the number of inbound tourists has also reached a record high, with 41,889 inbound tourists received, accounting for 4.19% of the total number of tourists, a year-on-year increase of 783.36%. This achievement not only refreshed the historical record of the number of tourists received by Huanglong Scenic Area during the same period, but also advanced from July to June compared with the fastest month in the calendar to reach 1 million people.

The number of tourists in Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded the million mark

Huanglong Scenic Area

With the goal of building a world-class tourist attraction, Huanglong Scenic Area promotes the in-depth integration of "tourism +" multi-format, and launches a series of activities such as "Bell Collision and Prayer", "Yaochi Xianyin", "Protect the Earth, Panda Ambassador in Action", "The 8th Huanglong Alpine Orchid Moon", "Yaochi Huanglong Jumei Songpan Colorful Pool Speed Race" and "Huanglong Extreme Endurance Race".

The number of tourists in Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded the million mark

The Huanglong Scenic Area is full of tourists

With the opening and operation of the Qingbaijiang to Zhenjiang section of the Sichuan-Qingdao Railway, the convenience of transportation has made the number of tourists in Huanglong grow rapidly. It has injected new vitality into the tourism of Huanglong, greatly improved the travel conditions of tourists, promoted tourism development, and is of great significance for promoting the high-quality development of regional economy and society.

The number of tourists in Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded the million mark

Huanglong alpine orchid

Huanglong Scenic Area continues to increase the construction of tourism infrastructure, optimize product supply, improve the quality of tourism services, all for tourists, all around tourists, and firmly put tourists "as guests, as relatives, as nobles" service concept, and constantly improve tourist satisfaction.

In the next step, Huanglong Scenic Area will uphold the principle of "ensuring increment and improving quality", continue to explore new brand highlights, and actively create a new tourism format of "mass tourism + niche experience". It will launch new tourism products such as night stargazing and Huanglong Poetry Club, so as to expand new areas of consumption, innovate new scenes of scenic spots, meet the new needs of tourists, and enhance new experiences for tourists. It will also continue to protect the ecological environment and actively promote the construction and high-quality development of Huanglong's world-class tourist attractions. (Contributed by Huanglong Scenic Area Administration)

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  • The number of tourists in Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded the million mark
  • The number of tourists in Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded the million mark
  • The number of tourists in Huanglong Scenic Area exceeded the million mark

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