
KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

Game Brother Xiao

2024-06-24 16:58Published in Jiangxi

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Hello everyone, I'm Brother Xiao.

The second week of the regular season of the KPL Summer Season is over, although the grouping will have to wait until the end of the third week, but the situation of the group feels basically clear, and the difference between the strengths and weaknesses of these teams in the summer season is actually more obvious. So in this issue, I will briefly summarize the current results for you.

KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

All three teams are undefeated

The unbeaten teams are TCG, Chengdu AG Super Play Club and Suzhou KSG. Chengdu AG Super Play Club and Suzhou KSG should not be surprised, Chengdu AG Super Play Club is the runner-up in the spring game, the strength of the entire spring game is online, and the summer game has not changed personnel, but also basically continues the strength of the spring game; Suzhou KSG did not perform badly last season, and this season it has introduced demon knives, and its strength is obviously further strengthened.

KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

Surprisingly, it is naturally TCG, as a K-League team that has just won a temporary seat this season, its performance is much better than the K-League champion TKL, and it is currently 4 wins, defeating strong opponents Guangzhou TTG and Jinan RW Heroes, and there is only one player left in the current group of Chongqing Wolves, I don't know what the result of the last spring championship is.

KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

Three teams are winless in a single game

There are teams that have not lost a game, and there are also teams that have not won a game, namely TKL, Beijing JDG and Nanjing hero Jiujing.

KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

These three teams are expected, TKL is a K-League team after all, not everyone is as demonic as TCG, and it is more in line with the performance of the average K-League team playing KPL; Although Beijing JDG has introduced a lot of players, only Xiaojiu can play, and the rest of the players either suddenly pull their hips or have not been able to do it, and now the four consecutive defeats can be regarded as sitting firmly in Group B; Nanjing Hero Jiujing thought that it could be improved under the good news of fearless transfer and Jiuzhe's return, but its performance was still the same as always, and I really don't know where the problem is. If nothing else, these three teams are basically locked in Group B, and I am afraid that then it will be time for the team to usher in the first win of the team.

KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

In addition, there have been recent outflows of teams in the summer prize distribution rankings, among which TCG beat all teams and ranked first with more than 150,000 prize money, Guangzhou TTG ranked second, and Suzhou KSG, Beijing WB and Chengdu AG Super Play Club tied for third. And the worst is naturally TKL, which is currently not a point, and even Nanjing hero Jiujing has more than 10,000 bonuses, because this is calculated according to winning small games, and the more small games you win, the higher the natural bonus.

KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

The above is all the content, if you think it's not bad, you might as well like it and support it, if there is anything else you want to say, what you want to ask, what you want to see, leave footprints in the comment area, you will see it~

I don't know anything, I don't know anything; I'm Brother Xiao, let's chat!

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  • KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000
  • KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000
  • KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000
  • KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000
  • KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000
  • KPL Summer Week 2 Results Roundup! Three teams undefeated so far? TCG has a prize of 150,000

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