
After the man got married, his body lost a lot of weight, and the monk reminded him: Your wife is not a human being

author:Kind Coffee S

In our northeast Nagada, there is a small place called Liulin Town, a small town, but there are a lot of people, and the days are very comfortable, they all work at sunrise and rest at sunset. In the east of the town, there is a farmer surnamed Li, who is honest, and his son Li Tianbao is very handsome and loved by everyone. When it comes to marriage, matchmakers are busy, and there are waves of marriage proposals. In the end, Li Tianbao picked the daughter of Wang Yuan's family, Miss Wang, who was as beautiful as coming out of the painting, and the two met each other as soon as they met, and they got married not long after.

But soon after marriage, Li Tianbao's body was like a deflated ball, and it was worse every day. The original ruddy face is now as white as paper, and the whole person looks unrefreshed. Li Laohan saw it in his eyes, and he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and sought medical advice everywhere, but his son's illness was not good.

One day, Li Laohan heard that there was a monk in the mountain, who was very capable and could see through the past and the future. He thought to himself, he had to find a way. So, he crossed the mountains and finally found the temple. He knelt in front of the temple gate, kowtowed three times, and then entered the temple. The temple was quiet, and a monk was chanting scriptures. Li Laohan stepped forward and told him everything about his son. When the monk heard this, he smiled slightly and asked him to wait for a while.

After the man got married, his body lost a lot of weight, and the monk reminded him: Your wife is not a human being

After a while, the monk stopped chanting, looked at Li Laohan carefully, and then said slowly: "Donor, your son's illness cannot be cured by medicine. When Li Laohan heard this, his heart was raised to his throat, and he hurriedly asked, "Master, what is my son's disease?" Is there a salvation? The monk sighed and said, "The daughter-in-law your son married is not a human being. When Li Laohan heard this, he felt that the sky had fallen, and he couldn't speak for a long time. The monk looked at him like that, and then said, "She is a fox spirit who has been cultivating in the mountains for many years, and she sucks your son's essence to cultivate." If you don't stop it, your son's life will not be saved. When Li Laohan heard this, he was shocked and angry, and hurriedly asked, "Master, what should I do?" The monk thought for a while and said, "Go back and let your son light three sticks of incense in the house at three o'clock tonight and recite the Diamond Sutra." I have my own way to help you. ”

Although Li Laohan was skeptical, he could only do it for the sake of his son. He thanked the monk and hurried down the mountain. When he returned home, he told his son what the monk had said. Although Li Tianbao felt that this matter was quite mysterious, he could only believe it when he saw that his body was not as good as day by day. This buddy, Li Tianbao, according to the monk's instructions, lit three sticks of incense in the house, and then sat cross-legged on the bed and began to recite the "Diamond Sutra". In the dead of night, his throat was about to smoke, but he still held on. Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and the candles in the house flickered. Li Tianbao's heart was groaning, and when he looked up, a woman in white had floated in. The woman was very charming, it was none other than his daughter-in-law, Miss Wang. When Miss Wang saw him chanting, she immediately became angry. As soon as she transformed, she turned into a puff of green smoke and rushed straight towards Li Tianbao. Li Tianbao saw this posture, quickly closed his eyes, and continued to recite the "Diamond Sutra". At this moment, a Buddha horn sounded in the sky, and a golden light shot in from outside, covering Miss Wang, and she screamed miserably. Then, the golden light slowly dissipated, and Miss Wang disappeared. Li Tianbao opened his eyes, and the room was calm again. Although he was still a little scared in his heart, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the thought that he had finally gotten rid of the fox demon.

The next day, Li Laohan told the townsfolk about it. Everyone was amazed when they heard it, and they all praised the monk for really having two hits. Li Tianbao has also recovered from his illness and lived happily ever after. Since that night, word has spread in the town of Liulin, and everyone is talking about it. At the door of Li Laohan's house, from time to time, people gathered together, smoked dry cigarettes, and chatted about Li Tianbao and Miss Wang. "Lao Li, your son's life is really big, if it weren't for that monk, maybe he would have become the dish of the fox demon." An old man shook his head and said. "It's not, thanks to that high monk, our Tianbao escaped a catastrophe." Li Laohan was also happy. But Li Tianbao didn't feel good in his heart. Although he was grateful to the monk for saving his life, when he thought that his daughter-in-law was a fox demon, his heart went up and down. He sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the moon outside the window, and his heart was in a mess.

After the man got married, his body lost a lot of weight, and the monk reminded him: Your wife is not a human being

Just then, there was a sharp knock at the door. Li Tianbao hurriedly got up and opened the door, and when he saw that there was a monk in a gray monk's robe standing outside the door, it was the senior monk who saved him that night. "Master, why are you here?" Li Tianbao hurriedly invited the monk into the house. The monk smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said, "I came to tell you something." Li Tianbao hurriedly asked the senior monk to sit down and asked respectfully: "Master, what's the matter?" The monk sighed and said, "Do you know why the fox demon picked you?" Li Tianbao shook his head and said he didn't know. The monk continued, "In your last life, you saved an injured fox, and the fox came to you in human form in return for his kindness. "Well, that's a long-term idea. That girl's cultivation is still tender, and she can't control her little demonic energy, so she accidentally sucks away your little bit of spirit. No, I hurriedly sent her back to the mountains and asked her to cultivate well. When she gets home, she'll come back to you. When Li Tianbao heard this, his heart was mixed, surprised and delighted. He didn't expect that he would have such a relationship with that vixen in his previous life. He hurriedly asked, "Master, what should I do then?" The senior monk pondered for a while and said, "You can relax, and when she finishes cultivating, she will naturally come back to you." During this time, if you do more good deeds and accumulate some virtue, it will also be of great benefit to her cultivation. When Li Tianbao heard this, his heart suddenly brightened, and he hurriedly thanked the monk, and then sent him out.

As the days passed, Li Tianbao's life slowly returned to calm. According to the words of the high monks, he did many good deeds and accumulated merits. In the dead of night, he sat at the window, looking at the moon and thinking about the fox. In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. In the past ten years, Li Tianbao has been living a simple and fulfilling life. His good deeds won the praise and respect of the villagers. He had never forgotten the fox, and had always believed that she would come back to him.

One night, Li Tianbao was staring at the moon in a daze when he suddenly heard footsteps outside the door. He hurriedly got up and opened the door, and when he saw that standing outside the door was the fox spirit he had been thinking about for a long time, Miss Wang. "You... You're back? Li Tianbao was so excited that he couldn't say anything. Miss Wang smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "Yes, I'm back." I've cultivated, and now I can control my demonic nature. When Li Tianbao heard this, his heart blossomed. He hurriedly welcomed Miss Wang into the house and poured her a cup of hot tea. The two sat at the table and chatted about the bits and pieces of the past ten years.

After the man got married, his body lost a lot of weight, and the monk reminded him: Your wife is not a human being

Miss Wang told Li Tianbao that when she was cultivating in the mountains, she was thinking about him all the time. She thanked Li Tianbao for saving his life in his previous life, and also thanked him for waiting and missing him for the past ten years. She said that she was willing to spend the rest of her life with Li Tianbao and create a better future together. When Li Tianbao heard this, he was grateful and happy. He held Miss Wang's hand tightly and said, "I've been waiting for you for ten years, and now you're finally back." We will never be apart again. The two looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of love.

Since then, they have lived happily ever after. And this bizarre story about Li Tianbao and Miss Wang is also circulating in Liulin Town, which has become everyone's after-dinner conversation and good story. This matter is spread in Liulin Town, and some people say that Li Tianbao really took shit luck and married a fox spirit; Some people also say that the monk is really powerful and can subdue demons. But in the final analysis, it is Li Tianbao and Miss Wang who have a fate to come together. Oh, I'll go, that monk, we have to give a thumbs up, and really admire: this buddy, what a master! Since Miss Wang returned to Li Tianbao's arms, life in Liulin Town has become more and more flavorful. Li Tianbao and Miss Wang, one is an honest farmer, and the other is a fox spirit who has cultivated into essence, but their lives are sweeter than honey. Li Tianbao knew that Miss Wang was a vixen, but in his heart, he was not afraid at all, but was very proud. When he saw people, he boasted: "Our family's mouth, that is a good way, very good-hearted, never harmful, we live this little life, more free than the gods in the sky!" ”

As for Miss Wang, although she has cultivated to the fine, she understands in her heart that the fireworks in the world cannot be exchanged for real money. She no longer sucked Li Tianbao's spirit like before, but used her spells to help the old and young masters in the town solve problems. No matter who lost their cattle and sheep, or if there was something wrong with the crops in the field, as long as Miss Wang made a move, it would be done. As time passed, Miss Wang's reputation in the town became bigger and bigger, and everyone called her "Fox Fairy Niangniang". Li Tianbao also followed the light, and every time he mentioned his daughter-in-law, the smile on his face was brighter than a flower.

After the man got married, his body lost a lot of weight, and the monk reminded him: Your wife is not a human being

One day, a gang of robbers suddenly came to the town. They armed with knives, guns, and clubs, and broke into the town like the Lord of Yama, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil. The old and young masters in the town were so frightened that their legs were weak, and they hid in their homes one by one, and they didn't dare to go out. When Li Tianbao saw this scene, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He knew that he was no match for the bandits, but he couldn't just watch the villagers suffer. It was at this time that he thought of Miss Wang. "Daughter-in-law, you should think of a way, these bandits are too ruthless, how can our town be organized?" Li Tianbao hurriedly found Miss Wang.

Miss Wang looked at Li Tianbao's anxious appearance, and heard the crying and smashing sound from outside, and she was also angry in her heart. She took a deep breath and said to Li Tianbao: "Tianbao, don't worry, leave this matter to me." As soon as she finished speaking, Miss Wang turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared without a trace. Li Tianbao was stunned and hurriedly chased out. I saw that Miss Wang was already standing in the central square of the town, and she was standing on a high place, staring at the robbers with sharp eyes. "You robbers, dare to spread wild in my Liulin Town, you really don't want to live!" Miss Wang's voice, like thunder, shook the whole town. The robbers were frightened by Miss Wang's momentum and stopped one by one. They looked up at Miss Wang, only to see that she was dressed in white, her face was like frost, and her eyes were full of cold light. "You... Who are you sacred? The robber leader asked boldly. I'm the fox fairy lady of this willow forest town! Miss Wang replied coldly, "Hurry up and get out of here, otherwise don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" When those robbers heard that it was the fox fairy Niangniang, they were so frightened that their legs weakened. 123456910 Oh, we'll have to take care of this. When those people saw the majestic appearance of the fox fairy Niangniang, they were panicked in their hearts, where did they dare to rub here? One by one, the guys in their hands threw things away, like rabbits, and ran away. The old and young masters in our town, seeing this situation, jumped out of the house one by one, it was called a happy one, and they were around Miss Wang, and it was called a lively one. One by one, their hearts are warm, they are very grateful to Miss Wang, and their hearts are also beautiful, there is such a capable fox fairy in our town.

Li Tianbao, this kid, also squeezed into the crowd, his hand, holding Miss Wang's hand tightly, his eyes were full of gratitude and admiration. He knew in his heart that if he could marry such a daughter-in-law in his life, he would really have accumulated great virtue in his previous life! Since then, the days of our Liulin Town have returned to their former peace. Miss Wang used her spells to protect our land and the villagers, and Li Tianbao has always been by her side, not to mention how sweet the two of them lived that little life.

After the man got married, his body lost a lot of weight, and the monk reminded him: Your wife is not a human being

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