
Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

author:Love Home Fei Yi Entertainment
Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

Foreword: The lineup adjustment of the Chinese women's volleyball team has once again become the focus, and two players, Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan, recently announced their farewell to the national team. The change has attracted a lot of attention from fans and the media, and there is a lot of curiosity and anticipation for their future careers. The departure of Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan is not only a new beginning for them personally, but also has an impact on the tactical layout and team building of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Although this farewell makes people feel reluctant, it is also regarded as a natural phenomenon in the process of continuous optimization and development of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

In the past three years, the national women's volleyball team, a team that carries the expectations of countless Chinese people, has experienced many twists and turns.

Among them, the training and use of young players, as well as the key link in the tactical system - the second set, has aroused widespread attention and discussion.

Cai Bin, as the coach of the national team, his coaching strategy has been controversial.

Many fans accused him of failing to give young players enough opportunities to wander outside the gates of the national team with dreams and potential, or to lose their way in and out of the short sittings.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan, two rising stars who had high hopes, seem to have fallen victim to this strategy.

They passively enter and leave the national team, their talents are suppressed, and their dreams are shackled, which is undoubtedly a huge regret.

Let's start with Wang Yizhu, a young player with excellent physical attributes and offensive ability.

She has shown her strong scoring ability many times in local team competitions, but she has never been able to get consistent playing time on the national team stage.

Is her technique not mature enough? Or did Coach Cai Bin not see the sparkle in her? Both.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

But in any case, Wang Yizhu's experience makes us wonder if there is a problem with the selection and employment mechanism of the national team.

Zhuang Yushan is also a buried pearl.

She has a well-rounded skill set and a great temperament to be a good attacker.

But in the national team, she was like a passer-by and failed to make a deep mark.

Is it her own adaptation problem, or is it that the coaching staff is not developing the right development plan for her?

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

When it comes to the relationship between player style and setter skills, this is a key factor in the overall offensive efficiency of the team.

Yao Di and Xu Xiaoting's performance in this regard is commendable.

Yao Di, with her calm passing style and precise landing control, created many scoring opportunities for attackers.

Xu Xiaoting relied on a flexible tactical organization to make the team's offense more layered.

Diao Linyu's performance was unsatisfactory.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

Her passing rhythm and consistency were often problematic, causing the main attackers to not be able to time the attack accurately, which affected the effectiveness of the attack.

Is this just Diao Linyu's personal technical problem?

Or was there a lapse in the coaching staff's training and tactical arrangements?

You know, the setter is like the brain of the team, controlling the rhythm and direction of the attack.

A good setter is able to give full play to the characteristics of the attacker and make the team's offense flow smoothly.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

But now, the national team's setter problem has not been effectively solved, which undoubtedly brings great trouble to the main attacking players.

Take the main attackers, for example, they fought the field, but they could not play at the level they should have because of the inconsistency of the setter.

Every smash is full of uncertainty; Every attack is like groping in the dark.

Their helplessness and loss, we see in our eyes and pain in our hearts.

With the Paris Olympics fast approaching, time is running out and room for adjustment is limited.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

But is it really wise to continue to implement existing strategies and tactics?

We have to ask, is the coaching staff brave and smart enough to make a change?

Or will they choose to continue to move forward within the existing framework?

Looking back on history, the Chinese women's volleyball team has created countless glories.

Those exciting moments, those tenacious figures, are still vivid in my mind.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

And now, we are facing such a predicament, shouldn't we reflect deeply and look for a way out?

We need to give more opportunities to the young players and inject fresh blood into the squad and bring new energy and creativity.

Perhaps, we need to re-examine the training and selection mechanism of the setter, and find the soul who can really control the rhythm of the game.

More importantly, the coaching staff needs to have the spirit of daring to innovate and break through, and formulate a more scientific and reasonable tactical system.

The stage of the Paris Olympics is just around the corner, can the Chinese women's volleyball team break out of the cocoon into a butterfly in a limited time and regain its glory?

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

It's not just about the fighting spirit of the players, it's also about the intelligence and decisions of the coaching staff.

Let's wait and see, looking forward to the rise of this team in the predicament and make the Chinese people proud again!

Those young and promising players, such as Wang Yizhu and Zhuang Yushan, who should have shined on the stage of the national team, can only be sad because they have no chance.

What a loss for their personal careers! What a pity for the future development of the Chinese women's volleyball team!

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

Let's look at the setter problem. The outstanding performance of Yao Di and Xu Xiaoting seems to be a ray of light in the darkness, allowing us to see hope.

But Diao Linyu's shortcomings are like a heavy stone, pressing on the tactical system of the entire team.

Can't the coaching staff give Yao Di and Xu Xiaoting more opportunities to give them full play to their strengths?

An excellent team needs to have flexible tactics, a team spirit of unity, and the courage to break through the rules.

And today's Chinese women's volleyball team seems to be lacking in these aspects.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

We can recall those glorious moments in the past, when the girls of the women's volleyball team defeated one powerful opponent after another with their tenacious fighting spirit and exquisite cooperation.

At that time, how confident and fearless they were!

But now, in the face of a major event like the Paris Olympics, we are full of worries.

If this continues, can we still count on them to do wonders on the field?

Of course, we can't just blame and complain.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

But if the direction is not right, everything may be in vain.

We need to fundamentally change the way we think about the development of women's volleyball.

Not only in terms of training methods, but also in the talent selection mechanism, tactical development concepts, and so on.

For example, in terms of talent selection, can we be more open and transparent, so that more powerful young players have the opportunity to enter the national team?

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

In terms of training methods, can we draw on some advanced international experience and combine the characteristics of Chinese players to formulate a more targeted training plan?

The Paris Olympics are just around the corner, and this is a battle that cannot be lost.

The Chinese women's volleyball team needs to fight against the odds and needs to break out in a desperate situation.

Wang Yizhu Zhuang Yushan withdrew from the national team, hiding a mystery? Cai Bin's coaching style has sparked heated discussions

As fans, we will always support them, no matter what the outcome.

But what we hope to see more is that the Chinese women's volleyball team can regain the confidence and glory it once had and become the pride of the Chinese people again.

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