
Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"

author:Gan tea

Years of tempering are born with wild rhyme

Wuning "Shatan Sun Red Wild Organic Black Tea" won the "Tea King" of the 14th International Dingcheng Tea King Competition of "China Tea Cup"

The Nine Classics and Three Histories are known from the beginning, and once they became famous all over the world. "China Tea Cup" is the famous tea competition brand with the longest history and the highest credibility in the mainland tea industry, known as the "Oscar of China's tea industry", and the "Dingcheng Tea King Competition" began in 2010 and is the most authoritative and professional high-standard event in the tea industry created by Huajuchen with the power of the platform. Recently, by the Jiangxi Province Sun Black Tea Industry selected the "Shatan Sun Red" brand "Shataning Red Wild Organic Black Tea" participated in the 14th International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King" competition, after the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tea Research Institute expert team review and identification, appearance, soup color, aroma, taste, leaf bottom five aspects are won with high scores, won the title of "Dingcheng Tea King", has become the bright pearl of the tea industry.

Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"
Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"

Wuning, located in the northwest border of Jiangxi, is located at the junction of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces. In the north of the rolling Makufu Mountains, the mountains are steep and beautiful, and in the depths of this mountain, there is a rare wild tea, which is bathed in a misty fairyland, absorbing the essence of nature, and this tea is picked late, usually in the rainy season. It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that the wild tea category stands out among many teas in the country, and has won the "Tea King", and the "Tea King Award" represents the super high level of excellent tea quality of the tea. What kind of tea is this, exactly? When and by whom? What kind of charm does it have to be the best?

Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"
Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"

Mu Degui (left), former secretary of the party group and deputy director of the Guizhou Provincial People's Congress, presented the award to Li Yiquan

The essence of wild tea lies in nature

In the vast tea world, for those discerning tea customers, wild tea is undoubtedly a unique existence, natural wild tea, refers to those tea leaves that grow freely in the mountains and forests without human intervention, they are scattered in all corners, with different characteristics, the most precious and rare. This time, a wild tea brand was awarded the title of "Tea King", which not only highlights the profound heritage of local tea culture, but also highlights the unique value of wild tea in modern society.

Shatan Sun Red is a tea brand focusing on the R&D and promotion of wild tea. Li Yiquan, the fourth-generation inheritor, said that in the world of tea, wild tea is known as a treasure in tea because of its natural growth and pollution-free characteristics. It is this core value that Satan Sun Red grasps and makes full use of the unique climate and soil quality of Sun Mountain, and is committed to bringing consumers the purest and most original tea taste.

Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"

Hu Xiaoyun, general consultant of CCTV agricultural brand and president of China Agricultural Brand Research Institute, wrote an inscription

Winning the honor of King of Tea is the result of years of hard work of the brand. Li Yiquan, the general manager, led the local tea farmers to go deep into the tea mountains, visit the tea farmers all over the world, and look for those wild ancient tea trees hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, all of which carry the gifts of nature and the hard work of tea farmers. In October 2022, the Jiujiang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs approved the establishment of the "Jiujiang Sun Red Wild Tea Research Institute", and in August 2023, the "China Jiangxi Wuning Wild Tea Science and Technology Academy" established by the Jiangxi Provincial Association for Science and Technology, Jiangxi Agricultural Technology Association, Jiujiang Association for Science and Technology, Jiujiang Agricultural Technology Association, Jiangxi Normal University, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang Vocational University, etc., relying on Jiangxi Sun Black Tea Industry Co., Ltd., was officially approved by the National Association for Science and Technology. This is a major event and happy event in the Wuning tea industry and the national wild tea industry, which fills the gap in international and domestic wild tea research, provides solid intellectual support for the high-quality development of the wild tea industry, and takes green ecology and organic selenium-rich as the connotation, increases the cultivation of wild tea brands, comprehensively enhances the competitiveness of the wild tea industry, and helps rural revitalization.

Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"
Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"

The success of Shatan Sun Red lies not only in the excellent quality of its products, but also in its inheritance and development of tea culture, adhering to the traditional process of tea making, respecting the growth law of each piece of tea, and making every tea full of vitality. In addition, Li Yiquan, one of the first batch of national rural craftsmen, also said that over the years, Shatan Sun Red has actively promoted and participated in the formulation of the "National Wild Tea Industry Standard", and took the lead in drafting the "Jiangxi Green Ecological Wild Tea Standard". Actively advocating a green and healthy lifestyle, guiding consumers to pay attention to the source and quality of tea, and effectively promoting the sustainable development of the tea industry. We firmly believe that only by truly understanding and respecting tea can we better taste and enjoy tea.

The king of black tea is fragrant for a long time

Black tea, which represents elegance, calmness and taste, allows people to find a peaceful world in the hustle and bustle of the world. The process of making black tea also requires exquisite skill and great patience, and every step embodies the painstaking efforts and wisdom of tea farmers and craftsmen. Whether it's the first rays of sunshine in the morning or leisure time in the afternoon, a cup of black tea can bring us endless warmth and comfort. Its colour, aroma, taste and cultural connotations are irresistible, warm and deep.

Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"

Historically, Wuning is one of the three major producing areas of Ning black tea, and has a long history of tea cultivation and tea making. There are a large number of ancient tree teas that are more than two or three hundred years old on Sun Mountain, and some even have five or six hundred years old. The tea-making skills that have been passed down from generation to generation by tea farmers, as well as the love and pursuit of tea by tea customers, are all gathered in this cup of tea. Li Yiquan said that Jiangxi is famous for its rich history and culture and unique natural scenery. Among the many specialties of Jiangxi Province, black tea is undoubtedly one of the best. This time, as the only one in the province to get the black tea of the tea cup of the king, I feel honored at the same time, I also feel a great responsibility, which is not only the affirmation of the sun red in Satan, but also spurs us to continue to intensively cultivate, craftsmen ingenuity, quality tree brand, product exhibition image, but also hope that the quality of Jiangxi black tea can be on a higher level.

This black tea, which won the title of "Tea King", not only represents the high level of black tea in Jiangxi Province, but also is one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese black tea. Its uniqueness lies in the use of traditional tea-making technology, combined with modern technology improvement, after careful picking, fermentation, rolling and other dozens of processes, so that the aroma of tea is rich and long-lasting, and the taste is mellow and sweet. With every sip, you can feel the gift from nature and the hard work of tea farmers and craftsmen. In addition to its excellent quality, this black tea also carries the profound cultural connotation of Jiangxi Province. In Jiangxi's tea culture, black tea is not only a drink, but also an attitude of life and spiritual sustenance.

Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"

Today, this black tea, which has won the "King of Tea", has become a hot star product in the tea market at home and abroad. It has not only won a large number of reports and affirmations from the central, provincial, municipal and county TV stations and various media, and has been loved and recognized by consumers, but also brought huge economic, social and cultural influence to the tea industry in Jiangxi Province. It can be said that this "Tea King" black tea is showing the world the unique charm and unlimited potential of this beautiful province.

Nature, ecology, health and safety, this is the indispensable golden rule of daily tea, from the tea in the depths of the primeval forest of Jiangxi Sun Mountain, after wind, frost, rain and snow, gently falling from the emerald green branches, breaking free from the shackles of time, turning into a wisp of faith, connecting a thousand forms of life, and the tea accompanied by Jiangxi tea people with skilled tea-making skills, so that it will last longer and more fragrant.

Following the veins of a leaf, we seem to have walked into the secret land of the tea forest in Wuning. Some experts believe that each piece of tea is like a subtle "ecological test paper", and those who are well versed in the tea ceremony can taste the information contained in the soil, climate and biodiversity. From the perspective of geographical environment, the Sun Mountain Range is surrounded by clouds and mist all year round, and the growth of tea is far away from urban pollution sources, which is a scarce, non-transferable, and irreproducible wild ecological tea mountain. Through the careful selection of alpine wild tea plants in the Sun Mountains, as well as the combination of advanced science and technology and traditional tea-making techniques, "Satan Sun Red" strives to ensure that each piece of tea can maintain its original aroma and taste. It is worth mentioning that not long ago, "Shatan Sun Red" was recognized as "Jiangxi Time-honored Brand", which is also the first Jiangxi Time-honored Brand in Wuning County.

Tea News | Wuning's wild tea brand won the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition "Tea King"

After 14 years of accumulation and precipitation, the "China Tea Cup" International Dingcheng Tea King Competition has become an industry event that tea enterprises and tea people across the country look forward to every year, and it is the "touchstone" of tea quality in the country. The competition has always set up an industry benchmark of high standards, high specifications and high quality, actively led and promoted the healthy development of the tea industry, and played an important role in demonstrating and leading the holding of related events in the industry.

Behind the honor is the first batch of national rural craftsman Li Yiquan's active study of tea-making skills, his unremitting pursuit of innovation, and his original intention to carry forward Jiangxi's tea culture and production skills. In the past three years, the sun black tea industry has won more than 100 honors such as the World Black Tea Competition Gold Award, the China Lushan Cup Tea King Award, and the evaluation of the China Tea Society: five-star famous tea quality standards, exquisite craftsmanship, orchid fragrance, sweet taste, and the best in tea. In 2023, Sun Black Tea Industry won the Gold Award of the 22nd China Green Food Expo, China's "Huaming Cup" Black Tea • Special Product, China Lushan Tea Party Special Gold Award, the First Gold Award of the First Wuning Tea Fighting Competition, the Top Ten Typical Cases of Jiangxi Green Ecological Brand Building, the "National Brand" China Agricultural Brand Directory, the designated special tea of the 7th China Brand Development Forum, the certification of selenium-rich products, the top 100 product brand value of Chinese tea enterprises, and the selection of China's brand innovation and development model in 2024. More than 100 honors such as the designated special tea of the 8th China Brand Development Forum and the special gold medal of China Lushan Cup, and now it has won the 14th "China Tea Cup" Tea King Award.

In the process of brand inheritance and management, Li Yiquan has been committed to the deep cultivation of tea garden tea, through strict control of the production process, to ensure that each tea maintains the unique quality and personality of Sun Mountain wild tea, he comprehensively promoted and demonstrated the vigorous development of the tea industry in Jiangxi and even the whole country, but also enhanced the popularity and competitiveness of wild tea in the market, and injected new vitality into the entire tea industry.

Looking forward to the future quality brand

Sun Black Tea Industry will continue to adhere to the "three teas as a whole" as the guide, take the road of differentiated high-quality wild tea development, in accordance with the requirements of "variety cultivation, quality improvement, brand building, standardized production", strengthen the "China Jiangxi Wuning Wild Tea Science and Technology Courtyard" and "Jiujiang Sun Red Wild Tea Research Institute", and build the "Shatan Sun Red Wild Tea" brand into a "well-known brand in China", "high-end agricultural brand, high-quality assured quality, unique appearance, advanced technology integration" of the scenery of Jiangxi image representative products, A model of high-end brand of wild organic tea in China. We are committed to demonstrating, leading and comprehensively promoting the healthy and rapid development of the national wild tea industry, serving the development of the industry, and helping rural revitalization.

"Sun Red People" has always adhered to the core concept of "focusing on Sun Mountain and concentrating on wild tea", relying on the unique advantages of mountain farms, adhering to the original intention and mission of making tea by national rural craftsmen and famous teachers, continuing to deepen the wild tea industry, and is committed to creating more tea products in the industry, showing its unique charm and quality to the world, and making Shatan Sun Red a bright business card of Jiangxi tea to the world.

Text: Jiang Jiang, Gancharong Media

Photo: Jiangxi Sun Black Tea Industry Co., Ltd

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