
What are the values and benefits of the employment and credit talent pooling for individuals?

author:Teacher Huang born in the 90s

As we all know, in addition to the brand, the intangible assets of an enterprise are more important than the corporate credit. If you have a good reputation, you will have a lot of customers who are willing to spend and cooperate. For the workplace, how can individuals increase credit endorsement and stand out in the fierce competition for talent? This sharing may be of value to you.

Vocational information network talents are in the database

The National Occupational Credit Appraisal Network is also known as the Occupational Credit Appraisal Network, referred to as the Occupational Credit Appraisal Network. English name: Occupational credit evaluation center of China English abbreviation: OCECC. The vocational information network is a state-level occupational credit network service platform built by the non-ferrous metals industry talent center, and is a state-level occupational credit network service platform, which has the website logo of public institutions, and has passed the information security level protection record of the Ministry of Public Security and the public security network for the record.  

What are the values and benefits of the employment and credit talent pooling for individuals?
What are the values and benefits of the employment and credit talent pooling for individuals?
What are the values and benefits of the employment and credit talent pooling for individuals?
What are the values and benefits of the employment and credit talent pooling for individuals?
What are the values and benefits of the employment and credit talent pooling for individuals?

Career Information Network is a cross-regional, cross-industry, cross-professional talent career credit evaluation tool website. In the early stage of its establishment, it was rooted in the development of the industry's human resources pool, and carried out extensive, in-depth, industry-specific, and professional data collection, inquiry, analysis and application in the business of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (evaluation, expert database), personnel selection (recruitment, examination, background investigation) and personnel file management (review), vocational education and adult education qualification certificate of the Ministry of Education (1+X project), and national vocational qualification certificate (evaluator, supervisor, and expert database) of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and other departments of recognition and support.

Value 1: A good first impression of the workplace

The professional credit certificate is different from the general skill certificate and qualification certificate, this certificate can query the training institution, time, class hours, previous work history, education and personal basic information, etc., in order to prove the technical level of ability at the same time, but also to prove the quality of practice, involving comprehensive, applicable to various industries.

Value 2: Personal credit endorsement

Since 2014, the State Council has transferred more than 200 professional qualification licenses and certifications, requiring the gradual establishment of a professional qualification system carried out by industry associations, third-party evaluation agencies and other social organizations for level evaluation.

Skilled talents, in the absence of vocational qualification certificates, vocational information network vocational certification will become the vocational skills assessment and vocational ability training assessment of qualified vouchers and credit endorsement, but also professional and technical personnel qualification promotion, job appointment, practice, an important basis for qualification registration.

Value 3: Reduce the risk and cost of enterprise employment

The job information network fully certifies the basic information, training records, professional title evaluation, work records, employer evaluation and other information of professional personnel, so as to achieve full coverage of talents' workplace careers, strengthen enterprise employment safety, and avoid enterprise employment risks.

How to handle the entry of vocational and credit talents?

For candidates who have applied for preschool principals, nurses or other majors, they are eligible to apply for talent admission. As long as you carefully follow the relevant official requirements and register with the applicant teacher. Specifically, you can add Mr. Huang's WeChat.

To apply for the certificate, pay attention to the WeChat public account [Special Operation Certificate Encyclopedia]