
Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!

author:Youth Hubei
Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!


Liu Hao, a student from Hubei Jingmen Vocational College

I can't hide this thing......

A number of related topics are on hot search on Weibo

Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!
Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!

"Comrade policeman, just a passenger has been crying"

"He's on the Yinpenling Bridge now!"

At about 3 a.m. on June 10

Liu Hao, a student at Jingmen Vocational College, driving

When passing through Changsha Yinpenling Bridge

A man was found to be showing signs of suicide

Liu Hao quickly called the police

And shoot to stop it

Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!

▲The man has climbed over the guardrail of the bridge deck, and his feet are hanging in the air

"Come on! I can't hold him anymore."

The police of the Yinpenling Police Station of the Yuelu Public Security Bureau rushed to the scene

Liu Hao's shout was heard

At this time, the man's body had already climbed over the guardrail of the bridge deck

Face the river and hang your feet in the air

Liu Hao on the inside of the guardrail is desperate

Grabbed the man and shouted for help

Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!

▲Several people worked together to drag the man back to the bridge

It was raining heavily in the sky

The struggling man could fall into the rushing river at any moment

See this

The police immediately jumped out of the police car, which had not yet stopped

Rushed to Liu Hao's side

A passer-by also stepped forward to help

With the joint efforts of everyone, the man was rescued


The police will Liu Hao and the man

Brought back to the police station to settle down

After communication, the police learned

The man has been unhappy with his life recently

I couldn't think about it for a while, so I had the idea of suicide

Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!

7 a.m

The man's family came to the police station to take him home

Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!

▲ Liu Hao

"At that time, all I could think about was saving people

I grabbed him tightly, and I didn't feel in danger."

"You're going to take your own life

There is no chance in front of me! ”

Liu Hao said afterwards

It can save people's lives within the limits of their ability

There is no need to hesitate

It is understood that Liu Hao was born in 2002, a native of Shaoyang, Hunan, and entered Jingmen Vocational College in 2021 to study the cost of recycling chemical system engineering, and will graduate in late June this year, and is currently looking for a job in Changsha. According to his homeroom teacher, Mr. Yang Yanze, Liu Hao was optimistic and cheerful, performed well in all aspects, and often participated in various volunteer service activities organized by the school, which was very recognized by his classmates and teachers.

Netizens have left messages and likes:

Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!
Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!

Liu Hao, praise for you!

Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!
Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!
Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!
编  辑 | 张玉珊审 核 | 刘 意值班编委 | 姚 雪来 源 | 青春湖北综合整理自湖北日报、长沙警事      
Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!
Liu Hao, connect to the hot search!
[青春湖北] 投稿邮箱:[email protected]点击【】        
