
Don't believe these words, if you are not careful, you will be tricked! Press the "Anti-Drug Shredder" and smash these rumors!

author:Wu Zhong is anti-drug
Don't believe these words, if you are not careful, you will be tricked! Press the "Anti-Drug Shredder" and smash these rumors!

"Smart drugs" can improve academic performance

"Top e-cigarettes" are not addictive

"Internet celebrity diet pills" can make you thinner and more beautiful


Some criminals take advantage of it

Addictive substances such as narcotic drugs that can make people addicted

Make up all sorts of lies

Lure teens into a trap

As a matter of fact

Abuse of narcotic-related drugs

Not only can it seriously damage physical and mental health

It is also very easy to induce crime

Endangering public safety


Let's crush the lies together

Uncover the truth

Recognize the dangers of substance abuse

Stay away from drugs and grow up healthy!········

Don't believe these words, if you are not careful, you will be tricked! Press the "Anti-Drug Shredder" and smash these rumors!

Source: China Drug Control


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Don't believe these words, if you are not careful, you will be tricked! Press the "Anti-Drug Shredder" and smash these rumors!

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Don't believe these words, if you are not careful, you will be tricked! Press the "Anti-Drug Shredder" and smash these rumors!

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Don't believe these words, if you are not careful, you will be tricked! Press the "Anti-Drug Shredder" and smash these rumors!

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