
Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

author:Dinghaishen needle

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Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life


In this world of perfection, are we too obsessed with the numbers of age?

When there is an 8-year age difference between a couple of lovers, can they walk hand in hand and be happy in marriage?

Let's walk into the love story of singer Bai Xue and music producer Yuan Yi, and see how they cross the age gap and compose a moving music of life.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

The pinnacle: the brilliant bloom of "Little Pink".

20 years ago, Bai Xue made a name for herself in the music world with a song "Little Pink".

Her clear voice and touching melody instantly captured the hearts of countless listeners.

This song not only made Bai Xue famous overnight, but also became a classic of that era.

Bai Xue stood in the spotlight, enjoying the applause and praise of the audience.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

Her beauty and talent coexisted, attracting countless admirers.

However, in the sea of fame and fortune, Bai Xue has always maintained a pure love for music.

She works hard to create, constantly breaks through herself, and hopes to convey more positive energy through singing.

Just when her career was booming, Bai Xue met the first "true genius" in her life - a young and handsome businessman.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love.

Bai Xue thinks that she has found a harbor to rely on, and readily accepts the other party's marriage proposal.

The ordeal of marriage: from the stage focus to the housewife

After marriage, Bai Xue seems to have changed as a person. She devotes all her energy to the family, hoping to be the perfect wife.

Every morning, she would get up early to prepare a delicate breakfast for her husband and iron his clothes meticulously.

She even learned to mend her clothes and keep her home in order.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

However, as time went on, Bai Xue noticed that her husband's eyes showed more and more disappointment.

He misses the glorious Snow standing on the stage more than the housewife in front of him who is busy in an apron.

Finally one day, her husband asked the words that broke Bai Xue's heart: "Why don't you stop singing?" This sentence was like a sharp sword, piercing Bai Xue's heart.

Only then did she realize that everything she had paid for her marriage was worthless in the eyes of her husband.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

Broken and Reborn: The Struggle of a Single Mother

The breakdown of the marriage is a huge blow to Bai Xue. She took her young son An An and began a difficult life as a single parent.

Luckily, Bai Xue's mother gave her the greatest support.

Her mother not only helped take care of An An, but also often enlightened Bai Xue and encouraged her to regain her strength.

Although An An is young, she is extremely sensible.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

He always tries his best to make his mother happy, and even learns from the scenes in the movie, takes his mother's hand and says, "Mom, I love you." This innocent love touched Bai Xue a lot, and it also gave her the courage to move on.

With the encouragement of her family, Bai Xue decided to return to the music scene.

However, years of silence made it difficult for her to find the right opportunity.

She started taking on small gigs and slowly rebuilt her career.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

This process is not easy, but Bai Xue firmly believes that as long as she does not give up, she will return to the top one day.

A twist of fate: an encounter with the original art

Just as Bai Xue struggles to rebuild her career, fate arranges an unexpected encounter for her. Music producer Yuan Yi appeared in her life.

Yuan Yi is eight years younger than Bai Xue and comes from a musical family.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

He learned piano at the age of 4, began composing music at the age of 7, and set up his own music studio in middle school.

He is very talented and well-known in the industry.

However, when Bai Xue first saw Yuan Yi, she had a bad impression of this sloppy-looking young man.

The two had a heated dispute over the adaptation of Bai Xue's new song "Eternal Swan Song".

Bai Xue thinks that the adaptation of the original art is too bold and completely deviates from the style of the original song.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

However, unexpectedly, Yuan Yi worked for four days and four nights in a row in order to perfect the arrangement of this song.

When Yuan Yi handed over the adapted score to Bai Xue with messy hair and heavy dark circles, her heart was deeply touched.

She was surprised to find that the original art adaptation not only retained the essence of the original song, but also injected new life into it.

From that moment on, Bai Xue's perception of the original art completely changed.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

She began to appreciate the young man's talent and persistence, and the relationship between the two gradually warmed up.

Love Across Ages: Questioning and Persistence

As the contact increases, a subtle affection arises between Bai Xue and the original art. The talent, thoughtfulness, and love of music of the original art fascinated Bai Xue.

And Bai Xue's maturity, elegance and attitude towards life also made Yuan Yi fall in love.

However, their relationship was not all smooth sailing.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

The 8-year age gap has become the biggest obstacle between the two.

Bai Xue's mother has reservations about this relationship, and she hopes that her daughter can find a more mature and stable partner.

The voices of the outside world are full of doubts, and many people think that Yuan Yi approached Bai Xue just to take advantage of her fame and wealth.

In the face of these doubts, Yuanyi chose to prove his sincerity with actions.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

He confessed his wealthy family background to Bai Xue, showing that he did not need to rely on her wealth.

More importantly, he used meticulous care and support for the music career to make Bai Xue feel sincere love.

At a party, when Shirayuki is haunted by a pestering man, Gengami appears in time to skillfully resolve the awkward situation.

At this moment, Bai Xue was completely moved by Yuan Yi's carefulness and thoughtfulness.

Regrouping the Family: An An's Blessing

Although Bai Xue has confirmed her feelings for Yuan Yi, she has another important concern in her heart - the attitude of her son An An.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

As a single mother, Bai Xue knows how important her child's feelings are.

However, to Bai Xue's surprise, An An not only did not object, but gave the greatest support.

The sensible child said to his mother, "Mom has finally found her own happiness, and I am very happy. An An's maturity and thoughtfulness touched Bai Xue and strengthened her determination to spend the rest of her life with Yuan Yi.

The joy of the newlyweds: 36-year-old married 44-year-old love

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

In 2015, 36-year-old Yuan Yi married 44-year-old Bai Xue. At the wedding, Bai Xue wore a sparkling diamond ring and a happy smile on her face.

At this moment, she finally found the true support in her life, someone who could appreciate all of her.

Life after marriage is as sweet as a honeymoon.

Yuan Yi was more considerate of Bai Xue, and the two bought a luxury villa in Sanya, often taking their families on vacation.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

Yuan Yi not only takes care of Bai Xue, but also establishes a deep relationship with his stepson An An.

With the support of Yuan Yi, Bai Xue rededicated herself to the music career and tried to break through different genres.

At the same time, she also cultivated a hobby of painting, recording the beauty of life with a brush.

Once, she painted a picture of his favorite musical instrument for Yuan Yi, and Yuan Yi was deeply moved by this heartfelt gift.

Today's Bai Xue, although he is 47 years old, still maintains an enviable appearance and vitality.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

She knows that all this stems from her husband's careful care and positive attitude towards life.


The story of Bai Xue and Gengai teaches us that true love should not be bound by age.

When two souls are compatible, the external conditions become insignificant.

More importantly, this experience made Bai Xue understand that women should have their own careers and pursuits, and only in this way can they maintain independence and dignity in marriage.

Yuan Yi: Married 44-year-old Bai Xue at the age of 36, drove a luxury car, lived in a luxury house and lived a happy life

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