
The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

In Beijing, a city full of opportunities and challenges, a young man named Jing Chao is staging a realistic version of an inspirational story. In 2010, this fresh graduate of Beijing Film Academy could only rely on two simple mapo tofu meals a day to satisfy his stomach.

However, who would have thought that just four years later, he would marry the well-known actress Li Lin, who is 8 years older than him? What is even more surprising is that at the beginning of their marriage, the couple was so poor that they needed to sell their jobs to make ends meet.

But a turning point of fate is quietly coming - how will Jingchao get rid of the label of "soft rice man" and become a star in the limelight? How did this couple, who crossed the age gap, work together to get through the trough of life and finally reap sweet happiness? Let's unveil this romantic legend of ups and downs.

In 2010, the drama "Beautiful Housewife" became the starting point of the love affair between Jingchao and Li Lin. At that time, Jingchao was still an unknown graduate of Beiying, and Li Lin was already a well-known actor in the circle.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

The 8-year age gap between the two, coupled with Li Lin's marriage experience and a lovely daughter, should have made this relationship stop at ordinary colleague relationships.

However, fate arranged an unexpected encounter for them.

When they met for the first time, Jingchao's heart was full of excitement. Although he is in an economic predicament, barely living on the 2,000 yuan a month from his parents, and even the rent is unsustainable, the spark of love makes this young man extraordinarily attentive and considerate.

Knowing that Li Lin loves salmon, he saves money just to buy a small piece of expensive fish for his sweetheart. Every time I buy this delicacy worth more than 70 yuan, it is undoubtedly a luxury for Jing Chao, who can only rely on two meals of mapo tofu every day.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

However, Jingchao's creativity and intentions did not stop there. When the economy was really unable to support it, he had an idea and brought his own cauldron to the crew to cook nutritious soup for Li Lin.

In order to avoid Li Lin's embarrassment, he thoughtfully prepared delicious soup for the entire crew, and secretly cared for his favorite goddess.

Li Lin was deeply moved by Jing Chao's sincere actions, but she still had doubts in her heart. After all, she is a single mother, and Jingchao is still a "poor boy" whose career has not started.

Li Lin's friends advised one after another: "Don't be in a hurry to talk about marriage, observe him carefully." These suggestions put Li Lin in a dilemma.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

However, as time passed, Li Lin gradually realized Jingchao's deep friendship for her. During their second work together, their relationship quickly warmed up and they eventually came together.

Although the outside world labeled Jingchao as a "soft rice man", this did not shake their feelings in the slightest.

For two years, Jingchao had no drama to play, and often spent his days at home alone. In addition to the monthly living expenses sent by her parents, the rest of the expenses are borne by Li Lin. During this period, although the economy was tight, the relationship between the two grew deeper and deeper in mutual support.

They have proved with their actions that sincere feelings can cross the gap of age and economy and bloom the most beautiful flowers in difficult situations.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

Fate always seems to like to put sincere feelings to the test. In the days when Jingchao and Li Lin fell in love, a sudden change became the touchstone of their relationship.

One year, Li Lin's mother unfortunately fell seriously ill and required emergency hospitalization. Just when Li Lin was lacking skills due to her busy work, Jing Chao resolutely stepped forward and took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her mother-in-law.

Despite his own financial situation, Jingchao did not hesitate to buy a ticket to the hospital. He carefully arranged hospitalization matters, waited in the ward day and night, and explained what responsibility and responsibility are with his actions.

When Li Lin's mother needed to be transferred to Shanghai, Jingchao was even more devoted. He guards the sickbed every day and takes care of him meticulously.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

What is touching is that after Jingchao's parents learned about the incident, they also frequently visited Li Lin's mother in the hospital. Their enthusiasm and care made Li Lin deeply feel the warmth of this family.

What moved Li Lin the most was that on the surgical consent form, it was Jing Chao who solemnly signed his name. At this moment, she completely understood that the man in front of her, who was 8 years younger than herself, had maturity and responsibility far beyond her age.

This incident made all Li Lin's doubts about Jingchao disappear. She saw a partner who was genuinely willing to get through the difficult times with her. When Jingchao proposed to her again, Li Lin nodded and agreed without hesitation.

In 2014, with the blessings of relatives and friends, Jing Chao and Li Lin entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. This young man, who was once labeled as a "soft rice man" by the outside world, has won the heart of his beloved woman with sincere feelings and practical actions, and has also won the respect of others.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

Looking back on this experience from acquaintance to a lifetime together, the story of Jing Chao and Li Lin tells us that sincere feelings can cross the gap of age and experience.

In their world, love knows no size, only sincerity and dedication. It has been proved by super actions that he is not a "soft rice man" who is greedy for comfort, but a real man who is willing to take responsibility for love.

The union of this couple is not only the fit of two hearts, but also the integration of two families. Jingchao's parents' tolerance and acceptance of Li Lin, and Li Lin's trust and support for Jingchao, have laid a solid foundation for this love that spans ages.

They used practical actions to interpret the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son".

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

Although the palace of marriage is sacred, the test of reality often comes unexpectedly. Jing Chao and Li Lin's newlywed life is not as beautiful as a fairy tale, but full of hardships and challenges.

On the wedding day, Jing Chao bought a ring with all he had, and then fell into financial difficulties. The couple can only rent a cottage with a monthly rent of 3,000 yuan, and this expensive rent is still borne by Li Lin alone.

The high cost of living in Beijing, coupled with the fact that Li Lin needs to raise a daughter born to her ex-husband, can imagine the financial pressure. Although Li Lin has been running around on the set, her income is not abundant.

During this period of time, Jingchao has never been able to receive the ideal role, and can only supplement his family by serving as a temporary teaching assistant at the Beijing Film Academy.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

The weight of life weighs down the newlyweds. They finally bought a small apartment in Beijing, thinking that they could live and work in peace and contentment, but they encountered an unexpected termination storm and were burdened with a large amount of liquidated damages.

After paying the down payment, they were already stretched thin. To make matters worse, there were few job opportunities during that time, and even food and clothing were a problem.

Faced with such a predicament, Jing Chao and Li Lin gritted their teeth and were reluctant to ask their parents for help. They began to sell more valuable items to make ends meet. Even a famous watch worth 50,000 yuan given by Li Lin's father had to be sold at a low price, only in exchange for 1,200 yuan.

Whenever he saw his wife's sad appearance, Jing Chao always comforted him softly: "Don't worry, one day I will buy you all your favorite bags."

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

This difficult time is undoubtedly a severe test of the relationship between the two. However, it is in the midst of such adversity that they cherish each other more and work together to overcome difficulties.

After working hard to find job opportunities, Li Lin continued to insist on her acting career. They encourage each other to face life's challenges together.

Although the outside world labeled Jingchao as a "soft rice man", he was never discouraged. On the contrary, this arduous experience sparked endless potential and motivation within him.

Li Lin has never lost confidence in Jingchao due to financial difficulties, and she stands firmly by her husband's side to give the greatest support and understanding.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

The couple used practical actions to explain what it means to "share weal and woe". Their stories teach us that true love is not only in sweet and romantic moments, but also in supporting each other in difficult times.

The marriage of Jing Chao and Li Lin, in this test of life, was not only not defeated, but became stronger. Their mutual support and perseverance have laid a solid foundation for a happy life in the future.

The encounters in life are often amazing, and just when Jing Chao and Li Lin fell into a low point in their lives, the wheel of fate quietly turned. In 2016, Jingchao ushered in a turning point in his career - he was fortunate to participate in the big production "The Legend of Ruyi" starring Huo Jianhua and Zhou Xun.

This high-profile TV series has gradually brought Jingchao into the public eye, and its popularity in the industry has also begun to rise.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

After tasting the sweetness, he cherishes every hard-won opportunity, delves into acting skills, and strives to shape every role. This perseverance and hard work finally ushered in rich returns in 2018, and Jingchao's career ushered in an explosive period.

He has starred in popular film and television works such as "Warm Strings" and "Forensic Qin Ming", and with his superb acting skills and unique charm, he has won the love of the audience, and his popularity continues to soar, and he finally ranks among the first-line stars.

In "The Legend of Ruyi", "Ling Yunche" played by Jing Chao was affectionate and introverted, which moved the audience; In "Warm Strings", the "Xiao Lu Zong" he created was gentle and considerate, which made fans fascinated.

Every role shows Jing Chao's acting skills and multi-faceted charm, which also gives him a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

As Jingchao's career flourished, the family's financial situation also improved. He is no longer the impoverished "soft rice man" he was at the beginning, but the pillar of the entire family who can support him independently.

Jingchao proved his ability with practical actions and fulfilled the promise he had made. He bought Li Lin's long-cherished luxury bag, and interpreted his sincere emotions and responsibility with practical actions.

At the same time, Li Lin also made her own choice. She gradually faded out of the entertainment industry and turned her focus to family life, becoming Jingchao's strong backing. This decision has made their relationship more harmonious and their family life more fulfilling.

Li Lin's support and dedication have provided strong support for the take-off of Jingchao's career.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

From the initial economic hardship to today's successful career, the story of Jing Chao and Li Lin is like a realistic version of an inspirational blockbuster. They have proved with their actions that as long as they stick to their dreams and support each other, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Jingchao's success is not accidental, but stems from his unremitting efforts and Li Lin's silent support. The couple used practical actions to explain what it means to share adversity and what true love is.

Today's Jingchao has become a hot star in the entertainment industry, and the relationship between him and Li Lin has become more and more mellow in the baptism of the years. Their story is not only a legend of the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, but also a touching hymn to love.

Today's Jingchao and Li Lin already have their own happy little family. Their story has become a realistic version of an inspirational blockbuster, touching countless people.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

The couple used practical actions to interpret what it means to be in love with each other and what is true love.

Looking back, they have experienced too many ups and downs together. From the age gap when they first met, to the financial difficulties after marriage, to today's happy life, every step has poured into the sincerity and sweat of the two.

Jingchao's success is not accidental, but stems from his unremitting efforts and Li Lin's silent support.

While their careers are climbing, the couple is also struggling to balance work and family. Li Lin chose to retreat behind the scenes and focus on her family, which is a wise choice shared by the two.

The "soft rice man" married a second-married girl who was 8 years older than him, and was so poor that he sold his property to live, and now he has become a star

This not only makes their relationship more harmonious, but also provides a strong backing for the development of Jingchao's career.

Their stories teach us that love and marriage need to be managed with care, trust and support for each other. As long as we work together, no matter how big the difficulties are, they will eventually pass, and happiness will eventually come as scheduled.

The experience of Jing Chao and Li Lin is not only a legend of ups and downs in the entertainment industry, but also a touching love hymn that inspires everyone with dreams.

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