
If you want orchids to sprout more, you have to know some tricks


If you want orchids to grow more sprouts, you have to know some tricks, you have to divide the orchids in a timely manner, don't crowd too much in a pot, about three or four plants are just right, so that each has a chance to grow well. Mother Lan has to be strong, eat well (use good soil), drink properly (dry and then water thoroughly), and then it will have the strength to give birth to a baby. Cut off the flowers as soon as they bloom, and don't let them steal the nutrients of the sprouts. Sometimes a gentle pinch of the attached stem can stimulate it to sprout more. Use some good fertilizer, treat the insects as soon as they come, choose the variety and soil, take care of them carefully, and the natural buds of orchids are many and healthy.

1. Understand "apical dominance" and moderate rametization

The growth of orchids follows the principle of "apical dominance", that is, the new growth center preferentially obtains nutrients and inhibits the development of other dormant buds. Timely dividing can break this limitation and create opportunities for dormant buds to germinate. Dividing not only avoids competition for nutrients in the pot, but also reduces root congestion and provides better space for new shoots to develop. In practice, reasonable division (e.g., keeping 3-4 seedlings per pot) can significantly increase the number of germination, which is a direct means to improve the germination rate.

If you want orchids to sprout more, you have to know some tricks

2. Raise strong mother plants and lay a solid foundation

A strong mother plant is a prerequisite for multiple strong seedlings. Using a nutrient-complete and balanced planting material to ensure the health of the orchid root is the first step in raising a strong orchid. The planting material should choose granular materials with good air permeability and moisturizing, and pay attention to the reasonable ratio of soft and hard planting materials to facilitate root respiration and nutrient absorption. In addition, proper dry-wet cycle (dry roots, wet germination) can effectively promote the development of the root system and provide sufficient energy support for new shoots.

3. Remove the flowers in time to retain nutrients

Orchid flowering and fruiting is an energy-intensive process that severely reduces nutrient reserves for germination. Therefore, cutting off the flower stalk in time after the flowers bloom can avoid unnecessary nutrient loss, and instead supply the growth of new shoots to ensure the germination rate, and it is better to cut off the flowers after flowering for about 7 days.

If you want orchids to sprout more, you have to know some tricks

4. Sprain the pseudobulb and activate the regenerative ability

Seedling division is not only to solve the space problem, but also to stimulate the regeneration mechanism of old seedlings by slightly spraining the junction of two false bulbs, which is somewhat similar to seedling division. This practice can encourage old seedlings and new seedlings to sprout separately without completely cutting off nutrient transport, so as to realize the renewal and expansion of the whole community.

5. Scientific fertilization and water management

Although orchids like thin fertilizers, in the germination season (late spring, early summer and autumn), an appropriate amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and comprehensive nutrient solution can significantly improve the germination power. At the same time, following the principle of "dry and long roots, wet germination", and giving sufficient water in a timely manner is the key to promoting the germination of new shoots. Remember to water thoroughly every time you water to ensure that the root system absorbs enough water.

If you want orchids to sprout more, you have to know some tricks

6. Prevent insects and diseases, protect new life

Pests are the enemy of orchids. Spider mites, nematodes, snails and scale insects all directly affect the formation and growth of new shoots. Regular use of appropriate pesticides and strict quarantine of newly purchased plants are important measures to prevent the spread of pests and diseases.

7. Preferred varieties and planting materials

Choosing varieties with a high germination rate and ensuring that the selected seedlings are healthy and free of pests and diseases is the first step to success. Soft planting materials are the first choice for many orchid lovers due to their excellent rooting and budding ability, but the key is to master the right watering techniques and avoid overdoing or underwatering.

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