
The charm of lilies: a designer's feelings for raising flowers

author:Sister Na's witty words

In a quiet corner of Changsha, Hunan Province, a 25-year-old young designer is different from ordinary people in that his hobby is not to linger in the bustling nightlife or to indulge in the virtual online world, but to raise flowers – especially lilies.

The charm of lilies: a designer's feelings for raising flowers

His home is like a kingdom of lilies. Walking into the yard, more than 30 varieties of lilies bloom one after another, they are either as white as snow, or pink as the glow, or bright red as fire, one by one, clusters, as if they are the colors carefully arranged by nature, and the beauty is breathtaking.

The charm of lilies: a designer's feelings for raising flowers

And this designer is the guardian of this lily kingdom. His love for lilies is almost to the point of obsession. Under his careful care, these lilies not only grow luxuriantly, but also bloom exceptionally beautifully, with a fragrance that makes people linger.

The charm of lilies: a designer's feelings for raising flowers

The varieties he chose were all Oriental double-petaled lilies. This lily is known for its large flowers, delicate flower shape, and strong aroma. Whenever the flowers are in full bloom, the layers of petals, like the skirt of a fairy, are light and elegant; And the rich aroma is even more intoxicating, and I can't extricate myself for a long time.

The designer tells us that he loves lilies so much because of their elegance, purity and tenacity. "Although lilies may look delicate, they have a tenacious vitality," he said. No matter how harsh the environment, they can grow and bloom tenaciously. This kind of spirit is exactly what we designers need. ”

This feeling of his also infected the people around him. Whenever a friend comes to his home, he is attracted by this kingdom of lilies and is amazed. And this designer is also happy to share his experience in raising flowers, so that more people can feel the charm of lilies.

In this fast-paced society, it is easy for people to lose sight of the beauty around them. And this designer, with his love and persistence for lilies, presents us with a different world. Let us find a tranquility and beauty in our busy life.

Disclaimer: The content is taken from the Internet

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