
Just a part-time job, don't respond to negative energy

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Insights

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Just a part-time job, don't respond to negative energy

Don't consume yourself in other people's tempers, and work will go smoothly.

Just a part-time job, don't respond to negative energy

Just a part-time job, don't respond to negative energy

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Just a part-time job, don't respond to negative energy


Insight into Xinjiang Traceability Tour丨Lavender essential oil, rose hydrosol, sleeping mask...... The light of domestic products, pure natural raw materials, skin care and skin nourishment! Book a live broadcast to take you to visit the hometown of lavender in China!

Sartre, a philosopher, wrote a story called "Confinement".

Three people who have been imprisoned, waiting to go to hell.

While waiting, they complained and accused each other of slander.

Gradually, all three of them suffered from the complaints and evaluations of others.

Suddenly they realized that they didn't have to go to hell, they were already in hell.

Isn't this scene familiar?

Colleagues sigh in your ear all day long, and you are depressed.

The leader criticizes you for nothing, and you get into serious internal strife.

That's why Sartre said that others are hell.

Many people complain that they are tired at work, often not because of the work itself, but because they absorb too much negative energy from others in getting along with others.

Just a part-time job, don't respond to negative energy


Gary Smale, a psychologist at the University of Los Angeles, has proposed a concept of "emotional pollution".

A person who is in a happy mood will also become depressed after getting along with a person with a sad face for a long time.

These people who like to complain, like an emotional black hole, secretly suck your energy.

Blogger @王晓丽 works in a publishing house, mainly responsible for planning topic selection, manuscript review, and coordinating the publication process.

Next to her sat a colleague who was very complaining.

Because of the impact of the epidemic and the impact of e-books, publishing houses have had a hard time in recent years.

This colleague is very negative and worries about his future all day long.

In addition, she is a proofreading editor, she has to check the text and punctuation, the work is trivial and boring, and she will be scolded by the leader if she makes mistakes, and she complains from time to time about how torturous the work is and how mean the leader is.

Because the workstations are adjacent, Wang Xiaoli will respond to a few words and listen to her complaints.

After listening to it for a long time, Wang Xiaoli also became negative, like a sister-in-law of Xianglin, and followed to vent her bitterness and vent all kinds of dissatisfaction.

In fact, she used to like working in a publishing house very much, and she was full of energy when she went to work and never complained.

Later, the head of the department talked to her and asked her why she had been so negative lately.

At this time, she realized that something was wrong, and immediately distanced herself from her colleagues and focused only on her work.

Energy is a precious resource.

If a person tries to respond to other people's complaints, he or she will become resentful and decadent.

And because of the focus on complaining about the boss's strange problems, colleagues are not easy to get along with, and the industry prospects are too poor, it is difficult to grow in ability.

A study done by the University of Frankfurt showed that people's energy will influence and transform each other, and negative energy is often more efficient.

If you study well for three years and study badly for three days, once you get close to the negative energy, you will be unconsciously pulled, pulled, and fall down quickly.

Cultivating shielding power and not being responsible for other people's emotions is the greatest achievement for oneself.

Just a part-time job, don't respond to negative energy


Drew Foster is Harvard's only female principal in more than 400 years.

At the opening ceremony, she warned the students that one of the great challenges of life is to block out the nonsense of the outside world.

When Foster became president of Harvard, he attracted a tidal wave of malicious slander.

At that time, there were thousands of articles criticizing Foster, saying that female principals were "not in the stream" and "incompetent".

Foster just said lightly: I am not the female principal of Harvard, but the president of Harvard.

She is not swayed by the criticism of the outside world and presides over the business of the school wholeheartedly.

When Foster stepped down, the Board of Trustees praised her as one of Harvard's greatest presidents.

At work, no matter what position you are in or how much salary you get, someone will pick on your thorns and give you a bad review.

If you speak harshly and choke on bad words, you will often not be able to dissipate your anger, but will make yourself tired of parrying.

A truly powerful person does not win or lose in words, but only sees the truth under his hands.

Writer Li Juan once worked in a workshop in Urumqi.

She has to work for more than ten hours a day, but because of her slow work, she is not treated well by the boss.

Therefore, the proprietress often humiliates Li Juan in public.

Li Juan never argued, she worked hard while pondering how to improve work efficiency, and finally became a "model worker" among employees.

At this moment, the proprietress smiled happily, and her attitude towards her changed one hundred and eighty degrees.

Don't respond to other people's malice, it is a pattern, but also a kind of wisdom.

is like what director Fan Xiaochun said: If you do one thing seriously, you will explain everything.

What kind of person you are is that never in someone else's mouth.

The workplace is complex, and all kinds of twists and turns can be tiring and heartbreaking.

But the workplace is also very simple, as long as you do your job well, the malice will be eliminated, and the applause will return.

Just a part-time job, don't respond to negative energy


Zhang Liuzhen, author of the best-selling book "The Joys and Sorrows of Work", shared her personal experience.

During a meeting, she had a heated argument with the purchasing manager over the project node, and the two lost their temper.

A few days later, she has to process a supplier's rating.

Colleagues suggested that she consult with Mr. Chen from the purchasing department, as he was familiar with the entire evaluation process.

However, after learning that Mr. Chen was the purchasing manager who quarreled with him that day, Zhang Liuzhenning was still angry and chose to deal with the information he had never been in contact with alone.

As a result, the information could have been completed in two hours, but because she was not familiar with the business, she was busy for half a week.

I finally finished the materials, but the result was either missing a signature, or the format was wrong, and finally I was named and criticized by the leader.

She realized that letting emotions flood will not only affect people, but also things.

At work, there are different personalities and different positions, and when dealing with people, there are always some bumps.

It's normal for your boss to lose his temper with you and for your colleagues to get into trouble with you.

In the confrontation with the anger of others, it is ourselves who will be punished in the end, and we might as well learn to separate personnel and focus on work.

Cui Huang, Wu's investment partner, said one thing.

When she was in her former company, her team recruited two interns with similar resumes.

Once, Cui Huang's team was at the bottom of the performance, and the boss pulled everyone into the conference room to criticize him.

Afterwards, Intern A felt that he was just a little minion, and this time he was completely angry with him.

The more she thought about it, the worse her mood became, and that whole day was like a lit cannonball, and she talked to everyone with anger.

Intern B is different.

She didn't care about what grievances she suffered, but worked hard to review the experience of this failure, and gradually summed up her own set of work processes.

In the next month's performance indicators, he made a lot of efforts for Cui Huang.

Three years later, A is still a screw in the office, but B has grown into a small leader in his own right.

Later, Cui Huang left his job and planned to start his own business, so he invited B to be his partner and established his own brand.

Not responding to other people's temper is not giving in, it is being responsible for yourself.

I agree with such a passage: the leader scolded you, and if you remember it for two days, he scolded you for two days; If you remember a year, he will rebuke you for a year; If you remember it until you die, then this person will scold you for the rest of your life.

We work to earn money and gain experience, and no one has the right to make us indignant.

When you learn not to consume yourself in other people's tempers, work will go smoothly.

Amy Cady said in a TED talk that only those who put on "high-energy postures" can win in the end.

How can I maintain a high-energy pose?

To put it bluntly, it is not allowing anyone's negative energy to interfere with our magnetic field.